
fǎ lǜ shè huì huà
  • socialization of law
  1. 法律社会化的趋势在促使社会法这一法域出现的同时,还导致了公权利和私权利的渗透和融合及混合权利的产生。

    The tendency of socialization of law results in the penetration and union of public right and private right and production of mixed right as well as appearance of social law .

  2. 运用法律手段修复这种断裂,应当遵循法律社会化的路径。

    As to legal means to rehabilitate the rupture , the path of socialization of law must be followed .

  3. 伴随着法律社会化的进程,经济法应时而生。

    Economic law results from the process of the socialization of laws .

  4. 市民社会理论对法律社会化过程的推动和矫正

    On the Motive Force and Correction of Townspeople Society Theory to the Procedure of Law Socialization

  5. 法律社会化思潮和消费者运动的蓬勃发展,使消费者的权利意识逐渐增强。

    Legal socialization of thought and the vigorous development of the consumer movement make consumers aware of their rights gradually .

  6. 在法律社会化与行政国的背景下,政策制定者与立法者运用政策工具努力在公共权力与国家权力行使的目的与所采行的手段之间建立一种妥当、必要和均衡的关联。

    Under the circumstance of legal socialization and administrative state , with policy tools , police makers and legislators establish a proper , necessary and balanced link between the aims and approaches of public power and state power .

  7. 社会法作为寓于法律社会化过程中的公法与私法相融合的第三法域,在其发展到一定阶段,出现了作为经济领域法律社会化现象的经济法。

    Social law , the third field of law integrating the public law and private law in the legal socialization , led to the emergence of economic law which is a reflection of the legal socialization in the field of economy .

  8. 缺陷产品召回制度是消费者权益保护运动的发展、工业化时代社会生产力得到迅速提高、国家对经济干预成为一种常态和必要及法律社会化综合作用的产物。

    Recall System of Defective Products is the product of the consumer protection movement , the industrial era of social productive forces has the rapid enhancement , and the state intervention into the economy becomes normal and necessary and the legal community of the combined effects .

  9. 论环境民事责任法律构成的社会化

    On Socialization of Constitutive Requirements of Environmental Civil Liability

  10. 论我国法律服务的社会化转型

    On socialized transition of law service in our country

  11. 法律服务的社会化就是强调法律服务的社会价值或者以社会为本位推行法律服务。

    Socialization of legal services focuses social value of legal services or social-centered services .

  12. 论高校环境下法律文化的社会化

    The Socialization of Legal Culture Under College Environment

  13. 政治文明与法律服务的社会化

    Political Civilization and Socialization of Legal Services

  14. 信用执法将适用于信用关系的法律规范经济社会化,成为建立和维护市场经济秩序的基本条件。

    Credit execution will be applied to legal norm economy socialization of the credit relation and become a basic condition for constructing and protecting market economy order .

  15. 文章还提出了一些健全法律体系、建立社会化服务体系、建立信用和担保体系等方面的政策和措施建议。

    The put forward proposals are perfecting the legal system , establishing the social service system and establishing the system of credit and guarantees .

  16. 法律理念:法律的社会化进路

    Legal Concepts : the Legal Socialized Approach

  17. 在这种社会背景下,西方人的价值观念开始发生变化,并在法律界掀起了一场法律社会化运动。

    Western values came to a shift in this social context . At the same time , the legal socialization movement was launched .

  18. 人类社会自进入20世纪以来,法律领域的重大变化和显著进步之一就是法律社会化。

    Since the society enters the 20th century , the socialization of the law becomes the important change and the extraordinary progress in the law realm .

  19. 为了进一步完善非政府组织法律援助,笔者建议完善相关立法、提倡法律援助的社会化、加强各法律援助主体之间的交流与合作。

    In order to perfecting non-government organization legal aid , legislation , socialization , communication and cooperation is absolutely necessary .

  20. 当代传媒已经成为大众文化的主导者,它因承载着文化传递的任务而影响着法律的制定与执行,而法视传媒为法律规范社会化的媒介。

    Contemporary media have become the dominant popular culture , a culture which supports the transmission of the legal mandate and influence the development and implementation of legal norms and law , media socialization media .

  21. 并且对税收法律关系的内涵进行了分析,认为税权控制体现了公法私法化的趋势,是法律社会化的结果。

    This paper argues that the control of tax right is a trend of the integration of public law and private law , and it is the result of socialization of Law .