
  • 网络Validity;The validity of law;force of law
  1. 我国学者在规避外国法的效力问题上也形成了三派观点:具体问题具体分析说,规避外国法无效说,规避外国法有效说。

    The scholars in our country also form three opinions on the validity of Law Evasion . They are concrete analysis of concrete conditions , invalid theory of evading foreign law and valid theory of evading foreign law .

  2. 无论从历史还是从现实考察,要使国际法的效力得以真正发挥,必须坚决反对霸权主义和强权政治,根除不合理的国际政治经济旧秩序。

    To bring into play the validity of the international laws , we must stick to opposing the hegemonism and power politics and eradicate the unreasonable old systems of the international politics and economy whether from the history or from the reality .

  3. 政客们把健康保险法的效力减弱了。

    The politicians watered down the health insurance law .

  4. 新合同法的效力范围

    The Concerning Extent of the New Contract Law

  5. 这种国家利益表达是为了防止行政立法机关滥用了授权,保证行政立法在法的效力和法的内容的适格。

    This is the expression of national interests in order to avoid the abuse of administrative legislation .

  6. 本章的重点就在于对经济监管类行政法的效力来源的理论基础的讨论。

    The focus of this chapter is the sources of effectiveness of economic administrative law or regulation .

  7. 民间法的效力根据还包括民间法规范符合社会主体的需要,并具有自然法意义上的价值基础。

    The effective grounds of folk-law include the rules of folk-law according to the demands of social subjects , and have the valuable base in natural law .

  8. 但这种双重控制体系又是有条件的双重控制体系,即当二者之间有冲突时,应以共同体竞争法的效力为优先。

    But the dual control system is a conditional one . That is to say , when they conflict with each other , the European Community Competition Law takes precedence .

  9. 第二章首先对非现场执法、法的效力冲突和协调规则以及行政告知等相关法理进行阐述,之后结合法理对案件争议焦点进行评析。

    The second chapter elaborates the focus of controversy of the case by analysing off-site enforcement , law conflict and coordination of administrative rules , administrative inform procedure and other related legal .

  10. 因此,作者将语篇分析理论运用于高职高专英语阅读教学中并采取定量的实证研究方法来验证高职高专英语阅读教学中采用语篇分析教学法的效力。

    Therefore , the author tries to apply discourse analysis theory into HVTC English reading teaching and prove the effectiveness of the teaching model . This study is conducted by adopting the quantitative empirical method .

  11. 陪审制度的正义价值在于,陪审团或陪审员享有一定程度上的否决权,可以否定实在法的效力,体现了某种程度上的自然法正义观。

    Its value in Justice is manifested in the introduction of veto power , which authorizes Jury or Jurors to neglect the result of the substantial law and which , to some extent , indicates the Justice of Natural law .

  12. 就邮政法的效力与适用、普遍服务与补偿机制、邮政专营与垄断等问题进行深入分析,并提出自己的观点和一些建议。

    This paper makes a penetrating analysis on the effect and application of the postal law , universal service and the mechanism of compensation , postal exclusive rights and monopoly etc. It expresses the author 's own point of view and puts forward some proposals .

  13. 文章提出法的效力等级划分的根据在于制定机关所代表人民利益的层次和范围,而衡量法的效力等级的具体标准则是制定机关的地位和立法权的性质。

    This article proposes the basis for classifying degrees of law lies in the levels and scope of people 's interests represented by legislative bodies whereas actual criteria for measuring the degrees of legal effect consists in the status of formulating bodies and nature of legislative power .

  14. WTO与反垄断法的域外效力&兼谈我国现状及对策

    WTO and Anti - Monopolization

  15. 从我国QDII法律监管看行政法的域外效力

    The Extraterritorial Effect of Administrative Law from the Perspective of Legal Supervision of China 's QDII System

  16. 本文以“GMRA”为主线,对场外证券回购合同制度及其在中国法上的效力展开了深入的探讨。

    This article is developed with " GMRA " as its masterstroke , making an in-depth research into the OTC securities repurchase agreement system as well as its force in China 's legal system .

  17. 论网络环境中知识产权法的法律效力

    The Law Effect on the Intellectual Property Rights under the Internet

  18. 论宣告死亡结果在刑事法中的效力

    On the Effect of the Declaration of Death In Criminal Law

  19. 反垄断法的域外效力与适用刍议

    Discussion on Application outside the Country in the Antimonopoly Law

  20. 国际空间法的正向效力与反向谋划研究

    Research on Positive Functions and Reverse Designs of the International Space Law

  21. 《关贸总协定》第二十条囚犯产品的例外支持劳动法的域外效力。

    Exception of products of prison labor in article 20 supports extraterritoriality of labor standard .

  22. 论保险代位权的效力反垄断法的域外效力与适用刍议

    ON the Enforcement of Insurance Subrogation Discussion on Application outside the Country in the Antimonopoly Law

  23. 最高法院对待法令的态度很难提高《国家环境政策法》的效力。

    The Supreme Court 's attitude toward that statute can hardly have increased NEPA 's effectiveness .

  24. 结合中国实际,深入研究我国破产法的域外效力问题,具有重要的理论与实践意义。

    Researches on the extraterritorial effect of insolvency combined with Chinese situation are valuable to both theory and practice .

  25. 第三部分比较了估计可装货日期和解约日在英国法中的效力与受载期限在中国法中的效力。

    The third section compares the date expected ready to load and cancelling date under English law with the laydays under Chinese law .

  26. 该等禁止或无法执行并不导致本协议的其他条款无效,也不影响该条款在任何其他法域的效力和可执行性。

    That does not invalidate the remaining provisions of this Deed nor affect the validity or enforceability of that provision in any other jurisdiction .

  27. 所谓反垄断法的域外效力,是指作为国内法的反垄断法适用于该国主权范围之外的情况。

    When it comes to the exterritorial effect of antimonopoly law , it means that a native anti-monopoly law can be effective beyond the territory .

  28. 正文第一章运用法的维度、法的相对效力概念与法的运动原理,对法的效力与法的时间效力的概念进行界定。

    Using the concepts of legal latitude and relative validity and the theory of legal movement , the first chapter defines validity and limitation of law .

  29. 其次,提出了既判力究竟是实体法上的效力还是程序法上的效力的疑问,并给出了自己的回答。

    Secondly , what is proposed res judicata effect on the substantive law or procedural law on the effectiveness of the doubt , and give the question finally .

  30. 国际私法赖以存在的基础是涉外民商事关系中承认外国法的域外效力,并根据冲突规范的指引而适用外国法。

    The existence of private international law is the basis of international civil and commercial relationship in the recognition of foreign extraterritorial effect of conflict rules , and according to the guidelines and the application of foreign law .