
  • 网络Marketing Director;Director of sales and marketing
  1. 堂是销售和市场营销总监,是董事会的成员。

    You see Don is Sales and Marketing Director and is on the Board .

  2. 苹果最近与三星的专利案庭审中,曾公布多份苹果内部电子邮件。这些邮件显示,在三星的“NextBigThing”营销战略大获成功后,苹果市场营销总监菲尔•席勒(PhilSchiller)曾考虑更换苹果的广告代理商。

    Internal emails released during its recent patent trial with Samsung showed that its marketing chief Phil Schiller considered changing Apple 's ad agency after the success of its Korean rival 's " next big thing " campaign .

  3. 苹果的市场营销总监菲利普·席勒(PhilipSchiller)说,这款新MacBook是公司迄今为止推出的最轻薄的笔记本电脑。

    Philip Schiller , the company 's head of marketing , said the new MacBook was the thinnest and lightest laptop the company had ever made .

  4. 过去一年中,该公司董事长王雪红加大了在公司管理方面的参与度,该公司最近还聘请了三星电子(SamsungElectronicsCo.)前美国市场营销总监戈尔登(PaulGolden)担任顾问,以增强公司的营销能力。

    Chairwoman Cher Wang has taken a more active role in management in the past year , and the company recently hired Samsung Electronics Co. 's former U.S. marketing chief , Paul Golden , as a consultant to beef up its marketing .

  5. 来自西雅图的市场营销总监盖尔曾供职的一家公司,其创始人会公开批评团队成员。

    Gail , a marketing executive based in Seattle , used to work for a company whose founder publicly criticized members of the team .

  6. 加迪斯担任市场营销总监时,她所在公司的首席执行官专横傲慢,认为自己始终都是正确的,从来不听从其他人的意见。

    When Gaddis was a marketing executive , her chief executive was overbearing , assumed he was always right , and failed to listen to others .

  7. 以昨天芝加哥的一个市场营销总监职位为例,“职位竞争情况报告”显示,大部分求职者的期望薪酬在78000至93000美元之间。

    For one director of marketing posting in Chicago yesterday , a job competition report showed a wide range of desired salaries & from $ 78,000 to $ 93,000 .

  8. 寻找调味品市场的蓝海&记抚顺市独凤轩食品有限公司市场营销总监陈鑫

    Looking for the blue sea for seasoning market