
  • 网络law enforcement
  1. 对道德的法律强制之正当性及实现途径的思考

    Thoughts on the Appropriateness of Compulsory Law Enforcement of Ethics

  2. 我们的政府正在通过积极的教育、治疗和法律强制手段帮助家长对付这个问题。

    Our government is helping parents confront this problem with aggressive education , treatment , and law enforcement .

  3. 法律强制父母送子女入学。

    The law obliges parents to send their children to school .

  4. 法律强制公司支付给雇员适当的工资。

    The law obliges companies to pay decent wages to their employees .

  5. 通常情况下,该比例将由法律强制规定。

    The ratios are , generally , fixed by law .

  6. 参加社会保险是法律强制规定的。

    Law sets attend a society to be sure compulsively .

  7. 第三,道德的法律强制执行问题。

    Thirdly , as to the enforcement of morals .

  8. 法律强制公司发给员工合理的工资。

    Companies to pay reasonable wages to their employees .

  9. 哪些道德规范可以进行法律强制?

    Which codes of morality can be enforced ?

  10. 两个或多个人达成的一致,尤其是受法律强制的。

    A binding agreement between two or more persons especially one enforceable by law .

  11. 法律强制理论研究

    Study of the Imperative Theories of Law

  12. 这也就意味着民事调解书和民事判决书的不同,民事调解书在具有法律强制力的同时,还具有明确的契约性。

    This means that the civil mediation document is different from the civil verdict document .

  13. 可由法律强制实施的民事契约。

    A civil contract enforceable by law .

  14. 更好的帮助传达法律强制。

    Help law enforcement communicate better .

  15. 人格权就是以这些精神利益为基础而依法产生的权利,它体现了法律强制力对自然人人格利益的保护。

    The right of personality shows the protection for the interests of personality from legal coercion .

  16. 道德的法律强制探析

    On the Compulsory Property of Moral

  17. 不过,它要得到很好地遵循还有赖于国家法律强制力作后盾。

    Though highly authoritative in the CPA craft , its effective performance is upheld by national law .

  18. 论密尔和德富林关于道德的法律强制理论

    On the Force Theory about the Ethical Law of J · S · Mill and P · Devlin

  19. 运用了行政约束、法律强制、精神动员等多元化的政策工具。

    It makes use of the many policy tools of administrative constraints , law enforcement and spiritual mobilization .

  20. 并且详细阐述了行业协会规章取得法律强制力的几种形式。

    In the end some forms of the compulsion by law of the autonomy regulation of the guilds were elaborated .

  21. 次级债是指根据当事人约定或者法律强制规定,在一定的情势下,部分债权人清偿顺序位于某些或全部其他债权之后的债权。

    Subordination means some creditors can be paid after the other creditors under certain circumstances by their terms or by law .

  22. 保密的讯息必需在得到病患同意或是法律强制的前提下,才能予以公开。

    Confidential information can only be disclosed if the patient gives explicit consent or if expressly provided for in the law .

  23. 在这一轮论战中,德夫林对法律强制执行道德问题的正当性进行了阐述。

    In this round of the debate , Devlin described that it was right to enforce the law to moral issues .

  24. 但这是一份反映意愿总体趋同的谅解备忘录,而非任何具有法律强制力的协议。

    But this is a memorandum of understanding , expressing a general convergence of wills , rather than any legally enforceable agreement .

  25. 第四,确认私了的效力但是私了协议并不具有决定的请求法律强制执行的效力。

    Fourth , compounding the effect of recognition agreement , but compounding the request does not have decided the effectiveness of law enforcement .

  26. 最后,还要赋予民间规则一定的法律强制力,以保证调处协议的执行。

    Last but not least , legal obligation should be attached to folk rules to make sure conciliation results to be carried out .

  27. 轧差可采用不同的方式进行,这些方式在一方丧失清偿能力的情况下,其法律强制轧差的程度不尽相同。

    Netting may take several forms which have varying degrees of legal enforceability in the event of default of one of the parties .

  28. 信用卡付款,基本上是被法律强制的,所以绝不会被勾销,除非你破产到名誉扫地。

    Charge card payments are , in the main , enforced under the law so are not able to be shed except by bankruptcy .

  29. 合同是二人或多人之间为在相互问设定合法义务而达成的具有法律强制力的协议。

    A contract is an agreement between two or more persons intended to create a legal obligation between them and to be legally enforceable .

  30. 其中很多都必须采用允许以后进行审计的方式处理(某些情况下,这是法律强制要求的做法)。

    Many of them must be handled in a way that allows later auditing , and in some cases , this is legally required .