
  • 网络hierarchy;organizational hierarchy;organizational level
  1. 在知识管理视角下对学院实行自主管理的理念:人本化的管理、责权利相一致、集权与分权相协调、行政权力与学术权力相匹配、最少组织层级、良好的组织文化等理念。

    The paper presents the idea colleges ' self-management in the perspective of Knowledge Management : human-oriented management , responsibility with compatible right , coordination between centralization and decentralization , administrative authority and powers to match , efficient organizational hierarchy , all-right organizational culture and so on .

  2. 论知识分布及其决定因素对企业组织层级的影响

    The Influences of Knowledge Distribution and Its Determinants on Enterprise Organization Level

  3. 最后,从成本角度用量化的方式对知识分布与组织层级之间的关系进行描述,提出了知识分布影响下企业组织层级的优化模型。

    Finally , the relative formula between knowledge distribution and organization level is concluded from the angle of cost .

  4. 市场组织及其层级结构研究

    Market Organization and Its Level Structure

  5. 什么是企业组织性层级?

    What are the organizational levels ?

  6. 全面预算管理的各项功能是通过科学的预算制度来保障的,而预算制度的基础是组织的层级结构。

    All functions of comprehensive budget management are guaranteed by the scientific budget system which is based on organizational hierarchy .

  7. 区别管理的三个层级,理解处于组织不同层级的管理者的责任。

    Differentiate among three levels of management , and understand the responsibilities of managers at different levels in the organizational hierarchy .

  8. 第四、传统的组织通过层级式安排进行管理,员工被限定在相对狭小的圈子中,员工间难以形成有效的沟通与交流,妨碍了隐性知识在组织内部和员工个体间的共享和转移。

    Employees are limited in their inner circle with obstacle to communicate and exchange ideas with the staff under the traditional organizational structure , which makes tacit knowledge transferring between staff and individuals ineffective .

  9. 公共部门领导能够打破官僚组织的层级制度,在公共部门建立学习型组织,为创新的持续性提供组织保障。

    These leaders of the public sector are capable to break the hierarchy of the bureaucratic organization and to establish learning organization in public sector in order to provide organizational protection for innovation durative .

  10. 描述过程主要从组织文化具体层级&象征性活动的三个基本要素:英雄、人造品、特色活动入手,把握学校组织文化的整体性。

    The description process hold the whole organization culture through hero , artificiality and characteristic activities , which are the basic factors of symbolistic activity .

  11. 本文第3章在文献回顾和理论演绎的基础上,系统地讨论了中小企业组织学习力层级结构问题。

    Based on the reference review and theory deduction , the hierarchy of the organizational learning capability in SMEs is systematically discussed in Chapter Three .

  12. 权利倾向是人们对在像商业组织这样的层级结构中的权力适当性和权力差异所持有的看法,包括权力尊重和权力容忍。

    Power orientation refers to the beliefs that people in a culture hold about the appropriateness of power and authority differences in hierarchies such as business organization .

  13. 语言中的构式是一个围绕着概念结构而组织起来的层级性的网络系统,语言知识是以构式网络的形式储存在大脑之中的。

    The constructions in the language are networks which are organized around conceptual structures and the linguistic knowledge is stored in the mind in the form of network .

  14. 澄清世卫组织三个层级(即国家办事处、区域办事处和总部)之间的作用和责任,促进本组织在精简后变得更为精干,并建立紧密的相互联系;

    Clarifying of roles and responsibilities between the three levels of the WHO – country offices , regional offices and headquarters – to create a tightly networked , leaner and streamlined Organization ;

  15. 日本极道(Yazuka)等一些团伙组织有序、层级森严,因此日本的经济学家和打黑斗士们算出的极道组织总收入要远远高于世界其他犯罪组织。

    Some groups , like Japan 's Yakuza , are highly organized and hierarchical , allowing economists and crime fighters in Japan to attribute much higher revenue totals to Yakuza groups than others around the world .

  16. 范围包含了描述性以及业务关键性的信息,并将信息组织成一种层级结构。

    Dimension contains descriptive and business key information and organizes the information in a hierarchy , forming increasing levels of detail .

  17. 科层组织中的异层级化趋向&基于宝钢集团公司管理体制的案例研究

    The Trend towards Hierarchical Organizations as a Variation of Hierarchy-a Case Study Based on the Managerial Setup of Shanghai Baoshan Steel Company Group

  18. 审级制度是指在一国法院组织体系上的层级划分以及诉讼案件需要经过几级法院才能够审理终结的制度。

    The trial level system refers to the level division of the courts of one country and the levels of courts are needed to end the lawsuits .

  19. 声明称,我们要在有可能暴发疫情的疾病和各种突发卫生事件方面扩大我们的核心工作人员队伍,使世卫组织所有三个层级随时都有可调遣的熟练工作人员。

    We commit to expanding our core staff working on diseases with outbreak potential and health emergencies , so we will have skilled staff always available , the statement said .

  20. 现代企业组织中,管理层级制度的存在和日益复杂性,使得外部的监管往往只能起到事后监督的作用,难以有效提前发现企业的舞弊行为。

    Modern business organization , management , hierarchy , and the increasing complexity of existence , making the external monitor often only play a role in post-supervision , can not effectively find corporate fraud in advance .

  21. 这个组织激励各个年龄层级的社会公众学习自己喜欢的乐器,并成为积极的音乐传播者。

    " Wanna Play " Wanna Play ? is a public education campaign designed to raise awareness of the many benefits of music making and inspire people of all ages and talent levels to become active music makers .

  22. 任何一种组织或者组织的各层级中,都存在着核心的管理团队,整个组织或者组织的每个部门在这个团队的带领下实现组织或者部门的目标。

    There are core management team in any kind of organization or at all levels of organization . Under the leadership of this team each department of the organization would achieve organizational or departmental goals .

  23. 在组织因素、个人因素与家庭因素中,组织因素对层级高原(职业生涯高原)起主要作用,个人因素对内容高原(职业生涯高原)起主要作用;

    In organizational factors , personal factors and family factors , organizational factors on the hierarchical plateau play a major role and individual factors on the content plateau play a major role ;

  24. 电子政务系统的出现,在加快了组织信息沟通迅捷、有效的同时,带来了组织管理理念、层级结构、工作效能等多方面的改革,极大地提高着网络时代各级政府的执政能力。

    The appearance of E-government system accelerates the speed and efficiency of organization information communication and brings up reforms in organization management concepts , hierarchical structure and work efficiency , which heightens the governing capability of governments of all levels in the age of network .

  25. 本文以制度分析为基础,基于转型经济中组织角色转型与重构的重要性,着力研究市场组织理论及中国市场组织层级结构的建构问题。

    This paper devotes itself to the study of market organization theory and the building of the level framework of China 's market organization , revealing the interactive relationship between organization and institution .