
  • 网络team development
  1. 凝聚力成为足球团队发展重要的因素之一。

    Cohesiveness is one of the important factors of a football team development .

  2. 团队发展的四个阶段是?

    What are the4 stages of team development ?

  3. 团队发展过程和工作过程因素。

    Factors relate to team growth process and team work process .

  4. 配备职责分明,充分激励和训练有素的员工团队发展我们的业务。

    Have team approch to our business with committed , motivated and trained employs .

  5. 他们完全工作在一起,而且已经进入团队发展的成熟期。

    They have been working together for quite sometime and are in the performing stage of Team Development .

  6. 实验采用2×2的因子设计(文本和音频×团队发展早期阶段和后期阶段)。

    Experiment adopts 2 × 2 factor design ( text and audio × early stage and later stage of virtual teams ) .

  7. 当开发团队发展到一定规模时,会越来越强调开发过程规范化和成熟度。

    The team will put more focus on the standardization and maturity of the process , when it grows into a certain scale .

  8. 当尝试去验证一个套新的系统时,团队发展系统的正确性会引起一系列目标。

    When trying to cost justify a new system , the team developing the justification will be tempted to generate a laundry list of goals .

  9. 波斯特洛斯也管理每一个机构的商业小组,包括商业发展、团队发展、财政和管理、法律、营销和门票销售和服务。

    Postolos also supervises each of the organization 's business units , including business development , corporate development , finance and administration , legal , marketing , and ticket sales and services .

  10. 由于科研团队发展的阶段性和环境的复杂性,现实中科研团队的领导风格往往是几种不同类型的综合体,对此在两个案例分析中有较为具体的呈现。

    Despite the complexity that comes with the development of research teams , leadership style presents often a synthesis of several different types , which are shown in the two case studies .

  11. 摘要从创新团队发展过程中存在的一些问题出发,阐述了高校在自上而下构建高水平创新团队时,创新团队学术带头人所应具有的素质。

    This paper starting from the problem in the course of the development of innovation teams , elaborates the qualities that an academic leader should have when universities up-down construct high level innovation teams .

  12. 获得了交叉学科团队发展路径的一般模式与主导因素影响下的交叉学科团队建设在不同时期的表现特征,并为交叉学科团队建设中存在的问题以及可行的解决方案与措施进行了归纳。

    Obtain the general pattern of the interdisciplinary team development and the performance characteristics of the interdisciplinary team under the influence of the dominant factor in different periods , finally summarized the interdisciplinary team building problems and possible solutions .

  13. 我们希望将协作社区的概念(如Internet所定义的)包含到进行资产管理的开发团队的发展中。

    We want to embrace that notion of collaborative community , as defined by the Internet , to the evolution of development teams working on asset management .

  14. 负责所属区域销售团队的发展和管理,监督下属的业绩表现。

    In charge of developing and managing team , monitor staffs'performance .

  15. 但我认为这样的人对团队的发展是有害的。

    But actually I think they really do damage to a team .

  16. 高校科研团队可持续发展与建设初探

    A Study of the Sustainable Development of Scientific Research Team in Universities

  17. 规范管理业务流程,提供销售管理数据,支持销售团队业务发展。

    Standardize management process , provide sales management data , assist in development of sales team .

  18. 发挥自己的专业特长以及全部才能,为所在单位和团队的发展做出自己的贡献。

    Play all the expertise and skills of the units for the development team and make their contribution .

  19. 在知识时代的今天,带动知识型团队良好发展的众多因素引起了学者们的广泛关注。

    In the knowledge age , many factors of making knowledge team good development arises scholars ' extensive attention .

  20. 许多民众走上征途,我们团队的发展道路上取得更好的产品供大家一视同仁。

    Many people took the journey with our development team onto the road of making a better product for everybody alike .

  21. 最后,根据团队的发展规律,对团队的建设进行了阶段划分。

    Finally it divides the process of team building into different developing stages on the basis of the developing law of a team .

  22. 第六,团队的发展过程也是企业文化形成过程,从而形成企业的核心价值。

    The sixth , the process of development teamwork same as establishing enterprise cultural process , that will gradually turns core value of enterprise .

  23. 当公司需要一个专门的团队来发展针对摩托车爱好者的新策略时,他们知道应该去哪里找。

    When the company needed a focus group for a new line of policies targeted to motorcyclists , they knew exactly where to go .

  24. 我们的计画著重于户外与传统活动课程中,均衡且健康的生活方式、领导力与团队技能发展的重要性。

    Our programs emphasize the importance of a balanced and healthy lifestyle , leadership , and team skills development in both outdoor and traditional activity classes .

  25. 在成熟阶段,团队快速发展,成果不断产生,领导者的主要职能是支持团队快速运行;

    At the autumn stage , team is running quickly , productions are coming forth , main leadership function of team leader is helping team running ;

  26. 真正使我感到快乐的,是看到自己的观点和努力对团队的发展起着明显的作用。

    And that is the real enjoyment for me , seeing my ideas and great efforts having a clear effect on the forward direction of the team .

  27. 随着团队的发展壮大,流程的部分内容可能在团队的项目主页上做了文档记录,以使新的团队成员能够迅速吸收这些内容。

    As a team grows , parts of the process may get documented on the team 's project home page so that new team members can absorb them quickly .

  28. 美国团队的发展轨迹表明,科学而有效的团队建设和管理的确能够带来相应的组织绩效的提高,但并非在所有组织中和所有情况下,团队都是万应良药。

    According to the development experience of American teams , scientific and effective team construction and management do lead to relevant increase of organization performance , but teams are not a panacea under all circumstances .

  29. 随着一个团队的发展,越来越多的人参与进来,越来越多的事情要做,这样导致了一些构件过于频繁的变动,并让日常的集成工作花费太高。

    As a team grows and there are more people and more work to do , it is often the case that some components become too volatile and the daily integration costs are too high .

  30. 广场舞内容创编的科学性、有效性是团队持久发展的主要原因;加强团队文化的建设,增强参与者之间的凝聚力,是团队发展比必可少的一部分。

    The scientific nature and effectiveness of content is the main cause of the team lasting development ; To strengthen the team culture construction , enhance the cohesive affinity of the participants are the indispensable part of team development .