
  • 网络Anren County
  1. 安仁县322例居民心血管疾病及其危险因素

    Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Factors of 322 Residents in Anren County

  2. 结论湖南省安仁县结核控制项目取得了显著成效。

    Conclusion Anren County gets a significant effect in TB Control Project .

  3. 结论安仁县中小学教师HBsAg阳性率高,属高发人群,乡镇和乡村教师高于县城教师。

    Conclusion The HBsAg positive rate of the teachers was high .

  4. 湖南省安仁县2004-2005年恶性肿瘤死亡回顾调查

    Retrospective Investigation on Malignant Tumors Deaths in Anren County from 2004 to 2005

  5. 湖南省安仁县1990~2000年儿童先天性疝气发病率分析

    An Analysis of Incidence of Congenial Hernia During 1990 ~ 2000 in Anren County

  6. 湖南省安仁县1962~2001年流行性乙型脑炎流行病学分析

    An Analysis of Epidemiology of Japanese Encephalitis During 1962 ~ 2001 in Anren County

  7. 湖南省安仁县1994~2001年实施世行贷款结核病控制项目效果分析

    An Analysis of Effects of TB Control Project Loaned by World Bank During 1994 ~ 2001 in Anren County

  8. 湖南省安仁县1990~2001年出生儿童非综合征性唇腭裂发病率分析

    Incidence of nonsyndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate during 1990 ~ 2001 in Anren county of Hunan province

  9. 在此基础上统计各类林地数据,对安仁县林地保护利用数据进行合理规划。

    Subsequently we analyze the statistics of various types of woodland to rationally plan the protection and utilization of woodland in Anren County .

  10. 通过对叠加后的结果分析,表明安仁县人口与经济发展符合人口场的分布和传播。

    From the analysis of the graphics can be drawn Anren County population and economic development in line with the electric distribution and transmission .

  11. 结论安仁县先天性心脏病的发病率较低,但呈上升趋势,男女发病率差异有显著性。

    Conclusion The congenital heart disease incidence in Anren County was lower as compared with the national data , but showed to be increasing during the observation period , and with significant sex differences .

  12. 认为安仁县应该从控制人口数量、提高人口素质,优化人口产业结构、合理安排人口资源、加快城市化进程等方面来实现人口与经济的协调发展。

    Anren County should be from the population growth under control , improving population quality , optimizing the industrial structure , population , resources and reasonable arrangements to speed up the process of urbanization , and other aspects of the population to achieve coordinated economic development .

  13. 安仁方言属于赣方言的一种次方言,主要通行于安仁县内,流通范围不广,使用人口也不多。

    Anren dialect belongs to a kind of Gan dialect , principally spoken in Anren , the distribution is not wide , and the use of population is not much .