
  1. 炼化企业实施组织结构扁平化分析

    Analysis of Flattening Organization Structure in Refinery and Chemical Engineering Enterprises

  2. 第二,人力资源管理的组织结构扁平化。

    Second , human resources management organizational structure of the flat .

  3. 组织结构扁平化与薪酬设计动力系统研究

    Dynamical Systematic Research on Horizontal Organizational Structure and Salary Design

  4. 由于技术使组织结构扁平化,中层经理被认为是可有可无的。

    As technology flattens organisations , so middle managers are deemed dispensable .

  5. 公司组织结构扁平化,责任下放。

    Organizations are flat , with responsibility delegated way down .

  6. 农业银行厦门分行组织结构扁平化的探索与思考

    Research and Study of Organization Structure Flattening of Agricultural Bank of China Xiamen Branch

  7. 层次性与目前组织结构扁平化相矛盾吗?

    Is there any inconsistence between multistage administrative levels ' structure and flat structure ?

  8. 宽带薪酬,是近几年兴起的一种与现代组织结构扁平化和以能力绩效为导向的,管理模式相适应的新型薪酬体系。

    Broad band salary is a newly-arising salary design system which is fit for the modern firms'flat organization structure and the management pattern based on performance .

  9. 宽带薪酬是与现代企业组织结构扁平化和以能力、绩效导向管理模式相适应的一种新型薪酬结构设计方式。

    Broadbanding salary is a new kind of salary design which is fit for the modern firms ' flat organization structure and the management mode based on performance .

  10. 随着现代组织结构扁平化,市场竞争加剧,职业高原现象愈加普遍,越来越多的组织和个人受到困扰。

    With the development of modern organization structure flatting , market competition aggravate , career plateau phenomenon become much more common , disturbing the more and more organizations and individuals .

  11. 现代旅行社由于服务定制化、组织结构扁平化、市场营销环境变化等方面的原因,迫切需要高素质的导游人员。

    Owing to the established rules in service , flat structure in organization , and environmental changes in marketing , there is an urgent demand for high-quality tour guides in modern travel agencies .

  12. 分析了组织结构扁平化的特征、优点,提出了实现企业组织结构扁平化的几点建议,并指出企业组织结构扁平化过程中应该注意的问题。

    This paper analyzes the characters and merits of flat organization structure , putting forward some advice to realize it , and point out the problems we should paid attention to during the progress .

  13. 本文通过分析,阐述知识经济时代企业组织结构扁平化的必要性,并对企业实施扁平化组织结构提出建议。

    This paper illustrates the necessity of flattening of enterprise organizational structures in the era of knowledge-based economy era and puts forward some suggestions as to how an enterprise will adopt flattened organizational structures .

  14. 通过减少管理层人数,取消不必要的管理层岗位,使客户服务部组织结构扁平化,提高响应速度,加快信息流通畅。

    By reducing the number of management , eliminate unnecessary management positions , so that customer service department in a flat organizational structure , improve response speed , speed up the smooth flow of information .

  15. 在企业信息化建设中应依据组织结构扁平化、组织管理集中化、组织单元间的协调市场化的原则变革企业组织结构,并与此同时按照价值流重新构建企业业务流程。

    Revolutionize the enterprise organization on the basis of the principle of flat organizational structure , concentrated management and marketing the coordination between organizational units ; And rebuild the business process according to the enterprise value flow at the same time .

  16. 组织结构扁平化、管理方式柔性化和办公方式分散化已成为知识型管理的三大趋势,随之人力资源管理的边界也从清晰到模糊,从封闭走向开放。

    Flat organization structure , flexible management pattern and decentralized work mode have become the three main trends of knowledge-styled management . The boundary of the human resources management has turned to fuzziness from clearness , and to openness from closeness .

  17. 网络经济的迅猛崛起,创造了一个企业资产通用化、企业组织结构扁平化、柔性竞争优势化,以及全能企业活动外部化进程加速的新型经济氛围。

    The developing rapidly net-economics has created a new economic environment , which has four characters , the enterprise 's assets social sharing , the enterprise 's structure flat-tended , soft competition optimized and the enterprise 's activities become outdoors quickly etc.

  18. 随着企业组织结构的扁平化,企业员工职责变得越来越广泛,员工自动自发的合作性的行为在企业中的作用愈发重要。

    With a flat organizational structure , responsibilities of employees becoming more and more widely , the staff of the spontaneous cooperative behavior in the increasingly important role in the enterprise .

  19. 从流程再造的角度分析了供应链流程一体化的三个特征:面向客户价值、组织结构的扁平化和打破企业界面。

    The three characters of integration of supply chain from the viewpoint of BPR were analyzed . The characters are customer value oriented , compressed organization structure and break the wall between enterprises .

  20. 但是随着组织结构的扁平化、知识迅速折旧以及外部环境的快速变化等,职业停滞正变得越来越普遍,它日益成为困扰知识员工实现持续成长的障碍。

    However , career stagnation seem to be popular more and more due to less hierarchies of organizations , quick depreciation of the knowledge and fast changes of external environments , preventing knowledge workers from growing persistently .

  21. 随着竞争加剧,组织结构的扁平化,员工的组织公民行为越来越为组织管理者重视。漂亮新颖的织物可以采用具有凸条变化的平纹组织来生产。

    With the serious competition and organizational structure compressing in IT industry , OCB is emphasized gradually by the employers . Interesting and attractive fabrics can be obtained by utilizing the rib variation of the plain weave .

  22. 企业由传统的金字塔型的组织结构向扁平化结构转变的过程中,有助于信息在企业内部上下、左右的传递,也减少了信息的失真。

    Enterprise have the traditional pyramid structure to flat structure in the process of transformation , really help information in enterprise internal fluctuation , left and right sides of the transmission , and also reduces the information distortion .

  23. 企业内部的信息化技术的应用和普及,有利于组织结构的扁平化和网络化,使得企业更加贴近市场,更加贴近消费者,可以在第一时间对市场变化做出反应。

    The application and popularization of information technology in enterprises can make the structures of the organizations flat and networked , which will enable enterprises to get closer to the market and customers , and give reactions as soon as the market changes .

  24. 如何弥补流程再造的不足,构建一个具有顾客导向、以流程为中心、组织结构的扁平化、组织边界动态化、整合性等特点的流程型组织形态,成为适应环境变化组织变革的迫切需要。

    How to overcome the limitation of the business process reengineering , construct the process-oriented organization that the characteristics of customer-oriented , process-based , flat structure , dynamic and integrated boundary is urgent need for the organization reform to adapt to the environment changes .

  25. 自上世纪90年代以来,随着组织结构的不断扁平化,组织公民行为备受关注。

    Since the 1990s , along with the continuous flat organizational structure , organizational citizenship behaviors become concerned .

  26. 与金字塔式的组织结构相比,扁平化的团队工作方式更加强调员工的主动性和自发性。

    Compared to the pyramid-like organizational structure , the flat team work style emphasis on employees ' spontaneous and initiative .

  27. 青年自组织的组织结构扁平化和无边界化,决定了它能够在社会管理领域发挥重要作用。

    The tendency of the youth 's spontaneous organizations being wide and non-boundary in structure has made the organizations play important roles in social administration .

  28. 它从组织结构的虚拟扁平化入手,然后再逐步渗透到政府机构的实体扁平化。

    The GPR begins with " Virtual Flattening " in government structure and then it gradually penetrate into the " Essential Flattenting " of government architecture .

  29. 随着市场竞争的加剧和组织结构的日益扁平化,授权成为一种能够有效激励员工、提升绩效的管理手段。

    Along with the market competition intensifying and organizational structure growing flat , delegation is regarded as a useful management tool to motivate employee and improve performance .

  30. 近年来,为了适应经济全球化所带来的激烈竞争,金字塔式的组织结构逐渐被扁平化的组织结构所取代。

    In recent years , in order to adapt to fierce competition brought by economic globalization , the organization structure has changed from pyramid to flat gradually .