
  • 网络Team Travel;mass tourism
  1. 元旦春节假期期间,依旧不允许旅行社及在线旅游企业出入境团队旅游及“机票+酒店”业务。

    During the New Year and Spring Festival holidays , travel agencies and online travel service providers will remain forbidden from offering inbound and outbound group tours and travel packages including flight tickets and hotels .

  2. 散客旅游与团队旅游的区别是什么?

    What are the differences between F.I.T travel and group travel ?

  3. 团队旅游的中间平台是旅行社;

    The platform of group travel is the travel agent ;

  4. 在团队旅游中,游客管理常常是一个重要而烦恼的问题。

    Management of tourists is an important and puzzling problem in group traveling .

  5. 基于服务管理角度的团队旅游干预行为的预防和控制

    The Prevention and Control of Tourist Group Intervention : From the View of Service Management

  6. 同时,依靠向退休人员和旅行新手销售团队旅游产品,传统的旅行社仍旧维持着良好的业绩。

    Meanwhile , traditional agents still do good business selling to retirees and travel greenhorns on package tours .

  7. 中国有关部门暂停全国旅行性团队旅游,以减少疫情爆发期间的旅客流量。

    Chinese authorities have suspended group tours nationwide in an effort to reduce passenger flows amid the outbreak .

  8. 行为模式中以来江西一次游的观光游览型团队旅游者居多;

    In since the behavior pattern Jiangxi has the tour team tourist by sightseeing to be in the majority ;

  9. 旅游目的地国协议可促进中国到英国的团队旅游,加强我们两国之间的联系。

    The ads agreement facilitates group tourism from China to the uk , strengthening ties between our two countries .

  10. 旅游市场大致可分为三块:团队旅游、商务旅游和自助游。

    Tourism market can be broadly divided into three parts : group travel , business travel and self-service travel .

  11. 零团费旅游是一种非正常的旅游接待模式,目前在海南团队旅游中很流行。

    Zero fee tour package is a kind of abnormal traveling group reception pattern , but it is prevailing in Hainan at present .

  12. 公司多次成功接待不同规模的会议、商务考察、拓展培训及团队旅游活动。

    We have successfully organized a wide range of events , including conferences , business investigating tours , outward bound activities and group tours .

  13. 英国政府为了鼓励团队旅游来英国,现正建议引入一个有限制期限和有竞争力定价的特殊的旅游签证。

    To encourage group travel to the UK , the government is now suggesting the introduction of a specific tourist visa , which could be time-limited and competitively priced .

  14. 当然,个性化的旅游比包价旅游或团队旅游花费要贵一些,但他满足了那些负担得起的消费者的需要。

    Of course , a personalized tour is more costly than a package , or group tour , and caters to the needs of those who can afford them .

  15. 与团队旅游者相比,散客旅游者在时间、行程安排、体验活动都具有自主性、灵活性、多样性特征,这就表明散客旅游者对旅游信息具有高度关注性。

    Compared with the team tourists , individual tourists have the characteristics which are autonomy , flexibility , diversity in the time , travel arrangements and experience activities . These indicate that individual tourists are great concern about tour information .

  16. 如果你将和众多伙伴组队出游,让组里每位成员都保持积极性是有困难的。所以韦德会建议推举组里一人,为这次的团队旅游做关键性决定。

    If you 'll be traveling in a group with multiple friends , it can be hard to keep everyone motivated , which is why Wade suggests nominating one person to be the key decision maker of the group for the trip .

  17. 你喜欢单独去旅游还是跟团队去旅游?为什么?

    Do you prefer to travel alone or in a group ? Why ?

  18. 组队旅游时,如若没有提前讨论好团队的旅游安排,在抵达目的地之后,你们便会浪费许多时间来决定要做的事。

    When traveling in a group , a lot of time can be wasted trying to figure out what to do once you get there - if this hasn 't been discussed ahead of time .

  19. 海南省团队和散客旅游者的生态足迹比较研究

    Comparative Analysis of Tourism Ecological Footprint between Group Tourists and Independent Tourist in Hainan Province

  20. 此外,这项计划还包括团队任务,团队可共同旅游和工作,以加深对特定主题的了解,例如咖啡或可可农场的最佳实践。

    There are also group assignments available where teams can travel and work together to boost knowledge on a particular subject , such as best practices in coffee or cocoa farming .