
  • 网络Marketing communication;Integrated Marketing Communications
  1. 在本月初举办的《财富》(Fortune)“最具影响力女性峰会”上,我采访了可口可乐整合营销沟通与能力高级副总裁温蒂•克拉克。

    At the fortune most powerful women summit earlier this month , I interviewed Wendy Clark , SVP of integrated marketing communications and capabilities at Coca-Cola ( KO ) .

  2. 两媒体整合营销沟通方案的最优决策泛媒体时代省级卫视的整合营销研究

    Optimal decision on integrated marketing communications of two media ; A Study on Programs of Provincial Satellite TV 's Integrated Marketing

  3. Agent通信机制探讨致力于同消费者的营销沟通;

    Towards Agent Communication Mechanisms strategy of marketing communication with consumers ;

  4. 本文主要通过问卷调查,通过对消费者关于营销沟通相关问题的回答结果经过SPSS统计软件分析,用定量实证的分析手段得到关于营销沟通更精确的认识。

    Through the questionnaires , we will get clearer about the marketing communication in consumers behaviors by the statistic tool : SPSS . And even more , we can find the index of relativity between marketing communication and consumption estimate .

  5. 在现代营销沟通中,标志是实现沟通的重要工具之一。

    Signs ars one of indispensible tools to realize communication in modern marketing .

  6. 处方药营销沟通策略研究

    Research about Prescription Drug Marketing Communication Strategy

  7. 第三,产品概念和品牌建树有赖于对营销沟通手段的有效整合。

    Third , Product concept and brand establishing depend on workable integration of marketing communication tools .

  8. 最后本文以一个案例来说明处方药营销沟通策略的具体实施方法。

    At last a case is used as explanation the concrete method of prescription drug marketing communication strategy .

  9. 对于任何成功的营销沟通,你需要获得的信息,市场,媒体和力矩的权利。

    For any successful marketing communication you need to get the message , market , media and moment right .

  10. 随着体育产业的迅速发展,体育赞助逐渐走入人们的视野,成为企业有效的营销沟通手段之一。

    With great development of the sports industry , the sports sponsorship as a useful communication method has come to our eyes .

  11. 随着互联网技术的不断进步,博客成为企业开展营销沟通的一种新型方式。

    With the continuous advancement of the internet technology , nowadays blog marketing has developed into a new way for companies to communicate for marketing .

  12. 广告是营销沟通的重要手段。广告创意策略是整合营销策略的重要组成部分。

    The advertisement is a main means that communicate of marketing , and the advertising creativity strategy is the important part of integrate marketing strategy .

  13. 这一系列的问题都将在本文通过量化的调查分析进行深入的探讨,从消费者在具体真实的消费中的行为和感受中找到营销沟通地位和营销沟通的开展情况的相关答案。

    Such series questions will be discussed deeply later in this thesis . I will find the relative answers by consumers ' behaviors and feelings in their consumption .

  14. 通过对中国青少年发展基金会之希望工程的案例分析,研究如何与公众进行有效的营销沟通,不断地促进非营利组织的发展。

    It is significant to take Hope Project as a case to study how effective could marketing communications be in order to further develop non - profit organizations in China .

  15. 这两种现状的交织演进最终导致消费者对企业宣传形成了又爱又恨的矛盾心理,忽视消费者任何一种反应都不可能达到有效的营销沟通。

    The two states of affair are intertwined , making consumers ' contradictory psychological state of both love and hate to product claims , obviously , neglecting either reaction of consumers would not achieve valid marketing communication .

  16. 工业旅游具有较高的观赏、科技、营销和沟通价值,前景看好。

    It is prosperous for industrial tourism with higher value of sightseeing , science and technology , marketing and communication .

  17. 通过分析这些影响因素以及分析目前处方药营销的沟通模式及其弊端,本文最后提出了处方药营销沟通策略的对策:第一,要建立良好的外部沟通环境,塑造良好的品牌形象和加强渠道管理;

    According to analyse these influences and the prescription drug marketing communication mode at present , the article pose countermeasure of prescription drug marketing communication strategy : the first is build up sound external communication circumstance , shaping well trademark image ;

  18. 但市场营销与沟通则不同,它在于将明确的原则、差异等等转化成营销和消息,同时将它们通过众多纸媒和数字媒体发布出去。

    Marketing and communications is a different thing , which is taking these clear tenets and the differentiation and all these other pieces and then turning them into marketing and messaging and pushing them out through the various print , digital outlets .

  19. 然而,研究者在考察渠道沟通与效率时,更多的是着眼于企业的渠道任务和渠道环境及其影响,对跨组织人际关系和人际互动在营销渠道沟通中所起的作用则一直重视不够。

    However , in the study of communication and efficiency of channel , researchers more focus on business tasks and the channel environment and its impact , cross-organizational relationships and interpersonal communication in marketing channels is the role of inadequate attention has been .

  20. 第五章研究了基于精准营销的顾客沟通策略与方法。

    The fifth chapter explores the communication strategies and method .

  21. 在对顾客类型进行分类的基础上讨论了基于精准营销的顾客沟通媒介策略,渠道策略和信息策略。媒介策略主要是基于数据库的沟通媒介策略和基于互联网的沟通媒介策略。

    On the basis of customer classification , it proposed the communication media strategy , communication channel strategy and information strategy .

  22. 汽车营销渠道是沟通汽车制造商与消费者之间的桥梁,是汽车工业的重要组成部分。

    The car marketing channel is to link up the bridge between automaker and consumer , it is the important component of the auto industry .

  23. 对营销体制中沟通的创新提出设想,以期帮助企业实施营销体制变革,适应市场竞争的需要。

    Put forward ideas about innovation in communication in marketing system to help enterprise implement reform of marketing system to meet the need of market competition .

  24. 薪酬管理者可以在控制成本的基础上,通过加强与营销人员的沟通,增加公司的福利总类从而提高薪酬满意度。(3)实施全面薪酬战略。

    Pay managers can on the basis of control costs , by strengthening the communication with marketing personnel , increase the welfare of the general category of the company to increase the pay satisfaction . ( 3 ) Implementation of a comprehensive compensation strategy .

  25. 本文试图从生活方式方面进行探索,以获得对中国绿色消费者的一些认识,帮助中国营销者更好地进行绿色营销沟通。

    We conduct an exploratory study about green consumer in terms of Life Style , to gain the knowledge about Chinese green consumers and help Chinese marketers to do better green marketing communications .

  26. 第四章在传统的沟通模式的基础上根据精准营销的特征,提出适用于精准营销的顾客沟通模式:一对多模式和一对一模式。

    The fourth chapter refers to the characteristics of precision marketing and puts forward two communication models which suit for precision marketing based customer communication , that is the one VS more model and one VS one model .

  27. 体育赞助营销是基于品牌战略和营销战略基础之上的一种营销沟通手段,但目前中国企业有这种战略眼光的却不多,往往希望它在销售上能够起到立竿见影的作用。

    Sports sponsorship marketing strategy and brand marketing strategy is based on a foundation of marketing communication tools . But now Chinese enterprises do not have such strategic vision , China 's enterprises are often focuses on sale in the hope that it can play an influential role .

  28. 同时通过对影响传统营销环境变化的因素进行分析,总结了对营销内涵和营销信息沟通的新思考,并进一步分析了新市场环境中的新技术和新理念对口碑营销的推动作用。

    Through the analysis to the traditional marketing environmental variation , this article summarized the marketing connotation and the marketing information communication , and further analyzed the impetus of the new technology and new idea to word-of-mouth marketing function .

  29. 在最后,本论文又提出了确保营销战略实施的品牌策略、产品策略、价格策略、渠道策略、营销沟通策略、服务策略、网络营销策略和口碑营销策略八大策略及实施方法。

    At the end , the article again put forward eight strategies and the implement method . These strategies include brand strategy , product strategy , price strategy , channel strategy , the marketing communication strategy , service strategy , internet marketing strategy and the word of mouth marketing strategy .

  30. 第六章在前人关于营销绩效的研究基础上,选择了合适的指标,构建了基于精准营销的顾客沟通效果评价指标体系。

    The sixth chapter based its evaluation index system on the previous studies .