
  • 网络organizational supervision
  1. 我国非营利组织监督机制构建初探

    Study on Setting up System to Supervise Non-Profit Organizations

  2. 其次,招标投标已成为国际金融组织监督贷款实施的一种有效方法。

    Second , offer-bid has become an effective way in the loan implementation supervised by international financial organization .

  3. 加强组织监督和民主监督,发挥舆论监督的作用。

    We should tighten organizational and democratic supervision and give play to the supervisory function of the media .

  4. 目前,我国非营利组织监督机制存在良多急待解决的题目。

    Non-profit organization supervising mechanism embodied in the main characteristics : double management , centralized registration , restricting compentition .

  5. 论工会组织监督权力的法律依据和现实需要

    On the conditions prescribed by law and actual demand that the organization of trade union is possessed of the authority to supervise

  6. 社会监督主要包括公司员工监督、消费者监督、舆论监督以及有关社会组织监督。

    The social supervision mainly including company staff supervise , consumers supervise , the supervision by public opinion and relevant social organizations supervise .

  7. 然而,该组织监督职能的可信性,却很大程度上取决于其合法性,特别是在汇率政策、协调全球宏观经济政策调整等敏感问题方面。

    But the credibility of surveillance , particularly over such sensitive issues as exchange-rate policies and co-ordination of global macroeconomic adjustment , depends deeply on legitimacy .

  8. 同时,对于社会监督中的社会中介组织监督以及政党监督,限于篇幅本文也未作深入探讨。

    At the same time , supervisions regarding social intermediary organizations and political parties are not thoroughly discussed for the limitation of the length of this thesis .

  9. 摘要:本文除引言和结语外,共分为四个部分:第一部分主要介绍了慈善组织监督的基本理论。

    Addition to the introduction and the concluding remark , this dissertation is divided into four parts : the first part introduces the basic theory of supervision of charity organization .

  10. 第六部分,主要介绍西方国家环境非政府组织监督制度,就我国环境非政府组织监督制度不足之处分析其原因,并提出改进的方法。

    The sixth part introduces the monitoring system of Western environmental non-governmental organizations , analysis of the cause to deficiencies of monitoring system of Chinese environmental non-governmental organizations and proposes the improved methods of it .

  11. 摘要开展领导干部经济责任审计,可使审计监督和组织监督有机结合,从而促进领导干部廉洁自律,也使干部选拔任用和监督管理机制更加科学有效。

    Auditting the economic responsibility of leading cadres helps combine audit supervision with organization supervision , which will encourage the leadership to be incorruptible and self-disciplined and make the selecting and superrising system more scientific and effective .

  12. 通过对国外非营利组织监督机制经验的借鉴,提出构建及完善我国非营利组织监督机制的建议。

    The Construction of the proposed monitoring mechanism for the non-profit organizations uses foreign non-profit organizations through the experience of monitoring mechanisms . By the nonprofit organization supervision mechanism of experience to put forward our non-profit organization supervision mechanism suggestions .

  13. 第五部分借鉴西方发达国家的成功经验,在前述基础上从内部监督和外部监督两个大的方面,对如何构建我国非营利组织监督机制进行了思考。

    The last chapter , based on the analysis implemented above , considers the Western countries successful experience on developing supervision mechanism of non-profit organization , how to build supervision mechanism on non-profit organization from two aspects of internal supervision and external supervision .

  14. 当然在此过程中,还应该注意加强WTO对区域经济一体化组织的监督和协调,以引导它向更有利于提高世界福利和贸易自由化的方向发展。

    But we should also strengthen the supervision and coordination over RTAs by WTO , which will make RTAs more helpful to improve the world welfare and realize free trade in the world .

  15. 这些报告包括呈报(escalations)和审批(sign-off)报告允许组织展示监督流程的存在。

    These reports including escalations and sign-off reports enable organizations to demonstrate the existence of an oversight process .

  16. 组织和监督行业相关团体的工作。

    To organize and monitor advisory committee relevant to the industry .

  17. 这些组织负责监督学生并为学生安排接待家庭。

    These organizations are responsible for the students and placing them with host families .

  18. 二是社会中介组织的监督。社会中介组织监督具有独立性、客观性,具有很高的权威性和公正性。

    Two is supervision of society organization which has independence , objectivity and high authority .

  19. 媒体和非政府组织能监督企业和政府,看看他们是否在做他们承诺的事情。

    Media and NGOs make sure that business and government are doing what they promise .

  20. 本文主要是采用法社会学、比较法学等方法对慈善组织的监督制度进行研究。

    This paper studies such problems by adopting the methods of law sociology and comparative law .

  21. 组织并监督本班组员工工作。

    Organize and supervise team members .

  22. 接下来讨论了对慈善组织进行监督的法律理论基础和社会学理论基础。

    Then discuss the law theoretical foundation and sociology theoretical foundation of legal supervision over charity organization .

  23. 国际民航组织安全监督计划

    ICAO 's Safety Surveillance Plan

  24. 对农村组织的监督和规范应从法制和道德两方面双管齐下。

    Supervision of rural organizations and norms should be the rule of law and moral aspects of both .

  25. 社会监督对慈善组织的监督至关重要,包括大众和媒体的监督、利益相关者的监督和行业监督等。

    Social supervision is essential to the supervisory system , the supervision of interested parties and the trade supervision .

  26. 组织、监督本系统、本行业执行规定的商品价格和收费标准;

    Organize and supervise the implementation of stipulated commodity prices and service fee rates within the system and industries concerned ;

  27. 该保险公司的负责人及有关管理人员,应当在整顿组织的监督下行使自己的职权。

    The responsible members and related managing personnel of the insurance company shall perform their functions under the supervision of the overhaul organization .

  28. 在对消费者组织进行监督、管理的过程中,政府除了提供一定的经费支持外,还与之保持着良好的合作关系。

    During the process of supervision and regulation of consumer organizations , government maintain good partnership with consumer organizations besides providing some financial support .

  29. 在内幕交易监控制度方面,从机构的职权监督、自律组织的监督、社会公众的监督及市场的技术监督等方面进行评述。

    The monitor one is discussed through power supervision , self-discipline organization supervision , public supervision , technical supervision in market and so on .

  30. 第二,强化外部监督组织和监督权力的作用,依法对职务行为进行控权监督。

    Second , strengthen the external oversight organizations and the role of supervisory authority , according to the law controlling the conduct of supervision duties .