
  1. 河北省肉羊养殖企业规范化管理研究

    Study on Management Formalization of Mutton Sheep Pen in Hebei Province

  2. 如何搞好电子企业规范化管理

    How to do Well Electronics Enterprise Standardized Management

  3. KY公司企业规范化过程管理案例研究

    A Case Study-Standardized Process Management of KY Corporate

  4. 论民营企业的规范化管理

    A Study On the Standardized Management of Private Enterprise

  5. 施工企业机械租赁规范化管理

    Standardized management of equipment leasing in construction enterprises

  6. 很好地体现了企业软件的规范化管理,提高了企业软件的成熟度。

    This can well realize the standardization management of enterprise software , and improve the maturity of enterprise software .

  7. 试论企业价格行为的规范化管理

    On the Normal Management of the Pricing of Enterprises

  8. 本系统的开发,为企业软件产品的规范化管理打下了基础。

    The development of the system , has laid the foundation for the standardized management of the enterprise software product .

  9. 美国的家族企业是高度规范化的管理模式,日本则是制度多元化、股权多元化的管理模式,欧洲则主要以小企业集群化为主,华人企业则更多的是家长式、家族化的管理模式为主。

    In America , management in family business is highly standardized while management mode of Japanese family business is pluralistic in system and property right .

  10. 北洺河铁矿人力资源管理方法在管理实践中取得良好效果,提高了企业规范化、精细化管理水平。

    Beiminghe Iron Mine 's HR management method has achieved good performance in its practice and help improved the enterprise 's standardized and precise management level .

  11. 物资管理系统最为企业管理规范化、自动化管理系统的一部分对提高企业的管理效率,增加收入发挥出不可替代的作用。

    Material Management System of the most standardized enterprise management , automated management systems as part of improving the management efficiency of enterprises and increase revenue play an irreplaceable role .

  12. 建立优良的企业文化,强化企业内部规范化管理,实现人本管理,对员工进行有效激励都是科宇公司在不断发展壮大中需要逐渐建立和完善的内容。

    Setting up fine corporate culture , strengthening the standardized management inside enterprises , realizing this management of people encouraging the staff effectively , are all contents needing to set up and perfecting of departments gradually in developing of KeYu .

  13. 它的存在为企业市场分析、企业规模化经营、企业规范化管理提供了一种全新的商务管理模式。

    It provides a new business management model for market analysis , business and management .

  14. 通过分析国有施工企业在人力资源管理上存在的问题及其成因,提出建设国有施工企业规范化的人力资源管理体系必须要有效把握好几个方面。

    By analyzing the problems and the reasons of the human resource management , this paper bring forwards some aspects that should be grasped effectively to build state construction enterprises standardized .

  15. 企业利用网络进行企业所得税的自主管理,税务机关利用网络进行企业所得税的规范化管理,以相当低廉的成本大大简化了企业所得税管理工作。

    The enterprises manage the corporate income tax independently and the revenues manage the corporate income tax normatively by network , so the management of the corporate income tax can be hugely predigested with the quite cheap cost .

  16. 我国境内企业于境外间接上市是企业的重要融资方式之一,同时有利于企业提升其管理水平,促使企业进行规范化管理、建立现代企业制度。

    Indirect listing overseas is one of the most important means of financing for the domestic enterprises of China . And it is favorable for the domestic enterprises to improve the management level , regulate the management and establish modern enterprise system .