
  • 网络api-cal field;Parietal
  1. 目的:采用汉语双字词对再认过程中额区新旧效应与熟悉感判别有关、顶区新旧效应与回忆有关的ERP熟悉感/回忆假说进行检验。

    Objective : Using Chinese words to examine the claim that the frontal ERP old / new effect is related to familiarity and the parietal old / new effect is related to recollection ( the ERP familiarity / recollection hypothesis ) .

  2. 个体在顶区和枕区的P1潜伏期要显著快于额区,晚正电位也首先表现在顶枕区域。

    The P1 latency in the parietal and occipital region was significantly faster than the frontal , and late positive potential also first showed in the parietal and the occipital region .

  3. 中层顶区Na原子分布昼夜变化的模拟研究

    A simulation study on the diurnal variation of the sodium layer in the mesopause region

  4. 由工作记忆内容引发的注意定向效应反映为大脑两侧枕顶区和枕颖区的Pl一NI增大效应。

    The attentional orienting guided by working memory content triggered the classical P1-N1 effect at bilateral occipital-parietal and occipital-temporal area of brain .

  5. EvansBlue、竹C和HE染色均显示缺血区域位于右侧纹状体、颗顶区皮层,位置和范围较为稳定。

    Evans Blue , TTC and HE staining showed that ischemic regions were located hi right striatum and frontoparietal cortex . The position and area were stable at each time .

  6. 7在顶区的P300的平均幅值随着年龄的增长而增加,且初中组明显低于其它两个组。

    P300 average amplitude on parietal area was increasing with age increasing and junior high school group 's was significantly lower than two others .

  7. 本文用二维可压缩MHD模型,模拟研究了向阳面磁顶区的涡旋诱发重联过程。

    By using a two-dimensional compressible MHD model , the local reconnection processes at the dayside magnetopause region are simulated based on the theory of vortex-induced reconnection .

  8. 笔者报告27例婴儿感染性外部性脑积水,其典型CT表现为:纵裂前部及额顶区蛛网膜下腔增宽、脑底池扩大。

    The authers report 27 cases of infective external hydrocephalus in infants . The typical CT findings are as follows : the front part of the interhemispheric fissure and subarachnoid space along the convexities are widening , the cerebral based cistern is enlarging .

  9. 目的:利用KCl滴注大脑皮质制作大鼠皮层传播性抑制(Corticalspreadingdepression,CSD)模型,研究94-95-10L对c-fos基因在大鼠脑额顶区内扣带回、新皮质和梨状区表达的影响。

    Objective : Our aim was to study the effect of 94 95 10L on c fos gene expression in the cortex of rats with cortical spreading depression ( CSD ) induced by KCl .

  10. 结论TD患者存在脑电功率异常,特别是α2、β1频段,额、中央、顶区脑电功率较低。

    Conclusion : TD patients have lower values of the EEG power , especially in the α 2 bands and β 1 bands of frontal 、 central and parietal area .

  11. 据此,为要减少表面复合影响,提高效率,必须减小顶区宽度W,增加材料迁移率。

    From above equations it is clear that in order to reduce the influence of the surface recombination and raise the efficiency , the W value of the width of the top region must be reduced and the mobility of the material must be raised .

  12. 用二维可压缩MHD方程组模拟研究了地球向阳面磁层顶区通量传输事件(FTEs)的基本特性,并与不可压缩情况下的结果进行了比较,指出了二者的适用范围。

    The basic characters for flux transfer events at the dayside magnetopause are studied with a two-dimensional compressible MHD simulation , compared with the re sults of the incompressible model , and their applicable ranges are given .

  13. 10mg/kg时使各脑区α2频段功率百分比较给药前及前两个剂量组均下降(除左右顶区与2.5mg/kg组差异无统计学意义,其余P<0.05)。

    The percentage of α 2-band power in group 10 mg / kg decreased sharply compared with the two doses before ( P < 0.05 , except for the areas of apical brain ) .

  14. 丛刺治疗组:采用超声电丛刺治疗仪于头部电丛刺顶区(运动区),以100~200Hz疏密波电针通过6~8h,1次/d,1个疗程30次。

    Electric acupuncture group : The patients were conducted scalp electric cluster acupuncture on top area ( motion area ) with the ultrasonic electric acupuncture therapy system , followed 100-200 Hz wave electric acupuncture for 6-8 hours , once daily , 30 times as one course .

  15. 不同间隙条件下的叶顶区流动

    The flow in blade tip region under different clearance conditions

  16. 顶区梯度掺杂电场,能有效减少表面的复合率;

    The uneven-doped electric field in top region can reduce surface compound rate .

  17. 综放开采控顶区顶煤结构力学特性研究

    Study on structural mechanical characteristics of top coal in roof-control area in full-mechanized caving

  18. 合并右额顶区硬膜下积液1例。

    Accompanying subdural fluid accumulation of right frontal and parietal areas , 1 case .

  19. 胸膜顶区的应用解剖学

    Applied Anatomy of the Cupula of Pleura

  20. 中层顶区钠层化学反应寿命的初步研究

    A study on the chemical lifetime of sodium layer in the region of the mesopause

  21. 放顶煤工作面控顶区中硬以下顶煤弹塑性区分析

    Analysis of elastic and plastic zone for middle and soft top coal in use of sublevel-caving

  22. 无意识情绪调节加工可能更多地发生在顶区和枕区。

    Unconscious processing of emotion regulation might be more associated in the parietal and the occipital region .

  23. 中层顶区的气晖观测

    Airglow measurements in mesopause region

  24. 重度脑损伤组细胞凋亡涉及整个海马结构,同时还广泛累及额顶区皮质。

    But the apoptosis was involved in whole hippocampus and spreaded to frontal cortex in severe injury group .

  25. 仅出现暂性2例额肌瘫痪,3例顶区皮肤麻木。

    Only 2 cases had frontal muscular paralysis temporarily , and 3 cases had skin numbness in parietofrontal regions .

  26. 并在气顶区、油气界面及油区建立了一套观察系统。

    For this , a set of observation system is set up in gas cap zone , gas-oil contact and oil zone .

  27. 目的:探讨开窗法复位植骨内固定和单纯行前柱复位内固定治疗髋臼前柱骨折合并臼顶区关节面压缩塌陷的治疗效果。

    Objective : Analysis of fenestration operation treatment of acetabular parastyle fracture with compressive articular surface of the acetabulum involving weight-bearing dome .

  28. 出血病人为:右、左基底节区、右额、顶区、小脑区及枕叶区。梗死及出血两组主要死亡并发症分别为肺部感染18例、19例;

    Cerebral hemorrhage ( CH ) was : right , left basal ganglion , right forehead , parietal cerebellum region and occipital lobe region .

  29. 对于不同大小的间隙及环壁静止与旋转的不同壁面条件,揭示了叶顶区流动的细节。

    The details of the flow in tip region were predicted under different clearance scale and the condition of both stationary and rotating hub .

  30. 同时,中央区、颞区、顶区和枕区存在电影类型主效应,枕区存在性别效应。

    Meanwhile , the main effect of film types in area centralis , temporal area , parietal area and occipital region , the gender difference is in occipital area .