
tuán tǐ
  • group;organization;community;body;team;connection;public body
团体 [tuán tǐ]
  • [organization;group;connection;team;public body] 为一个共同的目的、利益或娱乐而联合或正式组织起来的一群人

团体[tuán tǐ]
  1. 他参加了一个革命团体。

    He joined a revolutionary organization .

  2. 第十一条中国红十字会总会具有社会团体法人资格;

    Article 11 The All-China Federation of the Red Cross Societies shall have the status of legal person as a social organization ;

  3. 1983年慈善团体均免付税款。

    In 1983 , charities were exempted from paying the tax .

  4. 当地居民团体已联合起来反对这项计划。

    Local resident groups have united in opposition to the plan .

  5. 他们的儿子离家出走,加入了一个异教团体。

    Their son ran away from home and joined a cult .

  6. 接受询问的人大多数都属于某个宗教团体。

    The majority of people questioned affiliated themselves with a religious group .

  7. 这个慈善团体的工作人员完全是自愿性质的。

    The charity is run on a purely voluntary basis .

  8. 他支持这个团体,并在翻领上佩戴它的徽章。

    He supports the group and wears its pin on his lapel .

  9. 所有团体一律有权得到这笔款项。

    All groups are entitled to this money without distinction .

  10. 本法律既适用于个人也适用于法人团体。

    The law applies to both individuals and corporate bodies .

  11. 这一团体结束在伦敦的演出后,将到全国各地巡回演出。

    The show will tour the provinces after it closes in London .

  12. 这个团体准备请求议会修改法律。

    The group intends to petition Parliament for reform of the law .

  13. 该团体不隶属任何政党。

    The group is not affiliated to any political party .

  14. 这个团体断然拒绝与政府进行任何谈判。

    The group rejects outright any negotiations with the government .

  15. 该团体不支持使用暴力。

    The group does not advocate the use of violence .

  16. 那个团体被指控对年轻成员洗脑。

    The group is accused of brainwashing its young members .

  17. 俱乐部的宗旨是促进团体内部的关系。

    The club 's aim is to foster better relations within the community .

  18. 这些团体的领导人是任意挑选的。

    The leaders of the groups were chosen arbitrarily .

  19. 该剧院给团体票打折。

    The theatre gives discounts for block bookings .

  20. 任何社会团体都容易出现关系紧张和性格冲突。

    There are likely to be tensions and personality clashes in any social group .

  21. 剧场给十人以上的团体打折10%。

    The theatre gives a 10 % discount to parties of more than ten .

  22. 他收到了右翼团体的死亡恐吓。

    He received death threats from right-wing groups .

  23. 这个决定受到了环保团体的批评。

    The decision was criticized by environmental groups .

  24. 这个团体放弃一切尘世财物。

    The group forswears all worldly possessions .

  25. 英国广播公司为法人团体。

    The BBC is a corporate body .

  26. 有关团体将有三个月的时间提出他们对新开发项目的看法。

    Interested groups will be given three months to give their views on the new development .

  27. 我们正寻找愿意协助该团体工作的人。

    We are looking for people who would be willing to assist in the group 's work .

  28. 这个慈善团体不以营利为目的。

    The charity is non-profit-making .

  29. 这家公司因用狗做药物试验而成为动物保护团体批评的对象。

    The company has been targeted by animal rights groups for its use of dogs in drugs trials .

  30. 我给慈善团体和商业机构写了几百封求助信。

    I wrote hundreds of begging letters to charities and businesses .