
dǐng zhen
  • thimble;center


dǐng zhēn
  • centre
顶针 [dǐng zhēn]
  • (1) [thimble]∶通常由金属或塑料做的环形指套,表面有密麻的凹痕,在将缝针顶过衣料时用以保护手指

  • (2) [center]∶车床或磨床上支持工件并使工件围绕它转动的圆锥形金属棒

  • (3) 见顶真

顶针[dǐng zhēn]
顶针[dǐng zhen]
  1. 哈吉马礼貌地谢过她,爬进了顶针。

    So Hjalmar thanked her politely and climbed in the thimble .

  2. 只有一个顶针了。爱丽丝伤心地说。

    ` Only a thimble , ' said Alice sadly .

  3. 万能蜂窝底板,活动顶针活动支撑块,灵活定位PCB,方便印刷双面PCB。

    Beehive bottom board , thimbles move support board , agile orientate PCB , easy to print dual sides PCB .

  4. 讨论了全自动IC芯片键合机的关键机械结构和原理,包括分片进料结构、送料结构、收料结构、芯片拾放装置的结构、顶针机构、晶圆供送装置等。

    It was discussed that the key mechanical structure and principle of the automatic Die-bonder , which includes the structures of lead-frame dispatch , transport , receiver , bonding head , needle , wafer feeder , etc.

  5. 他这次手上拿着的是一个金灿灿的镶嵌着红宝石的顶针。

    He held out a golden thimble studded with rubies .

  6. 缝纫时,她在手上戴一枚顶针。

    She put a thimble over the finger when sewing .

  7. 可缩短调机时间,减少人为放置顶针的失误;

    Reduced changeover time , reduced human error by placing the supporting pins ;

  8. 上帝再次把手伸进河里,这次他手上拿的是一枚皮制顶针。

    The Lord reached down again and came up with a leather thimble .

  9. 顶针:有助于提高手缝效率。

    Thimbles : an aid to efficient hand sewing .

  10. 激光切割顶针自动回避

    On Automatic Avoidance of Spikes during Laser Cutting

  11. 带双固定顶针的台式车床该产品直接制作扁顶针不翘曲、不变形。

    The product can be directly made into flat thimble without warping and deformation .

  12. 模具在设计上要做到尽快冷却,上、下内模高温点应该有个别的冷却,应有适量顶针。

    Mould should be designed with maximum cooling and with appropriate amount of ejection points .

  13. 顶针可以当帽子戴头上

    And wear a thimble on your head

  14. 转眼他看到老鼠小姐站在妈妈的顶针里。

    Then he saw that the little mouse was standing by his mother 's thimble .

  15. 顶针导柱的安装。

    Ejector guide pins installation .

  16. 好的顶针是金属制成的,并能舒适地戴在拿针的手的中指上。

    An acceptable thimble is metal and fits snugly on the middle finger of the needle-holding hand .

  17. 顶针与运水距离较近,可以将顶针改小吗?

    EJ pin is too close to the cooling , could we change a smaller EJ pin ?

  18. 上帝把手伸进河里,捞上来一个金灿灿的镶嵌着蓝宝石的顶针。

    The Lord dipped His hand into the water and pulled up a golden thimble set with sapphires .

  19. 温迪只得握了握他的手,因为彼得没有表示他想要一只顶针。

    She had to take his hand , and there was no indication that he would prefer a thimble .

  20. 肘内翻(前臂外翻)装上肘接或用肘接固定外固定器背伸位固定治疗三踝骨折后踝顶针的生物力学研究

    Biomechanics Study about the Half-pin on Posterior Malleolar when Trimalleolar Fracture is Treated by External Fixation in Dorsiflexion Position

  21. 常打心眼里觉得,我帮忙找到顶针,她该谢我。

    Inside me I couldn 't help feeling she ought to have given me thanks for finding the thimble .

  22. 顶针与阀体用螺纹连接,顶针的周边做有凸缘。

    The thimble and valve body has the thread connection , the place around the thimble has the flange .

  23. 婚礼结束后,哈吉马又钻进顶针里,回家睡觉了。

    When at last the party was over , Hjalmar drove home in the thimble and went to bed again .

  24. 有一天,一个女成衣坐在河干干活时,不小心把顶针失踪进了河里。

    One day , when a seamstress was sewing while sitting close to a river , her thimble fell into the river .

  25. 上帝饶了我吧,我拿顶针在汤姆头上使劲敲,可怜的孩子,可怜的短命孩子。

    " God forgive me ", I cracked Tom 's head with my thimble ," poor boy , poor dead boy " .

  26. 这些系统可靠地将触弹针内的顶针固定到壳体内壁,提供恒定、滑动、低电阻的连接。

    These systems reliably hold the plunger in contact against the internal barrel wall , providing a constant , sliding , low-resistance connection .

  27. 如果得到一枚顶针说明这名妇女不会结婚,硬币预示着财运旺盛,鸡的叉骨表示他们最珍贵的愿望将会实现。

    A thimble means that a woman will not marry , a coin means wealth and a wishbone means that their dearest wish will be granted .

  28. 她在卡马森郡卡贝尔伊万市的家中养了七只会下蛋的母鸡,但她也不能确定是哪只下了那枚顶针般大小的鸡蛋。

    She keeps seven hens which lay eggs at the family home at Capel Iwan , Carmarthenshire - but shes not sure which laid the thimble-sized egg .

  29. 据研究小组,对这些物质的许多人大致相等的水平,在奥运会一水顶针集中的标准游泳池。

    According to the study team , many of these substances were concentrated at levels roughly equal to one thimble of water in an Olympic-sized swimming pool .

  30. 而对于大小规模,他们追求极端,不是极小就是极大,顶针大的杯子,石头大的玉石。

    When it came to scale , they went for extremes , the teensy and the colossal , cups the size of thimbles , jades the size of boulders .