
  • 网络administrative capacity;administrative ability;administrative competence;administrative skills
  1. 利益整合:提高地方政府行政能力的关键

    Interests Integration : The Key to Enhance Administrative Capacity of Local Government

  2. 提升行政能力构建和谐社会

    Improving Administrative Capacity and Constructing a Harmonious Society

  3. 在设立卓越中心(CoE)时,你需要的是:坚韧力、行政能力和商业头脑。

    When you build a CoE you need : Tenacity , Political skills , and be Business savvy .

  4. “中国许多城市拥有建设大楼和硬件设施的政治意愿与行政能力,但建设软件设施花费的时间要长得多,”瑞信(creditsuisse)驻香港的亚洲区首席经济师陶冬表示。

    " Many cities in China have the political will and administrative ability to build buildings and hardware , but it will take them much longer to build the software , " said Dong Tao , regional chief economist for Credit Suisse , who is based in Hong Kong .

  5. 目的:为省、地(市)级公务员录用考试编制一般行政能力倾向测验(简称GAAT)。

    Objective : To construct the General Administrative Aptitude Test ( GAAT ) for the government functionary .

  6. 希拉里的第二大弱点正是她的行政能力。

    Mrs Clinton 's second-biggest negative is that very executive ability .

  7. 公务员公共行政能力培训与小组教授式

    Public Administrative Ability Training of Civil Servant and Group-Teaching Style

  8. 对地方政府行政能力若干问题的思考

    Consider Some Questions about the Administrative Ability of Local Government

  9. 推进电子政务:提升现代政府行政能力的现实途径

    Prompting E-government : Practical Ways to Improve Modern Government 's Administrative Ability

  10. 论构建和谐社会的政府行政能力建设

    Government Administrative Ability Construction in Building a Harmonious Society

  11. 提高公务员依法行政能力刍议

    The humble opinion of improving ability of civil servant 's administration by law

  12. 公共行政能力的开发适于采用培训的小组教授式。

    The development of public administrative ability is suitable for adopting group-teaching style .

  13. 论影响我国地方政府行政能力的因素及加强途径

    By affects our country local authority administration ability the factor and strengthens the way

  14. 论提高领导干部依法行政能力

    On improvement of cadre 's administration by law

  15. 提高政府行政能力构建服务型政府

    Improving Administrative Capacity and Constructing Service-oriented Government

  16. 公务员依法行政能力建设初探

    A Study on the Building of the Ability of Administration by Law of Civil Service

  17. 全面提高地方政府建设和谐社会的行政能力

    Improve the Administrative Ability of the Local Government Building the Harmonious Society in an All-round Way

  18. 其最终目的是提高政府的行政能力、行政效率和创新能力。

    The ultimate goal of this government is to improve its administrative ability , efficiency and creativity .

  19. 公务员依法行政能力的强弱就决定了国家的依法行政水平,从而就决定着依法治国的进程。

    The law in civil service to the country of the law , which will determine the process .

  20. 公务员依法行政能力是公务员具备的基本能力之一。

    Ability to perform duties in accordance with the law for civil servant is one of basic capacity .

  21. 基层领导干部依法行政能力的出路与对策

    The plight and way of administrative capacity according to the law of Leading cadres at the grassroots level

  22. 保证了国民经济系统日常运行、增强政府行政能力、改善了公共服务。

    That ensure day-to-day running of the national economic system , and enhance administrative capacity , improved public services .

  23. 提升政府行政能力对构建社会主义和谐社会具有重要作用。

    Improving the administrative capacity of the government is of importance in the building up of a socialist harmonious society .

  24. 要围绕这些核心能力,大力加强政府行政能力的开发与建设。

    Therefore , the government should devote major efforts to strengthening the development and construction of the government administrative abilities .

  25. 公共服务能力建设是公共行政能力、执政能力建设的重要内容。

    The building of public service capacity is an important content in the building of public administrate capacity and ruling capacity .

  26. 但目前部分公务员的依法行政能力较弱,影响依法行政的正常进行。

    Administration capability by law of part civil servant is still weak and affect the normal proceed of ruling by law .

  27. 公务员的水平决定政府的管理水平,政府行政能力的竞争主要是公务员能力和素质的竞争。

    The competition of the adminstrative capacity can mainly be expressed by the ability of civil servants and the competition of the quality .

  28. 村官培训中应注重提高其处理村级事务的行政能力;

    In the training of village heads , the promotion of their administrative ability for managing village affairs should be paid attention to .

  29. 公务员行政能力是政府能力的微观基础和具体体现,是公务员素质结构的重要方面。

    An important aspect of their quality structure , the civilians ' administrative abilities are the micro-basis and specific representation of government 's abilities .

  30. 在信息技术迅猛发展的背景下,现代政府行政能力的提升离不开信息技术的有效作用。

    With the rapid development of information technology , to effectively make use of IT becomes necessary in improving modern government 's administrative ability .