
qǐ yè jì huà
  • enterprise plan
  1. 关系型数据库实现企业计划生产管理信息化

    The realization of enterprise plan and manufacture informatization with relational database

  2. 企业计划的适应性分析

    Analysis of enterprise plan adaptability

  3. 以SEP,SIMPLE和合格计划(qualifiedplans)三类小企业计划为原型,比较了与不同退休工具结合下不同小企业退休金计划的特征。

    This chapter also compared these different small business plans which come from different prototypes including SEP , SIMPLE and qualified plans with each other .

  4. MES作为一种先进的车间信息系统需要通过有效的信息管理在企业计划层与控制层建立联系的通道。

    By the effective information management , Manufacturing Execution System ( MES ) links the high level planning system and the bottom control system of enterprise .

  5. 企业计划管理与经济信息的收集、传递与利用

    Business Planning Management and Collection Transmission and Use of Economic Information

  6. 滚动计划是一种现代化的企业计划形式。

    The rolling plan is a modern plan mode of factories .

  7. 中国环境友好企业计划的设计与实施

    Framework and Implementation of " China Environmental Friendly Enterprise " Program

  8. 市场经济下企业计划管理的重要性

    Importance of Enterprise Management under the Conditions of Market Economy

  9. (10万户,仅达到企业计划的20%)。

    ( 100,000 , reached only 20 per cent of businesses plan ) .

  10. 熟悉公司战略和企业计划。

    Know the company strategy and business plan .

  11. 社会主义市场经济与企业计划管理

    Socialist Market Economy and Business Planning Management

  12. 中小配套型企业计划控制方案的研究

    Study on Planning and Control Scheme for a Kind of Medium & Small Scale Enterprise

  13. 目前越来越多的企业计划或已经实施集中采购项目,但其实施的效果不能令人满意。

    Currently , single point buying is implemented by more and more enterprises , but the consequence is not satisfied .

  14. 通过交流和探讨,寻求既科学合理、又简单实用的电量预测方法,提高电力企业计划管理的质量。

    The objective is to search scientific and practical electricity prediction methods to improve the planning and management quality of power enterprises through communication and discussion .

  15. 这些规则的注意目的是帮助企业计划,实施,并沟通整个想要达到商业目标的企业架构。

    This discipline 's main objective is to help enterprises plan , implement , and communicate the overall architecture they will need to reach their business objectives .

  16. 她与一位顾问开了十五次会,顾问提供她许多资讯,如财务规划、撰写有力的企业计划书,并指导她哪些才是好的企业实例。

    She had 15 sessions with a counselor who gave her information on finance planning , writing a strong business plan and instructed her on good business practices .

  17. 通用汽车和高盛投行等许多美国企业计划大批裁员,而相比之下,西方跨国公司的亚洲分公司的裁员力度可能要小一些。

    US firms from General Motors to Goldman Sachs plan to lay off workers by the thousands , but at the Asian units of Western multinationals , job cuts will probably be less severe .

  18. 随着现代经济和技术的高速发展,市场竞争日益加剧,制造企业计划的制定和执行明显无法适应内外部环境的发展和变化。

    With the rapid development of modern economy and technology , market competition is growing badly . The formulation and implementation of manufacturing business plans can not be clearly adapted to the changing environment of internal and external .

  19. 基于WEB的印刷企业资源计划(ERP)系统的开发与实施

    Development and Field-Testing on Printing Enterprise Resource Planning ( ERP ) System

  20. 企业资源计划(EnterpriseResourcePlanning,ERP)作为当今最先进的企业管理理念的事实不容置疑。

    It 's undoubted that Enterprise Resource Planning is the most advanced notion of enterprise management .

  21. ERP是企业资源计划管理体系。

    ERP refers to the management system of enterprise resource planning .

  22. 以信息技术为支撑的企业资源计划(EnterpriseResourcePlanning,ERP)是当今激烈竞争中强有力的工具。

    Enterprise Resource Planning , taking information technology as its support , is the powerful tool within intense competition .

  23. 401(k)养老金计划是美国目前参加员工最多的企业养老金计划。

    Most employees in the US have joined in 401 ( k ) Pension Plan .

  24. 企业资源计划(ERP)实施成功的制约因素分析

    The Analysis of Factors Restricting the Success of Implementing ERP

  25. 基于J2EE架构的设备能源管理的企业资源计划(ERP)系统研究

    Researches on EPR System for Equipment Energy Management Based on J2EE Framework

  26. 企业资源计划(ERP)的物料管理主要包括库存管理和采购管理,对于车间层物料管理基本没有涉及;

    Enterprise Resource Planning ( ERP ) mostly includes inventory management and procurement management ;

  27. 企业资源计划(ERP)在制药行业实施策略研究

    Study of Tactics in Implementing Enterprise Resource Planning ( ERP ) in Pharmacy Trade

  28. 这些信息是企业资源计划ERP系统工作运行的重要信息来源。

    This information is an important source for the enterprise resource planning system to run .

  29. 在ERP基本原理的基础上对包装企业资源计划模型(ERP)进行了研究。

    The research of Packaging Enterprises ERP model is based on the fundamental of ERP .

  30. 揭开先进计划系统的神秘面纱企业资源计划(ERP)是先进管理的代表。

    Discussion of Advanced Planning and Scheduling System ERP is the symbol of advanced management .