
  1. 忙起来吧!把该做的事情处理掉。

    So get busy & get things done this week .

  2. 一项研究发现,快乐的秘诀就是让自己忙起来。

    The secret to happiness is keeping busy , research has found .

  3. 从明天起我可能会忙起来。

    I may be busy from tomorrow on .

  4. 警察明天来,忙起来要没觉睡的。

    When the police get here tomorrow , things are going to get busy .

  5. 忙起来,但要保持温和与明智。

    Make haste but be gentle and wise .

  6. 我们这就要忙起来了。

    We shall be rather busy here presently .

  7. 孤独的乔又忙起来了。

    Lonely Joe is on the move again .

  8. 我们忙起来就有些懒惰了。

    We got busy and we got lazy .

  9. 那最好让的手指忙起来。

    Then your fingers better get busy .

  10. 随性而为,即兴表演!忙起来,砰砰砰。

    Alex : Ad lib . Improvise ! On the fly , boom boom boom .

  11. 人忙起来的时候真的会引起坏心情,还会忘记一些事情。

    When I am busy , it can sometimes make me feel moody and somewhat forgetful .

  12. 女:忙起来的时候特别忙,有时也会闲的无聊。

    W : Well , it 's. .. busy times are busy , but boring sometimes .

  13. 当我们忙起来时,脾气就会变得暴躁、尖锐,但这是正常的。

    When we are busy , people get angry and sharp , but that 's normal .

  14. 要让朋友忙起来。

    Keep your friend busy .

  15. 他想做些事情使自己忙起来以便尽可能地多学点东西。

    He wanted to do something to keep himself busy to learn as much as he could .

  16. 让自己忙起来

    7 . Make Yourself Busy

  17. 找一个爱好,找一些你喜欢做的事情,让你的大脑忙起来。

    Find a hobby , find something you enjoy doing , something to keep your mind busy .

  18. 他下床还不到一刻钟,全家也都忙起来了。

    Before he had been up a quarter of an hour the whole house were astir and busy .

  19. 没有什么时候比现在更适合开创一些新项目让你自己忙起来。

    No time is better than now to create and start some new projects to keep you busy .

  20. 我工作更有条理,忙起来时也不至于总是手足无措了。

    I work with more clarity and I do not get stuck in doing busy work very often .

  21. 所以让自己忙起来,行动起来,用你自己的特有方式表达生命的无限精彩。

    So get busy , get going and express life 's grand abundance in your own very special way .

  22. 如果条件不允许,你应该找点其他事情让自己忙起来。

    If these options are available to you , you 'll have to invent some other way of keeping yourself occupied .

  23. 当你忙起来的时候时间就过得飞快。而且你也会从老板和同事那儿获得更多的经验和尊重。

    When you 're busy the hours fly by and you gain more experience and respect from your bosses and co-workers .

  24. 当你的脑子忙起来,你的大脑就会没有时间和空间来思考试图忘记的人。

    If your mind is busy , it doesn 't have time or space to think about the person you 're trying to forget .

  25. 于是,一家人忙起来,剁馅、和面……一会儿,全家就围在一起开始包佼子;

    Instantly the whole family began chopping meat and kneading dough . In no time , all had gathered around the table to make dumplings .

  26. 不如说:当我难过的时候,让自己忙起来是个好办法,但是我不知道对你是否适用。

    Better – When I was grieving , staying busy was helpful for me , but that may or may not be what works best for you .

  27. 世界杯结束后,中国男足将忙起来,一系列热身比赛将等待他们。

    After the World Cup was concluded , the China men 's national team is becoming busier as a series of friendly games are waiting for it .

  28. 我国学校道德教育仍旧处于“说起来主要,做起来次要,忙起来不要”的状况。

    School moral education in our country is still in the state of " important to say , the secondary to do , cast away when busy " .

  29. 不如说:“当我难过的时候,让自己忙起来是个好办法,但是我不知道对你是否适用。”

    Better - " When I was grieving , staying busy was helpful for me , but that may or may not be what works best for you . "

  30. 在年轻的时候,应该忙起来,你应该尽可能地去奋斗,生活对于那些努力的人来说已经很艰难了,更不用说那些不努力的。

    Stay busy when you are young . Fight as much as you can . Life is hard enough even if you try . Let alone if you don 't.
