
  • 网络Tuanjie
  1. 团结村还有许多人谈到,要为了生计离开此地,到景洪市打短工。

    Many others in Tuanjie spoke of plans to leave and take jobs as day laborers in Jinghong to make ends meet .

  2. 在结古镇团结村,救援人员在当地的寺院中分发毛毯,但他们表示,高海拔的地形限制了他们空投食物的能力。

    In Tuanjie village , outside Gyegu , relief workers distributed blankets at the local monastery but said the high altitude is limiting their ability to fly in food .

  3. 中国景洪——在中国西南地区云南省景洪市的山丘上,有一座务农的村庄叫团结村,村里几乎每户人家都住在两三层高的水泥楼房里。这一栋栋房屋见证了当年因出产天然橡胶而带来的繁荣景象。

    JINGHONG , China - In the farming village of Tuanjie , in the hills above Jinghong , in southwest Yunnan Province , nearly every family lives in a two - or three-story concrete house , testament to a prosperity built during the boom years for natural rubber production .