
  • 网络market type;type of market
  1. 我国审计市场类型分析及其启示

    An Analysis of Audit Market Type in China and the Instruction

  2. 决定市场类型划分的主要因素有四个:市场上厂商的数目;厂商所生产产品的差别程度;单个厂商对市场价格的控制程度;厂商进入或退出一个行业的难易程度。

    Four primary factors determines the market type : merchant number ; difference degree of products ; price control degree to market of single merchant ; the difficulty degree of merchant entering or withdrawing from a profession .

  3. 面对这种市场类型,我们应选择强制性信息披露制度。

    Facing such kind of weak market , we should select compulsory IDS .

  4. 其中包括三种市场类型的理论:基层市场、中间市场、中心市场;

    Standard market , intermediate market and central market ;

  5. 市场类型与战略联盟形式的选择

    Choice of Market Types and Strategic Coalition Forms

  6. 河南农村集贸市场类型区划分

    The Division of Henan Rural Fairs into Types

  7. 你必须了解你的系统在不同的市场类型下的表现。

    You need to know how your system will perform in various types of markets .

  8. 中国体育旅游市场类型及特点探析

    Discussion and Analysis on the Types and Features of the Chinese Market for Physical Education Tour

  9. 对离岸金融市场类型的划分可以从不同的角度进行,主要包括形成方式、运行模式、货币种类、业务构成等多种角度。

    Division of the offshore financial market types from the different angles , including the way of formation , the type of currency .

  10. 结合国际上审计行业发展经验,本文认为,我国的审计市场类型将经历从完全竞争市场到寡头垄断市场的转变过程。

    The development of international auditing trade also supports that . So the auditing market in China will also transfer from a perfect competition market to an oligopoly monopoly market .

  11. 然而财务指标的信息含量不仅受到经济形势和资本市场类型的影响,而且还收到本身特性的影响,所以我们必须控制这些因素才能保证财务指标的质量。

    But the financial indexes are affected by the economy , stock market and the characters in itself . In order to improve the quality of financial indexes , we must control the effect .

  12. 政府要针对不同的产品市场类型选择适当的补贴形式,使得最大部分的好处直接由消费者获得,而不是非营利组织获得,以实现政府财政补贴的目标。

    Government should select appropriate form of subsidy for different types of product markets , making the largest part of the benefits received directly by consumers but not NPO , in order to achieve the objectives of government financial subsidies .

  13. 市场类型的转变,消费者个性化的发展、新零售业务的出现、国外大型零售业集团的进入,使我国零售业的市场环境发生了巨大变化。

    It is the transition of market system , the individuation of consumer , the appearance of new retailing , and the entry of the foreign big retailing groups , that greatly changed the market environment of China 's retailing business .

  14. 结果发现,(1)趋同效应、肉鸡品种、家庭养鸡人数、市场类型、去年养鸡收入、风险偏好等是导致农户当前现状和意愿选择产生差异的主要原因。

    The results indicates that : ( 1 ) trend together effect , meat chicken species , the number of keeping chicken , market type , family income kept chicken , risk preference etc. are the main reasons which cause the difference of current situation and willing choice .

  15. 该模型表明,技术复杂程度、研制一体化程度、客户/市场类型、产品交付周期这4个研发特征因素决定着复杂产品系统研发团队的组织形式。

    The model results show that the degree of technical complexity , the degree of R D and manufacturing integration , customer / marker type , and product delivery cycle are four R D characteristics of factors that determine the organizational form of the R D team in CoPS .

  16. 根据我国体育旅游业发展的现状,提出了按体育旅游资源类型、国境、消费水平、消费类型及组织形式5种方法划分我国体育旅游市场类型。

    Based on the present situation of physical education tour in our country , we have brought forward five ways for classifying the market types of Chinese physical education tour , such as by ways of resource style , frontier , consumption level , consumption style and organization form .

  17. 关于我国体育彩票市场产品类型的研究

    Research on Market Production Type of Sports Lottery in China

  18. 可拓市场的类型与实现方式研究

    Study on the Types and Realizable Ways Of Extension Market

  19. 中国农产品市场的类型划分与发展思路

    Classification and Developing Envisage of China Agricultural Product Market

  20. 公司股权的市场结构类型与股东治理行为

    Analysis on Relation between Market Structure of Corporate Ownership and Governance Behavior of the Corporate Shareholders

  21. 然后从供求均衡分析、边际效用规律、需求弹性特点和市场结构类型等几个方面探讨了软件产品相对于传统物质产品的定价理论悖论。

    From the point of view of the supply and demand proportionally , marginal utility law , demand elasticity characteristic and market structure type .

  22. 本文从博弈的角度解释了这种现象的产生原因,并分析了我国卷烟行业的市场竞争类型,提出建立寡头垄断市场是重组卷烟企业的目标。

    It also analysises the type of market competition of the Cigarette Industry , and proposes the establishment of an Oligopoly Market is the objective of reorganization of the Tobacco Enterprises .

  23. 从世界范围内的产业发展来看,寡头垄断(经济集中型垄断)是当前经济发达国家产业发展所采取的一种最普遍的市场结构类型。

    It can be seen in the global industry development that oligopoly ( economic integration monopoly ) is the most common type of market structure in industry development adopted by current developed nations .

  24. 文章介绍了矿产资源的不可再生性特征,分析了矿业秩序混乱的原因,比较了市场结构类型。

    The paper introduces the characteristics , non-replace of mineral resources , and it analyses the reason of confusion in the order of mining industry and it compares the tapes of market structure .

  25. 从信息驱动的有限活跃跳跃行为出发,从股票价格数据中提取、剥离跳跃过程,分析其主要统计特征,在此基础上对中国证券市场不同类型个股跳跃行为特点进行讨论。

    Analyze the statistical characters after detaching jumps from stock price and consider the features of jump behavior with different types of stocks in China Stock Market based on finite activity jumps driven by information .

  26. 并对现阶段的商业银行个人理财产品进行分类,主要有准货币市场基金类型的产品、结构性存款、固定收益组合理财产品和其他类型的理财产品四种类型。

    Then it defines the personal financial products by commercial banks and classifies the current products into quasi-money-market funds types of products , structural deposits , fixed-income portfolio financing products and other types of financial products four types .

  27. 提出适应转型国家的划分标准和依此划分的市场经济类型,指出选择体制模式的关键是处理好目标模式与阶段模式的关系。

    It also sets forth standards differentiating the transforming countries , and the types of market economy thus differentiated , and , in the end , points out that the crucial point in choosing a system model is to correctly handle the relations between the target model and stage model .

  28. 中国证券市场中不同类型的股票与国际金融市场之间存在着不同程度的联系。

    There are linkages between Chinese stock market and foreign stock markets .

  29. 劳动力市场的供求类型与调节措施的思考

    Thoughts on Measures of Regulation and Types of Supply and Demand in Labor Market

  30. 改变了组成市场的交易员类型,你就改变了市场的稳定程度。

    Change the type of trader making up a market and you change its level of instability .