
mín shì zé rèn jìnɡ hé
  • concurrence of civil liabilities;coincidence of civil liabilities
  1. 浅议民事责任竞合

    Concurrence of Civil Liabilities

  2. 民事责任竞合是民事责任法领域中的一类重要的法律现象。

    The coincidence of civil liability is significant issue of civil law .

  3. 旅游损害赔偿中民事责任竞合的法律探讨

    On the Concurrence of Civil Liability in Travel Damage Compensation

  4. 民事责任竞合法律选择的价值冲突及其平衡

    The Value Conflict and Balance in the Choice of Law for Civil Liability Concurrences

  5. 医疗过失行为民事责任竞合问题研究

    On Civil Liability Coincidence of Medical Negligence

  6. 民事责任竞合立法的缺陷及修补&对合同法第122条规定的检讨

    Flaws and Amendment of Legislation on Concurrent Liabilities & Examine the Provision of Article 122 in Contract Law

  7. 第三章对医疗事故的民事责任竞合、损害赔偿的主体、客体及计算标准、归责原则进行讨论。

    The third part discusses superposition of civil responsibility , subjective body and object of damage compensation , counting standards and principles of responsibilities ' belongings .

  8. 以过错的确定解决民事责任竞合,可以使一般正义和个别正义得到动态的、彻底的实现。

    The only way to solve the choice of civil liabilities is to decide the fault side , which could make the general and individual justice realized dynamically and thoroughly .

  9. 第三,加害给付必然导致民事责任竞合,在解决加害给付的民事责任问题时,传统的民事责任竞合理论都有其不足之处,有限制的请求权竞合说则比较合理。

    To settle the problem of civil liability of injuring performance , the traditional theories of coincidence of civil liability are defective , however , the theory of restrictive claim rights coincidence is comparatively reasonable .

  10. 此外,还讨论了除侵权责任外,可能产生于海上人身伤亡情形的其他赔偿责任,如与侵权责任可能构成民事责任竞合的违约责任,以及在民事赔偿范畴之外的国家赔偿和工伤保险赔偿。

    In addition , this chapter also discusses other potential liabilities that may incurred in maritime personal injury and death accidents , including liability arising from the breach of contracts , and situations involving no civil liabilities such as national compensation and occupational injury insurance .

  11. 文章依据民事责任竞合的基本理伦,论述违约责任与侵权责任在医疗损害责任竞合中应采取的救济措施,从法律上进一步明确责任竞合的规则。

    This paper , on the basis of the coincidence theory of civil liabilities , expounds the necessary measures to be taken in the unexpected coincidence of violation and tort in medical compensation for damages , and further delineates legally the rules for liability coincidence .

  12. 浅论医疗民事责任的竞合

    Some Ideas about the Concurrence of Civil Liabilities in Medical Treatment

  13. 《治安处罚法》第九条涉及行政责任与民事责任的竞合理论与行政调解理论。

    Article 9 of Public Order Avt involves the philosophy of the coincidence of administrative responsibility and civil responsibility as well as idea of administrative mediation .

  14. 国家赔偿责任与民事侵权责任间竞合之探讨&从人民权益之保障为中心

    On Concurrence of State Compensation and Civil Liability for Tort

  15. 医疗民事责任涉及违约责任、侵权责任、因果关系、过错、民事责任的归责原则、民事责任竞合、举证责任等民法基本理论。

    The civil liability of medical malpractice involves civil basic theories such as the liability for breach of contract , tort responsibility , causation , fault , principles of liability undertaken , duplication of civil liability , and liability of providing evidence , and so on .