
zǔ gǎo
  • solicit contributions;commission authors to write on given topics
组稿 [zǔ gǎo]
  • [solicit contributions;comission authors to write on given topics] 编辑部组织征集稿件;约稿;编辑撰写稿件

组稿[zǔ gǎo]
  1. 高校学报组稿的思考

    Thinking about the solicit contributions of transaction of high college

  2. 缩短周期,积极组稿,提高学报学术质量

    Shorten the Publishing Period and Actively Solicit Contributions and Improve the Academic Quality of University Journals

  3. 企业科技期刊组稿三法

    Three methods of solicit contribution in enterprise science and technology periodical

  4. 科技期刊组稿与编辑的信息意识

    The Contribution Soliciting of Scientific Periodical and The Information Consciousness of Editor

  5. 编辑学理论研究&组稿机理

    Study of the edit theoretics & mechanism of organizing contributions

  6. 浅谈地震科技期刊组稿的重要性及需要注意的问题

    Importance and some problems of soliciting contributions for Seismic journals

  7. 《石油勘探与开发》的组稿与编辑运作

    Soliciting contributions and editing of the Petroleum Exploration & Development

  8. 学术讲座可为学报的组稿、约稿工作提供重要渠道;

    It can provide an important channel for soliciting contributions .

  9. 科技期刊编辑的组稿策略

    Strategies of soliciting contributions by editors for sci-tech periodicals

  10. 论学报编辑的选题组稿

    On selection Title and Handling Articles of Journal Editor

  11. 简述了企业科技期刊的前期准备工作&组稿的方法。

    The methods of solicit contribution in enterprise science and technology periodical are introduced .

  12. 组稿是学报获得高质量稿件的最佳途径。

    Paper organization is the best way to improve the quality of university journal .

  13. 浅论稿源、组稿与学报学术质量

    Discussion about sources of contributions , solicitation of contributions and the academic quality of journals

  14. 科学技术期刊的组稿方式

    Some contribution soliciting methods of sci-tech journals

  15. 传统的“等米下锅”被动组稿的方式已不能适应时代发展的要求。

    Traditional modes of treating contributions on equality basis fails to keep abreast of the times .

  16. 强化特色力创名牌&《中国机械工程》选题策划与组稿实践

    Strengthening features for creating famous brand : topic selection and paper management scheme for China Mechanical Engineering

  17. 期刊组稿样式的多样性,导致期刊组稿策划的微观复杂性。

    The diversified approaches to contributions solicitation for periodicals result in the complication of contributions solicitation planning .

  18. 针对读者自发来稿、通讯员来稿和约稿这三类稿件,介绍了等、靠、要三种不同的组稿方法,以及在应用这三种方法过程中必须注意的几个问题。

    The three methods of solicit contribution in enterprise science and technology periodical are waiting , depending and asking .

  19. 分析了影响和制约学报质量的两个关键性环节是组稿和审稿。

    The two key links that affect and control the quality of the journal are soliciting contributions and examining contributions .

  20. 校对工作是学报出版过程中不可缺少的一环,它与组稿、编辑加工、印刷、发行等组成一个有机的整体。

    Linked with soliciting contributions , editing , printing , distributing and so on , proofreading is an important part of publication .

  21. 组稿可提高学报学术质量,增强学报的学术导向作用,提高学报的学术层次地位。

    Good quality of organization can improve the quality of academic research , reinforce academic orientation and promote the influence of the journal .

  22. 科技期刊选题和组稿的质量好坏会影响期刊的内在质量,进而影响读者对期刊学术水平的认同程度。

    Selecting topics and soliciting contributions not only represent the academic level of sci-tech periodicals but also determine the degree of satisfaction for reader .

  23. 为了完善建立在组稿工作基础上的选稿工作,使组稿与选稿共同服务于办刊宗旨,还需编辑恰当发挥其主体作用。

    On the other hand , editors should take initiatives in improving organization-based manuscript selection to make it really serve the purpose of the journal .

  24. 借助现有的网络资源建立审稿专家库,进行网上组稿与网上审稿;

    Peer - review experts system should be established in virtue of present network resources , and contribution soliciting and peer - view can conduct through network .

  25. 编辑方法是反映编辑工作全过程中核心内容的方法。包括选题方法、组稿方法、审稿方法、加工方法和校对方法。

    Editing methods reveals the whole editing process and contents , including methods of topic choosing , draft compiling , draft auditing , draft processing and draft collating .

  26. 学报编辑在组稿、审稿和编辑全过程中,必须坚持政治性,突出学术性,强化创新性,提高可读性。

    The college journal edits must insist political , outstand scholarship , increase readability and enhance the creative in the whole process of a draft , review draft and edit .

  27. 一个完整的编辑过程,从策划、组稿、审稿、编辑加工到编排、装帧,都需要编辑的细节意识。

    A complete editing process , from planning , organizing contributions , going over manuscripts and editing to arranging , binding , and designing , requires the detailed consciousness of the editors .

  28. 第二部分对中美图书编辑活动主体的收入、数量比例、类型等整体状况进行了比较,然后着重对组稿编辑和编辑主任两类编辑活动主体进行了比较。

    The second part compares editors ' salary , proportion and type between the two countries , and then sums up the differences between two countries ' acquiring editors and editorial directors .

  29. 本文着重分析了网络编辑在组稿、审稿、编辑加工、进行版式设计时有可能涉及到的有关作者的著作权问题,以及网络编辑对自身著作权的维护。

    This paper analyses the copyright problems concerning writers when Internet editors organize , examine , edit the articles and design the layout of the pages , and the protection of their own copyright of the Internet editors .

  30. 提出3个建议:(1)提高信息密度,增加期刊的载文量;(2)重视与学科带头人的沟通与联系,加强高质量基金论文的组稿力度;

    The paper has put forward three suggestions : ( 1 ) expand the information and quantity of papers in each issue , ( 2 ) emphasize the importance to contact the disciplinary leaders so as to enhance the solicit contributions ;