
  • 网络Corporate interests;enterprise interest
  1. 最大化的为个人理想、企业利益、社会效益的平衡融合做出贡献,也充当了社会中协调各方利益需求的角色。

    We play the role of coordinating interests of all parties in society while maximizing individual ambitions , enterprise interest and social effect .

  2. 而国家授权机构可以在现有国情下采取适当的审查方式以达到公众利益和企业利益的平衡。

    Plus , the national granting authority can use appropriate examination ways in current situation to seek the balance between public interests and enterprise interest .

  3. 运用WTO反倾销协议保护我国企业利益

    Protect the Enterprises Interest by Using WTO 's " Antidumping Agreement "

  4. 基于改进的Shapley值法的技术联盟企业利益分配

    The Benefit Assignment Mechanism Research on Technical Alliance Based on Improved Shapley Value

  5. 本文旨在以EVA的业绩评价方法解释恒隆地产采用价值投资理念长期持有投资性物业,为股东等企业利益相关者群体创造价值、获取回报的原因所在。

    In this thesis we aims to use EVA performance evaluation methods to explain the real value of Hang Lung Properties who has a long-term investment philosophy of holding investment property and can always create business value for shareholders and other related groups .

  6. 自然垄断企业利益相关者导向的综合绩效评价研究

    On the Stakeholders-Orientated Integrated Performance Assessment for Natural Monopoly Enterprises

  7. 折旧方法的选用对装备价格及企业利益的影响

    The Infection of Alternative of Depreciation Methods to Equipment Price and Enterprise Benefit

  8. 企业利益相关者的利益关系:冲突还是融合

    Relationships between Firms ' Stakeholders : Conflictive or Consistent

  9. 基于企业利益相关者的财务治理模式和机制研究

    The Research on Financial Governance 's Mode and Mechanism Based on Enterprise Stakeholders

  10. 医药逆向物流事关企业利益、社会安全以及环境保护。

    Medicine reverse logistics effects on enterprise benefits , society safety and environment protection .

  11. 加强工程造价管理维护供电企业利益

    Strengthening the Management of Project Costs and Maintaining the Profit of Power Supply Enterprises

  12. 虚拟企业利益分配有效性评价

    Available Evaluation on Benefit Allocation of Virtual Enterprise

  13. 企业利益相关者也有了一个具体的范围,并分析了各利益相关者的目标。

    Corporate stakeholders also have a specific scope and objectives of the various stakeholders .

  14. 应用生产函数模型对国家与企业利益分配关系的实证研究

    The Positive Study of Profit Sharing Relationship between State and Enterprise by Production Function Model

  15. 社会人假设下企业利益相关者诉求与财务绩效关系实证研究

    Empirical Study on the Relationship between Stakeholder Orientation and Financial Performance Based Social Person Hypothesis

  16. 中国工业企业利益分配格局快速变动的原因分析:1997&2007

    Studies on Reasons for Rapid Changes of Industrial Enterprises ' Benefits Allocation Pattern in China : 1997-2007

  17. 员工最初可能是因为社交关系进入这个站点,而随后却是因为企业利益而留下来。

    Employees might initially come to the site for a social aspect , but stay for business benefits .

  18. 国资委被普遍视为捍卫国有企业利益的官僚机构,不太可能主张收缩该行业。

    Sasac is widely viewed as a bureaucratic champion of SOE interests and unlikely to advocate shrinkage of the sector .

  19. 如何维护资产安全、防范经营风险,成为企业利益相关者首先必须面对的问题。

    How to maintain property security and guard management risk has become a problem which the enterprise benefit partners should affront first .

  20. 现有文献对以利益相关者为价值取向的企业利益相关者利益保护效果评价进行了研究,但存在不足之处。

    The existing literature provides a review of stakeholders and their interest requirements and interest protection effect evaluation , but has its limitation .

  21. 因此需要对资源型企业利益相关者进行分类研究,以确定其社会责任优先性次序。

    Hence , classified researches on stakeholders in resource-based enterprises are needed in order to confirm the priority order of their social responsibilities .

  22. 由于这种机构不受政府和企业利益集团的控制,他们希望这种体系能够赢得公众信任。

    Since it would lie outside the grasp of government and corporate interests , they hope that this system could foster public trust .

  23. 代表政府和企业利益的亲建制派已开始反击,试图瓦解占领中环运动。

    The pro-establishment camp representing the government and business interests has launched a counter-offensive of its own , trying to derail the Occupy Central movement .

  24. 因此,会计信息是协调企业利益相关者的产物,会计信息的质量也就成了契约中的一个关键性的问题。

    Accounting information is a product of conciliating the interest groups in an enterprise , whose quality thus is a key issue in the contract .

  25. 特别是涉及实际利益考虑,一旦发生事故,会否企业利益先行,值得关注;

    It is a concern whether the operator of the NPP will put its own interests first in the event of an accident at it .

  26. 论文研究成果为工程索赔的管理者提供了有价值的参考,并有利于实现企业利益最大化,促进企业的可持续发展。

    All of these provide a valuable reference for project claim managers , maximize the benefits of enterprises , and promote the sustainable development of enterprises .

  27. 原文大户型与小户型的关系包含着社会对效率和公平的取舍。二者的矛盾也在一定程度上测量出了企业利益最大化与社会福利最大化的距离。

    The inconsistency of them also reflects , in certain extent , the difference between the maximization of enterprise 's benefit and the maximization of social welfare .

  28. 对于健全煤炭市场体系,形成统一有序的价格体系,保障相关企业利益等方面都具有不可忽视的作用和意义。

    It is also beneficial to improve the operation of coal market , form unit and regular price system and protect the benefits of all enterprises involved .

  29. 纳税筹划归根结底是一种理财活动,它是以合法的理财方式实现企业利益最大化目标,所以纳税筹划方案的选择影响着企业财务管理目标的实现。

    It is based on legitimate financial means to maximize the interests of enterprises . Therefore , tax payment planning programs affect the choice of enterprise financial management objectives .

  30. 而虚拟国家是在知识经济兴起,全球经济一体化趋势下出现的,是虚拟企业利益的代表并为其服务的工具。

    The virtual state is the representative of the virtual enterprises ' benefits and serves them , which appears when the knowledge economy and globalization of economy are arising .