
  1. 连云港地区民间小调的基本特征

    The Basic Characteristics of the Local Folk Tunes in Lianyungang Area

  2. 这首歌曲是以一首民间小调为基础的。

    This song is based on an old folk tune .

  3. 来源原则;小调是当地的民间小调;

    The principle of provenance ; A minor is the local folk ditty ;

  4. 小调是当地的民间小调;

    A minor is the local folk ditty ;

  5. 青海民间小调浅论

    The Folk minor of Qinghai

  6. 战国时期,河北地区的民间小调也有了进一步的发展。

    Warring States period , the Hebei region , civil society has also been further developed minor .

  7. 文章分析了青海民间小调南柔北刚的风格差异以及独成一派的说唱特征。

    This paper discusses the folk minor 's style difference in Qinghai and unique charateristics of talking and singing .

  8. 大学时你献给恋人的民间小调和贝多芬的交响乐可有着天壤之别。

    There is a big difference between the folksong you wrote for your college sweetheart and a Beethoven symphony .

  9. 从演唱小调的呼吸方法、咬字吐词、共鸣腔体的运用和发声方法等进一步阐释东北汉族民间小调。

    From the breathing methods , articulate words and spit words , the use of cavity resonance and sounding methods , the text further interprets the Northeast Han Civil Minor .

  10. 在不同的地理环境、自然环境和物质生活条件下,民间小调作为传统文化的一种类别,其产生是多方面复杂因素的结果,在体裁和风格等方面所表现出的地区差异尤为明显。

    In different geographical environment , natural environment and material living conditions , civil minor as a type of traditional culture , its produce is the result of many complex factors . In the genre and style , it shows obviously regional differences .

  11. 本文从三个方面浅析连云港地区民间小调的基本特征:一、小调的内容涉及到不同的历史时期社会各个方面,显示其内容的丰富性。

    This paper intends to analyze and discuss in three aspects the basic characteristics of the local folk tunes in Lianyungang area : 1 . the content of the tunes can involve various social aspects of different periods in history and therefore demonstrate the richness in content ;

  12. 第四部分对中牟民歌的音乐形态进行分析,从劳动号子、民间小调、叫卖调三大类的中牟民歌中,选出具有代表性的歌曲,从调式、调性、旋律、节奏等方面做具体分析。

    The fourth part analyzes ZhongMou folk music form , from " tonality "," folk songs "," hawk " ZhongMou folk songs of three broad categories , choose the representative songs , from the aspects of mode , tonality , melody , rhythm , etc to do concrete analysis .

  13. 古老的故事和传说,民间的小调和唱词,都是民族声乐艺术灵感的来源。

    The ancient stories and legends , folk ditties and Changci all belong to national vocal arts , which are all the source of inspiration .

  14. 侗族大歌发展史上的一次辉煌&黎平侗族民间合唱团对侗族大歌发展的历史性贡献唱一支民间小调嘛,倒还凑合。

    An Outstanding Achievement in the Development of the History of the Dong Chorus & Historic contribution of the Chorus of the Dong folk singers ;