
  • 网络An easy life;Stormy DanielsKaylani Lei;the life of Riley;EASY LIVING
  1. 他们实在是过惯了家里的安逸生活。

    They had got too used to the soft life at home .

  2. 人民想要的是一个能为他们提供安逸生活的政府;而政府将此作为首要目标后,自由、独立和责任的观念就被忽视了,甚至即将就此消失。

    What the people wanted was a government which would provide a comfortable life for them ; and with this as the primary object , ideas of freedom and self-reliance and responsibility were neglected to the point of disappearing .

  3. 职业人士的生活十分忙碌,而骄傲自满的人贪图安逸生活。

    Acareer man lives a busy life . A conceited man leads an easy one .

  4. 我所说的“新型安逸生活”

    The " new better off , " as I 've come to call it ,

  5. 年轻意味着战胜胆怯的勇气和放弃安逸生活的冒险精神。

    Youth means courage over shyness and the adventurous spirit of deserting the love of ease .

  6. 但她们对美国和我安逸生活的理想化看法让我很困惑。

    Still , their idealistic views about America and the ease of my life perplexed me .

  7. 他用欢快的色彩描述了加尔各答社会学者的快乐与安逸生活。

    He described in bright colours the happy and easy life of scholars in Calcutta society .

  8. 现在,西方社会的安逸生活已开始暴露其有害的一面

    Today , well-being in the life of Western society has begun to reveal its pernicious mask

  9. 在街上的流浪汉阿拉丁爱上了茉莉公主,一位厌烦了安逸生活的苏丹国公主。

    A street urchin named Aladdin falls in love with Princess Jasmine , who is sick of her sheltered life .

  10. 他们希望员工是有抱负、有自觉性的人,而不是仅仅寻求安逸生活的员工。

    They want staff to be ambitious , driven self-starters , not people who are just looking for an easy life .

  11. 我国商业银行业的市场结构与绩效之间的相互关系及现状可能更适合用安逸生活假说进行解释。

    It seems the relationship between market structure and performance of Chinese commercial banks fits " quite life " hypothesis . 2 .

  12. 只有统一才能使中部变强大,才能让中部的百姓过上几十年来梦寐以求的安逸生活。

    Only joining them up can make them strong , and give their people the easy life they desperately want for decades of years .

  13. 中产阶级是社会中已经过上安逸生活、脱离了穷苦大众的一个小群体。

    The middle classes represent a small segment of society that has been able to enjoy comfortable lifestyles , setting it worlds apart from the impoverished masses .

  14. 其实我真正要说的是,或许你现在的信心不是建立在耶稣或是圣经之上的,而是建立在你的安逸生活上,或是建立在仅为你的文化所认同的层面上。

    What I am saying is that maybe the faith you have is not based on Jesus or the Bible , but rather on your own comfort or what culture has deemed acceptable .

  15. 我一直走得两腿发软,躺下来,在某个地方死去,终于走到一个永恒的、享受安逸生活的环境,那里既无悲伤、亦无太息!

    And I shall go on till my legs give way under me and I lie down and die somewhere , and reach at last that quiet , eternal haven , where is neither sorrow nor sighing !

  16. 当世界上的其他地区似乎敞开胸怀接纳浮华和崭新事物之时,令这个四个世纪的英国自治领引以为豪的是其几乎没有严重罪行、没有偷拍记者、没有所得税的安逸生活。

    Whereas the rest of the world seems to be opening its door to glitz and brand new , Bermuda , a self-governing British territory for four centuries , prides itself on a sheltered life with virtually no serious crime , no paparazzi and no income tax .

  17. 她一直没有过上过安逸的生活。

    She has not had an easy life .

  18. 她过着安逸的生活。

    She lived a life of ease .

  19. 想过安逸的生活不过是人的本性。

    It 's only human nature to want a comfortable life .

  20. 史密斯一家现在过着比较安逸的生活。

    The Smiths are now living in relative comfort .

  21. 布赖恩?马克南(BrianMcKenna)原在阿姆斯特丹(Amsterdam)当厨师以及夜总会老板,有人请他到北京工作后,他舒适安逸的生活被打破了。

    Brian McKenna was comfortable in his life as a chef and club owner in Amsterdam until he was offered the chance to work in Beijing .

  22. 安逸的生活会使人变得不思进取。

    A life of easy leisure makes a man less adventurous .

  23. 大量的金钱使她过上了安逸的生活。

    Large amount of money provides her a life of ease .

  24. 我的父母退休了,现在过着安逸的生活。

    My parents are retired and now live a life of ease .

  25. 那时的学生们过着舒适安逸的生活。

    Students in those days lived the life of riley .

  26. 我现在住在城市里,过着舒适安逸的生活。

    I 'm now living in town and have a cozy life .

  27. 河里的鱼已经安逸的生活了太久了。

    Its occupants have been left in peace too long .

  28. 安逸的生活已使丹麦军队变得软弱无力。

    And a life of ease had made them soft .

  29. 的确,我曾很想摆脱我安逸的生活,

    Sure , I had wanted to get outside of my comfort zone ,

  30. 空虚与安逸的生活我是无法适应的。

    Actually , I am not accustomed with the emptiness and carefree life .