
  • 网络Ego State;Parent ego state
  1. 因此,本文基于TA视角下的游戏、人生定位、自我状态等概念,探索这些因素与人际交往和心理幸福感的关系。

    Therefore , this article will explore the relationship among ― game ‖, life position and ego state which are the basic concept in Transactional Analysis with the interpersonal relationship and psychological well being .

  2. 大学生的功能性自我状态与应付方式之间存在显著的相关。

    There is s a significant correlation between College Students ' ego state and coping styles .

  3. 我们可以通过催眠建议,内引导,内调节,或者自我状态治疗。

    We can do this by Hypnotic Suggestions , Inner Guidance , Inner Mediation or Ego States Therapy .

  4. 再者,适当自我状态在生活压力与身心健康之间,扮演着缓和的角色,可以减少生活压力对身心健康所造成的不良影响。

    Furthermore , ego state plays a mitigating role between stress and health , it can reduce the harmful effect stress has on health .

  5. 我不认为这是缺点,这就是我真实的生命状态。相反,我非常享受这样的自我状态。

    I consider it as a reflection of my real life state rather than a disadvantage , and in opposite , I quite enjoy it .

  6. 按照他们对文化的动态本质的理解和揭示,文化认同从来都不是一种实现了或者说是完成了的一种自我状态。

    According to their dynamic understanding and interpretation of culture , cultural identity was never in an " achieved " or " finished " state .

  7. 伯恩的自我状态(概念)深受弗洛伊德的本我、自我和超我概念的影响,虽然这些概念并不完全与之相对应。

    Berne 's ego states are heavily influenced by Freud 's id , ego and superego , although they do not precisely correspond with them .

  8. 容格的纯自我状态等同于我们与现实本身直接接触时的状况么?

    WIE : Would Jung 's pure ego state be equivalent to a condition where we were in touch with reality directly as it is ?

  9. 被试分为各方面表现优异和不佳的两组,用于比较两组高中生可能自我状态的差异。

    They are devided into a good group and a bad group according to their behavioral performance in order to compare the difference of the two groups of students'state of PSs .

  10. 目前中医疗法临床疗效评价以医疗评价(ClinicianBasedOutcome,CBO)为主,缺少对患者病情与自我功能状态的客观化定量评价。

    The evaluation of clinical curative effect of TCM therapies gives priority to Clinician Based Outcome ( CBO ), which lacks of objective quantitative evaluation on patients ' condition and functional status .

  11. 维持胚胎干细胞自我更新状态的分子信号途径

    Molecular Signaling Pathway for Maintaining Self - renewal of Embryonic Stem Cells

  12. 这种失去自我的状态在语文教育中的表现尤为突出。

    This ego-losing phenomenon is especially conspicuous in Chinese literature and language education .

  13. 她的作品主要通过描写妇女的婚姻、自我的状态来揭示当时妇女的生存困境。

    Her works focus on the predicament of women by revealing their states of marriage and selfhood .

  14. 结果:宜昌市农村居民的两周患病率为12.49%,住院率为12.17%,对两周患病率的主要影响因素为婚姻状况、饮食习惯及自我感觉状态;

    Results The two week prevalence rate was 12.49 % , and the annual hospitalization rate was 12.17 % .

  15. 每一位真正的导师都同样处在某种经久不息的自我实现状态,但他们的外在性格却不尽相同。

    All true Gurus are alike in the fact that they exist in a constant state of self-realization , but external characteristics differ .

  16. 本研究旨在探讨大学生生涯发展状况与自我认定状态之间的关系。

    The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between career development status and ego identity status for college students in Taiwan .

  17. 杀子主题在蕴涵了人类自远古以来就积淀的心理模式的同时,更是特殊历史境遇下同一主体两种自我分裂状态的一种隐寓。

    While containing mankind 's immemorial psychological mode , kill the sub theme is a metaphor about the two division of oneself in special historical circumstances .

  18. 如果没有这样的安全保障,人们就回到原始的恐惧和自我防卫状态,每个邻居都是对另一个人生产的东西准备掠夺的潜在敌人。

    Without such security men are reduced to a primitive life of fear and self-defense , with every neighbor a potential enemy ready to plunder what another has produced .

  19. 处于从依赖心理逐步走向自我独立状态,从自我意识不足到强烈的个性张扬的心理转型过渡阶段。

    Be placed in from dependence mental state gradually alignment ego independent status , from ego consciousness shortage arrive strong of the personality make open of mental state transformation transition period .

  20. 社会的进步,使人们对自我生存状态的关注越来越高,在很大程度上,人们在闲暇时的生活质量决定着生命的质量。

    The progress of the society makes people pay more and more attention to their living state . The living quality in their free time determines their life quality to a certain extent .

  21. 恢复生态是在群落演替理论指导下,通过物理、化学、生物的技术手段,控制待恢复生态系统的演替过程和发展方向,恢复或重建生态系统的结构和功能,并使系统达到自我维持状态。

    Restoration is under the guide of theory in which ecosystems ' succession process and development were controlled by physical , chemical and biological methods and then ecosystems ' structure and function were restored .

  22. 当然,你在胃肠努力搅拌一个腊肠馅饼、一磅辣鸡翅和半个椰子鲜奶油派的时候,的确很难进入超越自我的状态。

    It only stands to reason that you 'll have trouble gliding lightly into transcendence when your guts are struggling to churn through a sausage calzone , a pound of buffalo wings and half a coconut cream pie .

  23. 所以在剧烈的竞赛中必须随机应变地调节和自我控制心理状态。

    One must adjust and control his psychology in intense competition .

  24. “绵延”是生命的本质,也是自我的意识状态。

    ' continuity'is the essence of life and self consciousness .

  25. 而作为邻邦的中国由于历史上的种种原因以及自我封闭的状态,使得设计的发展相对较迟。

    While the design in China is relatively slow due to historical reasons and isolation .

  26. 自我的统一状态是人格健康程度的标志。

    Thirdly , the integrating state of self is the symbol of the degree of personality healthiness .

  27. 新的主板系统将具有性能稳定可靠的无线通讯系统,可以实现机器人小车的自我测试以及状态反馈。

    The new system has stable wireless communication system , and realize self-testing and feedback the state of the robot .

  28. 我赞同这种的看法:当代社会的民族文化不可能在自我封闭的状态下得到发展。

    Im with the view that in this modern world , the culture of any nation cannot develop in isolation .

  29. 他是如何知道我处在自我放任的状态呢?也许,他有幸能用自己的心去看,那才是真正的视力。

    How did he know of my self-indulged plight ? Perhaps from his heart , he 'd been blessed with true sight .

  30. 研究结果表明,实际&应该自我差异与状态焦虑、特质焦虑、惧怕否定评价和自动思维均呈显著相关;

    The result showed : the actual - ought self discrepancy has very strong correlation to SAI , TAI , FNE and ATQ .