
  1. 与美国航空旅行市场比起来,英国的航空旅行市场相形见绌。

    The US air travel market dwarfs that of Britain .

  2. 面对加入WTO后的金融竞争,对内开放金融市场比对外开放更为重要。

    With the financial competition after entering WTO , opening to the interior is more important than to the outside .

  3. 最近AIM上市火爆在一定程度上可归因于:由于税收政策的改变,该市场比以前更能吸引寻求避税的私人投资者。

    The recent popularity of Aim offerings is partly explained by changes to the tax rules that have made the market even more attractive to private investors seeking a shelter than it was before .

  4. SIA年中预测:2004年半导体市场比预期要好

    SIA Mid-year Forecast : Better Than Expected in 2004

  5. 而进入美国市场比它完了20年的现代(Hyundai)与起亚(Kia)却开发了更丰富的产品线,销量已经是斯巴鲁的好几倍。

    Hyundai and Kia , which arrived two decades later , have developed broader product lines and sell several times more vehicles .

  6. 这个是继EA实施网上验证,和BG工作室的创始人奥利弗认为二手市场比盗版危害更甚的问题之后,又一个厂商发表的声明。

    This latest statement comes after the recent announcement from EA about their intended'Online Pass'and after Blitz Games co-founder Andrew Oliver referred to them as a problem worse than piracy .

  7. 高温超导的罗德,ABS的固墙系统可结合使用,或没有,我们的综合地面系统,使之更加灵活的市场比其他系统目前可用。

    The R ö DER HTS , ABS solid walling system can be used in conjunction with , or without , our integrated flooring systems making it more flexible than other systems currently available on the market .

  8. 债务市场比投资股本市场流通更快。

    The debt market was more liquid than the equity market .

  9. 桌面市场比服务器市场广泛得多。

    The desktop market is much broader than the server market .

  10. 住宅市场比商业地产市场大得多,也重要得多。

    Housing is far bigger and more important than commercial property .

  11. 现在的人才市场比以往竞争更加激烈。

    Nowadays the job market is more competitive than ever .

  12. 它的国内市场比以前大八倍。

    Its domestic market was eight times larger than before .

  13. 相信市场比你要强大。

    Believe that the market is stronger than you are .

  14. 平地机的技术进步&今天的平地机市场比以往提供了更多选择以及更加先进的技术设备

    Grader Technology : More Choices and More Hi-tech Equipments Today

  15. 市场比计划更看重女性人力资本?

    Is women 's human capital valued more by markets than by planners ?

  16. 但培育市场比推销产品更重要。

    The cultivation market , however , is more important than push sales .

  17. 网络性市场比企业更懂得该如何经营他们的产品。

    The networked market knows more than companies do about their own products .

  18. 但是同整体市场比起来,新型支付方式仍然未成气候。

    Yet compared with the overall market , the new payment systems are still small .

  19. 高端房地产市场比危机前回升约25%。

    The resurgent luxury property market is about 25 per cent higher than pre-crisis levels .

  20. 打入一个细分市场比进入规模化市场的成本要低得多。

    Launching a product into a niche market is far cheaper than launching a mass-market product .

  21. 这种理论认为,市场比单个银行家或会计师的判断更明智。

    Markets are wiser than the judgment of individual bankers or accountants , it was said .

  22. 并且准确定位的市场比生产吸引人的产品更加有利可图。

    and finely targeted markets can be more profitable than making products with more general appeal .

  23. 十多年来,劳动力市场比从前更加完善。

    For a decade or more , the labour market has been working better than before .

  24. 目前,对于跨境资本,国际房地产市场比以往任何时候都更加透明和开放。

    International real estate markets are now more transparent and open to cross-border capital than ever before .

  25. 区别在于,中国的市场比日本大得多,他表示。

    The difference is that in China the market is much bigger than in Japan , he said .

  26. 这一轮复苏也不例外,虽然这一次的就业市场比以往更加萧条。

    This recovery , although it has come with a feebler job market than most , is no exception .

  27. 对公司一个有利的因素是市场比他们原先想象的要大得多。

    A plus factor for the company is that the market is much larger than they have originally thought .

  28. 据悉,联网可穿戴设备市场比2015年底有所减速,那时可穿戴设备销量增加了126%。

    The market slowed from an even hotter pace in late 2015 , when wearables were up 126 percent .

  29. 在知识和创新的促进下,国际市场比以往任何时候都更急速综合。

    Fueled by knowledge and innovation , the international market place is more rapid and comprehensive than ever before .

  30. 莫斯科的股票市场比其他国家的股市下降得更厉害,拖累了其海外负债累累的借贷公司。

    The Moscow stock market fell further than any other in the world , straining companies that borrowed heavily overseas .