
  • 网络KUGA;ford escape;ford
  1. 像福特翼虎(Escape)和雪佛兰英帕拉(Impala)等车型,它们的设计蓝本还是基于十多年前的设计。

    Indeed , some models like the Ford Escape and Chevrolet Impala are based on designs that are more than a decade old .

  2. 今年晚些时候,随着MKC车型投放市场,预计林肯汽车销量将实现增长。林肯MKC是一款小型跨界车,以福特翼虎(Escape)(在中国被称为六和(Kuga))为蓝本开发,但外形不同。

    Later this year , the brand 's sales should jump as it begins selling the MKC , a small crossover built on the same underpinnings as the Ford Escape -- known as the Kuga in China -- but with a different look .

  3. 今年,消费者将购买30万辆本田(Honda)CRV和福特翼虎(Escape),以及20万台丰田RAV4。

    Consumers are on a pace to buy 300,000 Honda CR-Vs and Ford escapes , and 200,000 Toyota rav4s this year .

  4. 象丰田普锐斯和福特翼虎这样的混合动力车使用的镍金属氢化物电池比锂离子电池系统要大,后者能把更多的电能封存在一个更小的空间内。

    Hybrids such as the Toyota Prius and Ford Escape use nickel-metal hydride batteries that are larger than lithium ion systems , the latter of which can pack more electric power into a smaller space .