
  • 网络development cost
  1. 记为本期费用的研究和发展成本

    Research and development costs charged as an expense for the current period

  2. 资本化研和发展成本的摊销法

    Amortization methods for capitalized research and development costs

  3. 我国地区发展成本差异指数探讨

    Study on the Cost Differences Index of Regional Development in China

  4. 区域发展成本的理论及核算方法

    The Theories and Calculating Methods of the Regional Development Cost

  5. 发展成本对可持续发展的影响分析

    Analysis of the Impact of Development Cost on Sustainable Developmen

  6. 不摊销已资本化研究和发展成本

    Non-amortization of capitalized research and development costs

  7. 这部分投入不属于教育成本,是教育的发展成本。

    This is development cost of education .

  8. 未能收回的研究和发展成本;

    Unrecovered research and development costs ;

  9. 递延研究和发展成本

    Deferred research and development costs

  10. 新加坡威权体制的构建与社会发展成本的降低

    On the Construction of Singapore 's Authoritarian System and the Reducion of the Cost of Social Development

  11. 研究和发展成本;研究和开发成本;研究与开发费用

    Research and development cost

  12. 面对激烈的市场竞争,发展成本小、收益高的电子银行业务是必然的选择。

    Considering the intense competition in market , the high profits and low costs E-banking is our inevitable choice .

  13. 建屋用地由政府以优惠条件批给房屋协会,其他发展成本则全部由房屋协会负担。

    Land was granted to the HKHS on concessionary terms but all other development costs were borne by the hkhs .

  14. 第五部分,提出降低中心城市可持续发展成本及能力建设的对策。

    The last part , propose reducing the sustainable development cost of the center city and countermeasure of ability construction .

  15. 笔者认为要控制和优化卫生人力成本结构,可以分别从人力资源的取得成本、维持成本、发展成本的控制与优化上采取措施。

    The author believed that measures should be taken on controlling and optimizing the attained cost , maintain cost and develop cost .

  16. 降低发展成本,对增强中国发展后劲,全面建设小康社会,至关重要。

    How to reduce the development cost is of great importance in increasing the endurance of development in China and building an all-round well-off society .

  17. 生态环境的破坏大大增加了发展成本,已成为制约中部地区体育旅游可持续发展的突出问题。

    The destruction of ecological environment greatly increases the development cost , it has become the protruding problem which restrict the sustainable development in central .

  18. 经济发展成本、经济主体行为与制度安排&可持续发展理论的一种新的经济学解释框架

    Cost of Economic Development , the Economic Subject and the Arrangement of System & A New Interpretative Framework of Economics to the theory of Sustainable Development

  19. 立宪政治有效地整和了社会力量,降低了社会发展成本,使日本在短时间内发展为世界强国。

    Constitutionalism politics inproved with social forces effectively , reduced the social development cost , making Japan develop into the world powerful country within a short time .

  20. 目前国内外对企业可持续发展成本战略研究关注不够,研究成果不多。

    Currently , the enterprise cost strategy for sustainable development does not catch enough research attention from the domestic and foreign , and there is little research findings .

  21. 可持续发展成本理论是现在国内一项比较新的理论,如何在前人研究的基础之上做出有益的研究成果,是本文的研究目的之一。

    Sustainable development cost theory is relatively one new theory in domestic . How to make good on the basis of research achievements is the main research purpose .

  22. 可持续发展成本信息作为可持续发展信息的重要组成部分,可以从成本管理的角度反映企业的可持续发展能力状况。

    Sustainable development cost information can reflect the sustainable development of enterprise ability from the angle of management cost as an important component of the sustainable development information .

  23. 可持续发展成本信息和财务报告信息之间有互相联系,可以供信息使用者相互参考,为利益相关者提供财务报告欠缺的重要信息。

    Sustainable development cost information and financial reporting information are often intertwined , to provide references for information user and missing important information that in financial report for stakeholders .

  24. 然后,对有偿使用成本、劳动成本、环境成本、可持续发展成本、安全成本等政策规范进行了具体分析。

    Furthermore , it then analyzes the policy specification of the cost of paid use , labor costs , environmental costs , sustainable development cost and security costs in detail .

  25. 在研究中引入了区域经济递进发展成本,并把区域经济发展成本定义为中西部地区对东部地区经济发展贡献的劳动力、资本、自然资源和生态环境等的货币表现。

    This cost is defined as the monetary expression of labor force , capitals , natural resources and ecologic environment that the middle / west areas have supplied to the east .

  26. 它综合考虑建设成本和运营发展成本,贯穿企业全寿命周期各阶段,从而实现科学的设计和合理的选择,实现成本最小。

    It is considering the cost of construction and operational development , throughout the whole life cycle stages , in order to achieve a scientific design , reasonable choice and minimum cost .

  27. 第四章结合中国的具体情况,对高等职业教育产业化发展成本和收益进行了深入的理论与案例分析。

    In the fourth chapter , combining the specific conditions in China , the paper made a thorough theoretical and case analysis of the cost and profit of higher vocational education industrialization development .

  28. 因而,建立一支高素质的农业人力资源队伍对于改变我国农业发展成本过高、代价过大和建立现代农业发展模式意义重大。

    Therefore , the establishment of a high-quality agricultural human resources team is very significant for changing the current agricultural development mode with over-high and excessive costs and establishing a modern agricultural development model .

  29. 中国相对贫乏的人均资源,以及高出全球平均水平的发展成本,决定了其经济发展的方向,只能是别无选择地走上循环经济的道路。

    The low per capita resources and survival space and the higher development costs than the world average have decided China 's economic development has no alternative but to embark on the road of developing recycle economy .

  30. 它是经济主体集体环境非理性行为的结果,当经济主体采取成本推进和粗放型增长方式来实现其目标时便会形成经济主体的集体环境非理性行为,从而形成经济发展成本。

    As a rule , when the economic subject chooses to realize his aims by means of cost advancement and extensive increase manner , his collective irrational conduct will take shape and result in cost of economic development .