
yínɡ yǎnɡ yè
  • trophophyll
  1. 对24种竹子营养叶的结构进行了比较解剖的研究。

    The comparative anatomical structures of leaves of 24 monopodial bamboo species were studied .

  2. 异形叶性:用于描述哪些在同一株植物个体上具有多种营养叶的植物种类。

    Heterophylly Denoting plant species that have more than one form of foliage leaf on the same individual .

  3. 树干30&40cm高的植株平均营养叶数和茎直径已基本恒定。

    Maximum mean trunk diameter and mean number of leaves were reached when the plant reached 30 & 40 cm tall .

  4. 在小穗分化过程中,护颖和外稃的起源方式也与营养叶相似,花原基的起源方式与小穗相似。

    In the differentiation of the spikelet , the glumes and lemmas also arise in the same manner as the foliage leaf and the flower primordia the same as the spikelets .

  5. 用发酵酸法提取营养酸模叶蛋白的工艺

    Extraction Techniques of Rumex Acetosa Leaf Protein by Fermentation Acid Method

  6. 营养酸模叶蛋白提取工艺

    Extraction of Leaf Protein From Modern - slam

  7. 此外,氮素营养使旗叶老化过程中超氧阴离子(O-2)的产生速率降低,H2O2的累积量减少,并提高细胞中活性氧清除酶SOD和CAT的活性。

    Otherwise , compared with CK , nitrogen nutrition decreased the O2 Producing rate and the accumulation amount of H2O2 in leaf , and increased the enzymatic activity of active scavenging enzyme SOD and CAT during leaf aging process .

  8. 钾营养对稻叶光合功能及光能吸收的调节

    Regulation of potassium nutrition to photosynthetic function and light-energy absorption of rice leaf

  9. 打顶前,高钾营养提高上部叶还原糖的积累最为明显,提高了29.8%。

    Before topping , high K nutrition improved the accumulation of reducing sugar in upper leaves most obvious , being 29.8 % .

  10. 在土壤含水量过高的情况下,干物质多积累在叶片中,不利于营养物质向叶球输送,推迟产品器官的形成,造成水分利用效率和经济产量的降低。

    Dry matter which was distributed to leaf increased , yield and economic benefit decreased , and water resource use efficiency decreased .

  11. 由于苞叶中半纤维素含量较高,导致其产气量和干物质消化率较高,因此,其营养价值高于叶和茎。

    Because of higher hemicellulose content of husks , the gas production and DMD were higher in the position of husks than stems and leaves .

  12. 研究表明,盛花后85~90d为叶营养诊断采集叶样的适宜时期。本文探讨毛竹的叶营养诊断,以指导竹林施肥。

    The proper time of sample leaf is in the 85 ~ 90 days after blooming . The present study was conducted to seek the diagnoses of bamboo nutrient state so as to guide its fertilization .

  13. 初生叶遮光使得新叶中活性铁含量增加,体内铁的再利用效率提高了6个百分点左右,在一定程度上改善了NO3--N营养缺铁菜豆新叶的铁营养状况。

    More active Fe and 6 percent enhancement in Fe reutilization efficiency were found in the primary-leaves-shading treatment which improved Fe nutrition in young leaves of Fe-deficient plants fed with NO-3 , - N.

  14. 主要营养成分对甘蔗叶悬浮细胞生长影响的研究

    Studies on the Effects of Major Nutrients on Suspension Culture of Sugarcane Leaf Cell

  15. 钾营养对水稻剑叶光合作用关键酶活性的影响

    Effects of potassium on the contents and activities of Rubisco , Rubisco activase and photosynthetic rate in rice leaf

  16. 苗期施用0.05%营养液在二叶期进行一次淋浇,可显著减轻元素积累,有利于培育壮苗。

    Filter irrigation with nourishment succus ( 0.05 % ) on two-leaf stage can decrease the accumulation and do favor of breeding healthy seedlings .

  17. 在植物的营养生长阶段,叶原基从植物地上部分顶端分生组织的周边区形成,在一系列细胞分裂和分化程序的指导下,最终发育成叶。

    In the plant vegetative growth , leaf primordia arise from groups of initial cells within the peripheral zone of the shoot apical meristem . Leaf develops by following a series of cell division and differentiation programs to form its final shape and size .

  18. 不同钾素营养对烤烟上部叶、中部叶、下部叶和韧皮部的还原糖含量没有显著影响,但同低钾处理相比,增施钾肥显著提高木质部中的还原糖含量8.86%。

    Different K nutrition had no significant effect on reducing sugar content of upper leaves , middle leaves , lower leaves and phloem of flue-cured tobacco , and compared with the low-K treatment . high-K application significantly increased reducing sugar content by 8.86 % in xylem .

  19. 传统的野外水稻氮素营养诊断方法主要有肥料窗口法诊断水稻氮素营养和根据叶色诊断水稻氮素营养方法。

    In order to research harmless and convenient methods for diagnosis nitrogen nutrition of rice , some methods outdoor were found .