
  • 网络reference climatological station
  1. 贵州省兴仁是国家基准气候站,观测资料较长,对贵州西南片区有较好的代表性。

    The climate data of Xingren Meteorological Station , one of the norm meteorological station of China , in which accumulated a lot of climate data during a long period , are more typical of the weather evolution in southwest Guizhou Province .

  2. 确因实施城市规划或者国家重点工程建设,需要迁移国家基准气候站、基本气象站的,应当报经国务院气象主管机构批准;

    Where it is definitely necessary to relocate any national reference climatological stations or basic synoptic stations for the implementation of city planning or the construction of key national projects , the matter shall be subject to approval by the competent meteorological department under the state council .