
  • 网络Anhua County
  1. 安化县是湖南省重点林区县之一,自然条件优越。

    Anhua is one of the key forestry counties in Hunan province .

  2. 湖南省安化县特色农业与旅游扶贫

    The special agriculture and PPT of Anhua County Hunan Province

  3. 安化县耕地土壤肥力特征及耕地地力评价研究

    Characteristics of Soil Fertility and Evaluation of Land Capability in Plowland of Anhua County

  4. 安化县位于湖南中部偏北,安化方言属于湘语。

    Anhua county lies in the mid-north part of Hunan . Anhua dialect belongs to Xiang dialect .

  5. 安化县位于湘中偏北,地域古称梅山。

    An Hua county , known as Mei Shan in ancient times , lies in the central-north part of Hunan Province .

  6. 简单介绍了安化县、东坪镇的地理人口、历史沿革、语言状况以及发音合作人的情况。

    This part introduces Anhua county and Dongping town 's location , populations , historical course , situation of language being used and the condition of major informants .

  7. 梅城镇位于安化县东南边陲,是宋朝建炎四年(1130)至公元1951年安化县的县治。

    Mei Cheng , located at the southeast part of An Hua County , had been the county-seat from the Fourth year of Jian Yan Reign ( A. D.1130 ) to the year 1951 .