
  1. 立足现实原则解决了中国企业文化体系重构的立足点问题;

    The principle of basing on realities provides a foothold forthe reconstruction .

  2. 招商银行企业文化体系研究

    The Corporate Culture System Study of China Merchants Bank

  3. 试论优秀企业文化体系的构建

    On Constructing the System of Excellent Business Culture

  4. 第三章,结合第二章所述案例,具体分析不同层次企业文化体系的构建方法。

    According to the instance above , the third part narrows down on methods to construct different enterprise culture systems .

  5. 并提出了黑龙江国有森工企业文化体系运行的思想、组织、制度、资金方面的保障措施。

    And proposed the organization , system and fund aspect safeguard mechanism of culture system run for the Heilongjiang state-owned forestry enterprises .

  6. 同时为了保证业务的实施,本文还详细制定了七大战略实施举措,并从组织管控体系、人力资源体系和企业文化体系三个方面提出了支撑方案。

    To ensure the implement of the strategy , we provide seven strategy implement actions . We also provide strategy support plan of management system , HR system and corporate culture system .

  7. 因此构建健康向上、协同进步的企业文化体系,营造和谐的文化氛围,提升职工们的文化精神,是建设和谐企业的有效途径。

    So , establishing the healthy , upward , coordinate and progressive enterprise culture system , constructing the harmonious cultural atmosphere , and lifting the cultural spirit of the workers are the effective paths for building the harmonious enterprise .

  8. 企业文化体系中的平均文化、勾兑文化对企业的发展产生了巨大的阻碍作用,笔者在分析其产生根源的基础上,将着重探索如何建立一种新型的管理制度和企业文化。

    The Equality culture and Intimate culture in enterprise culture system has greatly hindered the enterprise ` s development and this paper mainly finds out how to set up a new type of managing system and enterprise culture on the basis of analyzing their origin .

  9. 企业文化评价体系的研究

    Research on Evaluation Indexes of Corporate Culture

  10. 企业文化机制体系构建管窥

    On the Form of Enterprise Culture System

  11. 以奥运为契机,推进企业安全文化体系建设

    Grasp the Opportunity of Beijing Olympic Games to Promote the Construction of Enterprise Safety Culture System

  12. 第四,提出高科技外资企业进行文化体系整合的原则、步骤,以及整合中人才激励机制与研发流程整合的具体方法。

    Fourth , propose the principle of the integration , and the concrete combine method of the talent 's incentive mechanism and R & D process .

  13. 本文第三部分和第四部分是全文的重点,介绍了企业和谐文化体系建设中关于文化体系设计、文化建设实施和建设成功测评的内容,本文的创新之处也在于此。

    Part 3 and 4 are the emphases of this paper . The tow parts introduce the content about the design and construction of corporate culture system , and the measuring of the construction result .

  14. 只有构建完善的企业文化机制体系,包括企业文化导向机制、调适机制、凝聚机制、约束机制、激励机制、辐射机制,才能走出误区,使企业文化发挥应有的作用。

    We must go out off the miss to found well enterprise culture system , such as guide mechanism , adjusting mechanism , cohesion mechanism , obligation mechanism , encouragement mechanism and radialization mechanism , let them exert their effect .

  15. 此外,要建立煤矿安全文化建设责任制和诚信机制,从而有效保障煤矿企业安全文化体系持续、良好地运行,并促进企业长远发展。

    In addition , it needs to establish responsibility system and integrity system for coal mining safety , so as to ensure the continuous and smooth operation of safety culture system in coal mining enterprises , thus promoting the long-term development of these enterprises .

  16. 企业安全文化评价体系及方法

    On the Architecture and Method for Safety Culture Evaluation of Enterprise

  17. 企业文化价值观体系的构建

    The Construction of Corporate Culture of Value Conception System

  18. 面向过程的企业文化建设测评体系构建

    Evaluation System Establishment of Process-Oriented Enterprise Culture Construction

  19. 第四部分,低碳背景下企业文化绩效评价体系的构建。

    The fourth part constructs an evaluation system of enterprise culture under the low carbon background .

  20. 企业文化建设指标体系研究

    Research on Enterprise Culture Index System

  21. 研究了安全文化与安全管理的相互关系,提出了煤炭企业安全文化建设体系;

    Besides , the paper studied the interrelation between safety culture and safety management and put forward safety culture construction system of the coal enterprises ;

  22. 第四章将结合实际的案例运用论文建立的理论框架来实证分析企业文化价值观体系的方法、步骤和内容。

    Then in the second chapter , the paper introduced enterprise culture theory and indicated the necessity of the construction of corporate culture of value conception system .

  23. 如果简单照搬企业文化评价指标体系,将无法保证评估结果的可靠性和准确性。

    If the enterprise culture evaluation index system is applied to hospital culture evaluation blindly , the credibility and accuracy of the evaluative results will not be guarantied .

  24. 其次,实地考察A公司,查阅有关资料,获取A公司基本概况、经营状况、企业文化、薪酬体系等与薪酬有关的信息。

    Second , a spot investigation was made in A Company , reading relative materials to collect such information as the basis survey , operating condition , company culture of A Company .

  25. 企业文化评价指标体系由四个层面十二个中间指标层和三十一个具体指标构成,具体指标分为定性指标和定量指标两类,采用不同的赋值方法。

    The appraisal index system includes four dimensions , twelve middle layers indexes and thirty-one basic layers indexs . The thirty-one basic layers indexes can be classified into twenty-nine qualitative indexes and two quantitative indexes and adopted different evaluation methods to constituting the appraisal index system of enterprise culture .

  26. 基于层次分析法的企业文化建设效果测评体系研究

    Study on Effect of Culture Evaluation System of Construction Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process

  27. 合适的人员配备、激励体系、技术等级制度和企业文化氛围是该体系有效运作的保证。

    Suitable staffing , incentive system , technology hierarchy and cultural environment are support systems .

  28. 末位淘汰制;企业文化;绩效评估体系;分层淘汰。

    Powder place elimination system ; Corporate culture ; The achievement effect appraises system ; Stratify being sifted out .

  29. 第六,通过模型和实际案例,完成了高科技外资企业技术创新与文化体系整合的实地验证工作。

    Last , through the model and case analyzing , the author have finished the verification of Hi-Tech proprietorship 's technological innovation and cultural system .

  30. 其次,对石油企业安全文化综合评价体系构成要素进行研究,明确了综合评价的目的、评价主体以及评价客体。

    Secondly , the paper does research of the factors of evaluating system , confirming the propose , the subject and the object of the evaluation .