
  1. 将占有保护请求权的性质界定为物上请求权。

    It would protect the property right thing defined to claim .

  2. 四,关于占有保护请求权。

    Lastly , on the claim of possession protection .

  3. 占有保护请求权包括占有物返还请求权、占有妨害排除请求权及占有妨害防止请求权。

    Occupy protection claim possession that claims , including return occupies disrupt exclude claim and occupies disrupt prevent claim .

  4. 占有保护请求权对于保护农地使用人的合法权益,意义尤为重要。

    The claim for possession is of great significance to the protection of the lawful rights and interests of farmland users .

  5. 占有保护请求权的价值功能在于保护社会平和稳定的秩序,提高对权利保护的效率。

    The claim for possession protection is an important part of the possession protection system . It serves as means of keeping order and peace in the society and improves the outcome and efficiency of right protection .

  6. 第三部分是本文的重要部分,展开说明了物权法保护占有的内容,以及分析了物权法保护占有产生的问题,行使的两种方式,包括占有保护请求权和占有人的自力救济权。

    The third part is an important part of this paper , launched explains the content of property rights protection , and occupies analyzed the problems caused by property rights protection occupies two ways , exercise , including possession of the claim and possessor protected right self-help .