
  • 网络Ford Explorer;Expedition;FordExplorer
  1. 我想尽可能开的时间长一点,康诺利说。他正在饭店外招待邻居和老顾客,音乐声从他停在路边的福特探险者的车窗里传出来。

    I want to keep the place open as long as I can , said connolly , presiding over a dozen neighbours and regulars outside his restaurant and entertaining them with music through the open window of his Ford expedition , parked at a curb nearby .

  2. 福特的探险者是人们用来以旧换新的最热门型号,其次是福特的F150小货车和克莱斯勒的大切诺基吉普。

    Ford 's Explorer was the most popular trade-in vehicle , followed by Ford 's F150 pickup and Chrysler 's Jeep Grand Cherokee .