
  • 网络Reunion;Unity and happiness
  1. 而且,汤圆在中国和“团圆”这个词的发音相似,代表着团团圆圆。

    What 's more , tangyuan in Chinese has a similar pronunciation with " tuanyuan ", meaning reunion .

  2. 元宵或汤圆是正月十五必吃的美食:以白糖、玫瑰、芝麻等为馅,用糯米粉包成圆形,寓意甜甜蜜蜜、团团圆圆。

    One should not miss Yuanxiao , glutinous rice dumplings , often stuffed with white sugar , rose petals , sesames and so on . The stuffing and round shape symbolize sweet life and reunion .

  3. 一辈子不容易,就图个团团圆圆。

    Life is not easy , just looking for the safety .

  4. 汤圆又称元宵,象征着一家老小团团圆圆,幸福完美。

    The traditional food of the festival is sweet dumplings , which symbolize reunion .

  5. 汤圆就像它的名字一样,团团圆圆的。

    As its name dumplings , circle round .

  6. 团圆饼,有情人团团圆圆,祝中秋快乐!

    Reunion bread , lovers round , round and round I wish a happy Mid-Autumn festival !

  7. 月饼以其不同的口味和幸福的寓意,她给中秋佳节带来欢乐祥和,家庭团团圆圆,美满幸福。

    Moon cakes with their tasty flavors and happy meanings bring out the joy of the holiday .

  8. 我们一家三口吃着白白胖胖的汤圆,真正体会到了团团圆圆的亲情。

    We are a family of three eating glowing of sweet rice balls , a real insight into the round and round affection .

  9. “头碗”的风格就是团团圆圆全家福,体现了衡阳人对和谐喜庆的美好追求。

    " For the first bowl " style that pummeled the round family , embodies the right people in Hengyang harmonious pursuit of a beautiful celebration .

  10. 美国人在感恩节中一定要合家欢聚,就像中国人过年一样,强调团团圆圆。

    Thanksgiving Day in the United States are in a family together , like the Chinese New Year as , emphasize the round and round circle circle .

  11. 又一轮美丽月亮,又一个元宵佳节,又一段幸福时光,又一次真诚祝福,祝你:团团圆圆!

    And a beautiful moon , and a Chinese Lantern Festival , a period of happiness and time once again sincere congratulations , I wish you : Troupe round !

  12. 月亮和圆形的月饼代表团团圆圆,因此中秋节又是家族团聚的日子柬各方同意参加民族和解圆桌会议

    The moon and moon cakes also show that it is a time for family reunion . Various Cambodian parties agree to participate in the round-table meeting for national reconciliation

  13. 团团圆圆要乘坐两个小时的飞机才能到达台湾。在他们的行李中,装有健康的玉米面包和新鲜的竹子。

    The two big bundles affair that make up this charm offensive departed on the two-hour trip to Taiwan , in their luggage , a healthy supply of steamed corn buns and fresh bamboo .

  14. 团圆:中秋节又叫“团圆节”,中秋节的月亮又大又圆,象征着家庭团团圆圆。

    Reunion-A big round full moon during the Mid-Autumn Festival symbolizes " all families enjoy a great happy reunion . " Consequently , the Mid-Autumn Festival is also known as the Festival of Reunion .

  15. 而且,汤圆在中国和“团圆”这个词的发音相似,代表着团团圆圆。因此人们吃汤圆会象征着家庭的团圆、和谐和快乐。

    What 's more , tangyuan in Chinese has a similar pronunciation with " tuanyuan , " meaning reunion . So people eat them to denote union , harmony and happiness for the family .

  16. 在自己的家里,喝点米酒,吃元宵,团团圆圆,听着窗外鞭炮响,老老少少很开心!

    In my own home , drinking rice wine , eating the dumplings , reunion , listening to the sound of firecrackers outside the window , the old and the young , all feel very happy !

  17. 假如天气答应,飞机将带着熊猫团团和圆圆,在周二下午2点离开。

    If weather permits , the plane will depart with the panda pair , Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan at2 pm Tuesday .

  18. 我很喜欢动物,希望下次有时间可以去看团团和圆圆!

    I really like animals and hope I have the chance to visit the pandas , Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan this year .

  19. 团团和圆圆在四川省大熊猫自然保护和研究中心雅安基地正在享用美食。

    Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan enjoy a treat at the Ya'an section of China Giant Panda Protection and Research Center in Sichuan Province .

  20. 团团和圆圆在吃完胡萝卜和熟玉米为早餐后,被关进了笼里,用一辆封闭的卡车运往成都双流机场。

    After having their breakfast-carrot and steamed corn buns , the pair were caged and carried to an enclosed truck , which will carry them to the Shuangliu Airport in Chengdu .

  21. 两只大熊猫的名字分别是团团和圆圆,合在一起巧妙地构成“团圆”,这激起了反对人士的愤怒,他们本来就在抱怨,这两只大熊猫赴台没有携带必需的出口许可证文件。

    Their names , Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan , cunningly combine to spell the word " Reunion " , angering an opposition already complaining that the black-and-white ambassadors did not come accompanied by the requisite export papers .

  22. 长荣航空公司工作人员介绍说,“团团”“圆圆”一路上表现很好,没有因不适应陌生环境而恐慌。

    A staff of the Taiwan-based Eva Airway said Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan were very well all the way and didn 't feel panic to a strange environment .

  23. 给这对熊猫取名“团团”和“圆圆”并不是巧合。

    It is no coincidence that China named the pandas Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan .

  24. 大熊猫“团团”和“圆圆”星期二从中国城市成都经过三个小时的空中旅行抵达台北。两只大熊猫的中文名字是“团圆”之意。

    " Tuan Tuan " and " Yuan Yuan " arrived in Taipei Tuesday after a three-hour flight from the southern Chinese city of Chengdu . Combined , the pandas'names mean " reunion " in Chinese .

  25. 这两只可爱的、被北京的宣传机器挑衅性地命名为“团团”和“圆圆”的大熊猫,曾被陈水扁禁止入境,他或许希望把它们命名为“走走”和“开开”。

    The cuddly duo , provocatively named the equivalent of " re " and " union " by the Beijing propaganda machine , had been refused admission by Mr Chen , who perhaps wanted to name them " bugger " and " off " .

  26. 这两只大熊猫的名字叫做“团团”和“圆圆”,两个名字合在一起是团结的意思。这对大熊猫作为友好礼物,正从成都动物园运往台湾,这标志着台湾和大陆之间的关系有所好转。

    The two giant pandas " Tuan Tuan " and " Yuan Yuan , " together their names mean " unite , " are on their way from their zoo in Chengdu to Taiwan as a goodwill gift from Beijing and a sign of improving ties between the two countries .