- 名civil court;civil tribunal;civil division

Mr. Ang noted that under the Transboundary Haze Pollution Act , Singapore-listed companies involved in illegal land clearance in Indonesia can be sued in civil court for causing financial losses to businesses and individuals .
What is a Civil Court ?
He will take up his post as the head of the civil courts at the end of next month .
Several months later , his Attorney General Eric Holder announced that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed would be tried in a civilian court in New York .
Senator Joe Lieberman says the jury 's decision makes it Senator Lieberman , an Independent , heads the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee .
I intend to bring an action in the civil courts .
The case could reach the Zurich civil courts by the autumn .
That 's a matter for the family courts .
Professional writers who plagiarize can be taken to civil court and ordered to pay damages .
Those kinds of things just don 't happen in federal civilian court , " explained law professor Jennifer Daskal .
The other four were also tried in civilian court in New York and received life sentences in two thousand one .
They might suffer a slap on the wrist at a civil Misconduct Tribunal ; at worst , a fine or a professional disqualification .
In MR padilla 's case the civilian court provided a fair trial and a just verdict , according to a white house spokesman .
The Tanzanian was the first terrorism suspect held at Guantanamo ever to face trial in a civilian court instead of a military court .
He is the first suspect held at the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay , Cuba to be tried in an American civilian court .
After ruling out an appeal through the civil courts , Didier Deschamps'side have made quick inroads into the penalty by winning four of their first five games .
They may well take up the issue in the civil courts should the decision not go their way , but the repercussions of that choice could be monumental .
A surprising number of parents have considered changing their children 's names and some have even filed the paperwork and made the trek to civil court to do so .
Meanwhile , plans were made to bring to trial for the first time in a civilian court in the United States a detainee from Guant á namo Bay , a suspect in the1998 bombings of American embassies in Africa .
Defendants judged innocent of any crime by a jury can be brought before another " civil " court that can make its own judgment .
This paper makes a discussion on civil court procedures , clarifies the value of court procedure , and perfects the court procedure in theory for realizing the efficiency and justice of judicatory .
Mr Obama has since been persuaded that some detainees are too dangerous to be released but cannot be prosecuted , for lack of evidence admissible in an ordinary civilian or military court .
The sanctions for civil contempt end upon compliance with order .
Viewing Court Interpreting in Civil Trial Proceedings in China and the United States
Last summer , he found Taishan in civil and criminal contempt of court , and barred the company , and its parent corporations , from doing business in the United States .
County Court are primarily civil law courts . The magistrates ' court also deal with certain limited classes of civil cases . The high Court of Justice the superior civil law court .
From 1833 , the British government started the legislative process of setting up in Guangzhou a court of law with jurisdiction over criminal , maritime and civil cases . Charles Elliot , Superintendent of British trade in China , was active in promoting this process .