
  • 网络organizational unit;Organization;organization unit
  1. HR部门负责许多不同组织单位的HR政策。

    An HR department is responsible for the HR policies of many different organizational units .

  2. “从exchange”属性页中的“默认目标”必须包含在“从windows”属性页中的某个windows组织单位中。

    The default destination on the from exchange property page must be contained in one of the windows organizational units on the from windows property page .

  3. 一个证书可能包含多个组织单位(OrganizationUnit,OU)条目。

    The certificate might contain multiple Organization Unit ( OU ) entries .

  4. 您需要从业务合作伙伴或不同的原始组织单位获得在存储库中存储外部Web服务的权限。

    You need permission from a business partner or a different unit of the originating organization to store external Web services in the repository .

  5. ABCBank决定由负责处理个人贷款的组织单位处理抵押贷款申请。

    ABC Bank has determined that the same organization unit that is responsible for processing personal loans will also process mortgage applications .

  6. T527X:把组织单位ID映射到采用支持的语言的组织名称

    T527X : Maps an organizational unit ID to its name in the supported languages

  7. 例如,作为组织单位的一部分,包括诸如DEV、TEST、QA、PROD之类的值非常有用。

    For example , it can be very useful to include values like DEV , TEST , QA , PROD , and so forth , as part of the Organizational Unit .

  8. 语块是记忆的组织单位(Newell,1990),不需要意识的努力就能在写作和交际的过程中直接提取和运用,是储存和输出的理想语料。

    In the process of writing and communication , it can be easily extracted and used without conscious efforts . Therefore , prefabricated chunk is also the ideal unit for language storage and output .

  9. 不能确定指定服务器的组织单位。

    Unable to determine the organizational unit for the specified server .

  10. 指定新组织单位的名称和描述。

    Specify a name and description for the new organizational unit .

  11. 在当前容器中创建一个新的组织单位。

    Create a new organizational unit in the current container .

  12. 无法确定当前域的组织单位。

    Cannot determine the organizational unit for the current domain .

  13. 无法检索此分区集中的所有组织单位

    Unable to retrieve all Organizational Units in this partition set

  14. 记录部署后对组织单位结构进行更改的影响因素

    Document impact considerations of changes to OU structures after deployment

  15. 指定的目标组织单位的路径大于999字符。

    The specified target organizational unit 's path is greater than 999 characters .

  16. 尤其是明清公众活动的组织单位由官方转向民间。

    The organizing unit of public activities has transferred from government to non-government .

  17. 您的组织单位名称是什么?

    What is the name of your organizational unit ?

  18. 您可以为用此模板创建的用户选择组织单位。

    You can select the organizational unit for users created with this template .

  19. 将当前选择移动到另一个组织单位。

    Moves the current selection to another organizational unit .

  20. 活动组织单位不对参赛者的作品引起的版权纠纷承担任何责任;

    We have no responsibility for any copyright disputes of your art works .

  21. 用设置计算机向导创建的计算机帐户的默认组织单位

    Default organizational unit for computer accounts created with the Set Up Computer Wizard

  22. 班级是学校教育、教学工作最基本的组织单位。

    Classes are the most essential organizational units in college education and work .

  23. 选择您的经销商所属的组织单位。

    Select the organisational unit your dealership belongs to .

  24. 您可以选择创建的计算机的组织单位。

    You can select the organizational unit for the computer you are creating .

  25. 用添加通讯组向导创建的通讯组的默认组织单位

    Default organizational unit for distribution groups created by the Add Distribution Group Wizard

  26. 租户可以表示一个客户、帐户或者任何组织单位。

    A tenant can represent a customer , account , or any organizational unit .

  27. 将显示您的组织单位的详细信息。

    The details of your organisational unit appear .

  28. 指定的组织单位无效。

    The specified organizational unit is not valid .

  29. 将替换帐户移动到指定的目标组织单位

    Move replaced accounts to specified target Organizational Unit

  30. 成熟度级别可能会随着功能、流程或组织单位不同而不同。

    Based on function , process or organizational unit , the maturity level may vary .