
  • 网络Fiesta;ford fiesta;Ford Festiva
  1. 福特嘉年华告诉我们,小型车跑动起来之后也可以很安静很平稳,它操作便捷,非常省油,价格又不是很贵。

    The Fiesta shows that a small car can run quietly and smoothly , with nimble handling and high fuel economy , without becoming too expensive .

  2. 发放优厚补贴的热潮吸引了大批司机,比如在一家国际电信公司担任系统分析员的杰基(Jacky)。他最近开始成为优步的兼职司机,在上海开着自己的福特嘉年华(FordFiesta)赚外快。

    The spending spree has attracted droves of drivers like Jacky , a systems analyst at an international telecommunications company , who recently began moonlighting for Uber with his Ford Fiesta in Shanghai .

  3. 你租了福特嘉年华。

    You 'll be renting a Ford Festivas .

  4. 来自西米德兰郡蒂普顿镇的司机马丁?比尔德现年32岁,去年七月的时候他因为偷瞄一个站在酒吧外的女孩,结果报销了他的福特嘉年华。

    Driver Martyn Beard , 32 , from Tipton , West Mids . , wrote off his Ford Fiesta last July when he ogled a girl outside a pub .

  5. 多数家庭拥有一辆福特“嘉年华”,不过现在越来越多的家庭拥有两辆车。

    As a family we are most likely to have a Fiesta , however increasingly there are two cars on the drive .

  6. “美”中文是“美丽”的意思。对福特而言,“美”就是20多岁,大学毕业的城市单身女性。她们是福特嘉年华(Fiesta)车型在中国目标市场的主要用户群。

    To Ford , Mei , which means'beautiful'in Chinese , represents the twenty-something , college-educated single urban females who form the bull 's eye in Ford 's target market here for its Fiesta model .