
  • 网络Fu culture
  1. 介绍了中华福文化精髓,通过对文化模因现象的探析来阐释福文化的传播与发展。

    This paper introduces the quintessence of Chinese " Fu culture " and tries to expound its spread and development by probing into the cultural meme phenomenon .

  2. 中国传统福文化是中华民族文化的重要组成部分,中华大文化的分支,是中华大文化的根本和归宿。

    The Blessing culture is a Chinese traditional culture , it is an important part of Chinese culture , it is a large branch of Chinese culture and the root of Chinese culture .

  3. RachelHuxley和武阳丰指出,中国也要对抗变化的食谱、过于久坐的生活习惯和“肥胖是福”的文化来遏制肥胖发展。

    China must confront changing diets , more sedentary lives , and a'plump is prosperous'culture to halt obesity , say Rachel Huxley and Yangfeng Wu .