
  • 网络corporate event;Activity;Business Activity;Enterprise Activity;enterprise
  1. ABP专注于企业活动的策划管理和执行及相关设备支持?

    ABP specialize in corporate event planning , execution and its relative equipment support .

  2. 既然以前只有富人才能享用的三文鱼成了企业活动或者婚礼上的首选蛋白质,或许我们应该想想下一个会轮到谁。

    Now that previously aristocratic salmon is the go-to protein at every corporate event or provincial wedding , perhaps we should wonder at what is next .

  3. 协同产品商务(CollaborativeProductCommerce简称CPC)是一种广义上的产品设计、制造、商务等等多角度的对于企业活动的服务,并可以从管理角度对相关人员及产品全生命周期提供服务。

    Collaborative product commerce ( Collaborative Product Commerce called CPC ) is a broad product design , manufacturing , business and the service of the business activities , and can provide services to the relevant personnel and the product life cycle from the management point of view .

  4. 产业集群是对企业活动在地理上趋向集中这样一种经济现象的理论描述。

    ' Industrial cluster ' describes the phenomenon of economy theoretically .

  5. 把计量工作引向企业活动的主战场

    Leading Metrology work into Main Battle field of Enterprise Activities

  6. 网络约会,互联网业务伙伴关系,以及企业活动应该蓬勃发展。

    Internet dating , Internet business partnerships , and entrepreneurial activities should flourish .

  7. 战略就是创造各企业活动的整合6。

    , " the strategy is to create an integration of various business activities " .

  8. 基于时态逻辑的虚拟企业活动规划

    Temporal Logical Based Virtual Organization Activity Planning

  9. 企业活动是一个动态过程,表现为既定目标下的企业融资方式的选择。

    Enterprise is a dynamic process , the performance objectives for the business of financing choices .

  10. 顾客满意既是营销的核心,也是现代企业活动的基本准则。

    Customer satisfaction is not only the core of marketing but also the basic criteria of modern business activities .

  11. 购并是一个风险很高的企业活动,大约有一半失败了。

    M A is an enterprise activity that the risk is very high , and approximately has half of M A to be defeated .

  12. 好消息是,最近出炉的有关企业活动的数据令人欣慰这又多了一个避免在眼下实行另一轮暂时性财政刺激的理由。

    The good news is that the latest burst of data on business activity has been positive all the more reason for avoiding another temporary fiscal stimulus now .

  13. 近年来,企业活动所带来的社会问题以及社会对企业的各种期望交织在一起,使我国企业社会责任问题呈现出较为复杂的局面。

    In recent years , the social problems caused by business activities and a variety of social expectations of enterprises are intertwined , so that the social responsibility of enterprises presents a more complicated situation in our country .

  14. 而基于WEBService的工作流系统对包装成WEBService的企业业务活动进行调用和控制,使得Internet范围的业务活动的交互更加简单和方便。

    Web Service-based workflow management invokes and controls business activities to make the communication among the business activities in the Internet easier and more convenient .

  15. 主题专家,例如IT架构师、过程工程师,和顾问很少拥有执行正式的企业PM活动所需的技能。

    Subject matter experts , such as IT architects , process engineers , and consultants rarely have the skills required to perform formal enterprise PM activities .

  16. 自2001年加入WTO以来,国际国内并购风起云涌,资本市场十分活跃,企业并购活动非常频繁。

    Since China entering into WTO in 2001 , domestic and international Mergers and Acquisitions ( M A ) have been surging forward . The domestic capital market was active with frequent M A transactions .

  17. 高层权力制衡、知识产权配置、RD绩效评价、RD人员激励、信息披露等五大维度直接影响着软件企业治理活动的范围与程度。

    The five dimesions including power balance among top managers , intellectual property allocation , R D performance evaluation , R D employees ' incentive , information disclosing would influence the range of the governance activities directly .

  18. 协同电子商务是在全球经济一体化的背景下,利用以Internet等为特征的新兴技术为实现手段,来改变企业业务活动模式,并在企业群的各业务单元间进行信息共享和知识创新。

    Under the environment of global economic integration , Collaborative E-commerce makes use of Internet-featured technology as the implement measure to change the operation mode of enterprise , and achieves in information sharing and knowledge innovation among each department of an enterprise .

  19. 国企改革的深化,企业并购活动的增加以及加入WTO后面临更多的跨国并购的挑战等都迫切要求大力发展和丰富我国资本市场的金融工具。

    Considering the deepening of state-owned enterprise reform , the increasing of mergers and acquisitions and the challenge of more multinational mergers and acquisitions after entering WTO , we should provide more financial tools in China 's capital market .

  20. 随着Internet技术的不断发展与成熟,电子商务这一现代商业模式以其高效率、低成本和不受时空限制的特点成为企业商务活动发展的大势所趋。

    With the continuous development of Internet technology , the modern E-commerce business model for its characteristics , such as high efficiency , low cost and without restrictions of space and time , E-commerce business model becomes a trend in the development of business activities .

  21. 高新技术企业RD活动的特有属性和RD生命期的作用,使得国内外学术界和企业界都十分关注RD的绩效。

    In view of the specificity of RD activities as well as its lifetime function , RD performance has gained prominence within academic circle at home and abroad and business circle as well .

  22. 客户是所有企业经营活动的终极元素,客户关系管理(CRM)是以客户为中心的现代管理理念和IT技术结合的产物,能够提高企业的核心竞争力。

    Customers are the ultimate elements of all business ; Customer Relationship Management ( CRM ) combined modern management principle and the advanced IT technique , which can increase the core competitive capability of the business enterprise .

  23. 关于我国企业竞争活动反应特性的相关关系研究

    Correlativity Study of Characteristic of Competition Actions of Chinese Enterprise

  24. 企业信息活动链及其基于面向对象方法的描述

    Information Activity Chain of Corporation and Its Object Oriented Methodology Based Description

  25. 企业财务活动过程中的纳税筹划研究

    Research of Tax-Paying Plan in Process of the Financial Affairs

  26. 供电企业经济活动分析信息系统和软件柔性

    Power Enterprises Economic Analysis Information System and Software Flexibility

  27. 企业营销活动中信用制度建立的因素论

    Factors Influencing Establishment of Credit System in Marketing Activities

  28. 促销在企业营销活动中是不可缺少的重要组成部分。

    It is an indispensable important component to promote in enterprise 's marketing activity .

  29. 企业营销活动的催化剂

    Catalytic of the Enterprise 's Marketing Activities

  30. 企业经营活动分析报告是企业的核心信息。

    The report of the management analyzing is the core information of the modern enterprise .