
zì bēi xīn lǐ
  • inferiority complex
  1. 地方高校特点造成的自卑心理;

    The inferiority complex caused by local university s characteristic ;

  2. 试析洪秀全的自卑心理和性格特征

    Hong Xiuquan 's Inferiority Complex and Character Trait

  3. 浅谈体育教学中学生自卑心理形成的原因与矫治对策

    Analysis and Improvement of Students ' Inferiority Complex in Physical Education

  4. 高校贫困生自卑心理成因及解决方法

    Causes and Solution of Inferiority Complex among the Poor College Students

  5. 学生自卑心理成因及其对策

    The Reasons for Students ′ Sense of Inferiority and the Countermeasures

  6. 大学生自卑心理特点

    On College Students ' Psychological Characteristics of the Sense of Inferiority

  7. 趣味田径游戏对自卑心理治疗的效能性研究

    Research on Effectiveness of Funny Athletics Games on Group Treating Self-Abasement

  8. 师专学生的自卑心理及其防治

    The College Students ' Sense of Inferiority and Its Cure

  9. 青少年创造方面的自卑心理及其对策分析

    On Teenagers ' Sense of Self - inferiority in Creation

  10. 自我意识与自卑心理&夏洛蒂·勃朗特与她的小说

    Feminine Consciousness and Inferiority Complex in Charlotte Bronte 's Novels

  11. 大学生人际关系与自卑心理的研究

    A Study on Interpersonal Relations and Inferiority of College Students

  12. 贾平凹创作的自卑心理层面探源

    An Analysis of Psychological Inferiority in Jia Ping-ao 's Works

  13. 团体咨询&提高自卑心理大学生人际交往能力的有效途径

    Group Counseling & the Effective Way to Improve Interpersonal-relations of Self-contempt Undergraduates

  14. 团体心理咨询对大学生自卑心理影响的实验研究

    An empirical study of class psychological consultancy and undergraduates self-contempt

  15. 二是在面对他者与自我关系时,应采取平等对话姿态,而文化自卑心理是研究者忽视王氏悲剧观本土特征的另一重要原因。

    Second , the sense of cultural inferiority is another important reason .

  16. 大专生自卑心理分析及对策

    Analyses and Countermeasures of Self-abased Mentality of Junior College Students

  17. 自卑心理比较严重以及对未来的事情过于担心等方面。

    Serious inferiority and too worrying about the future .

  18. 先秦女性自卑心理产生原因探析

    Causes of Women 's Inferiority Complex in Pre-Qin Period

  19. 普通高校自考助学学生自卑心理研究

    A Study on the Inferiority of Self-teaching College Students

  20. 元认知在克服自卑心理中的应用

    The Application of Metacognition in Overcoming Low Self-esteem

  21. 中职生自卑心理与应对方式的相关研究

    A Research on Inferiority Complex of Middle Vocational School Students And Some Coping Styles

  22. 从心理的角度看,勃朗特对于自身的外表不美有着一种挥之不去的自卑心理。

    Psychologically , Bronte has a constant feeling of inferiority over her physical plainness .

  23. 自卑心理研究综述

    A Comprehensive Account of Inferiority Complex Study

  24. 浅析高校图书馆员的自卑心理及对策师专学生自卑心理问题研究

    Study on Inferiority Complex of College Students

  25. 鸿渐也每见她一次面,自卑心理就像战时物价又高涨一次。

    Whenever Hung-chien met her , his feelings of inferiority rose like wartime commodity prices .

  26. 调查表明,当今许多大学生产生的自卑心理障碍,其原因极为复杂。

    The investigation shows that the causes for the inferiority complex are complicated at present .

  27. 人际关系中妒忌心的产生通常表明其中一方有自卑心理。

    Jealousy within a relationship is usually symptomatic of low self-esteem in one of the partners .

  28. 学生应通过自我教育和学校教育克服自卑心理,全面提高自身的调适能力。

    Students should overcome self-abased mentality and comprehensively improve their adaptability through personal and school education .

  29. 大学生的自卑心理

    Inferiority Feelings of College Student

  30. 文章就自卑心理产生的原因、危害及教育对策作简要论述。

    The article discusses briefly the reasons 、 harm and the educational countermeasures of sense of inferiority .