
  • 网络reality check;reality testing;reality test
  1. 阿拉巴马大学(UniversityofAlabama)研究人员2012年的一项研究指出,来自能提供现实检验的同事的支持是战胜职场中冒名顶替者恐惧的最佳方法之一。

    Support from colleagues who can provide a reality check is one of the best ways to combat imposter fears at work , says a 2012 study by researchers at the University of Alabama .

  2. 在2000年美国股市泡沫破裂后,这种方法似乎通过了重要的现实检验。

    This approach appeared to pass an important reality check following the bursting of the US equity bubble in 2000 .

  3. 第三部分是对前述理论探讨的现实检验,主要运用了深度访谈的方法。

    The third part is a test of the theoretical research mentioned above using the method of depth interview .

  4. 目前仅凭外部观察难以判断这一大胆设想是否经受住了现实检验。

    Now , viewed from the outside , it is hard to tell whether the reality matches this bold hype .

  5. 依据我的经验,大多数员工会感谢这种现实检验,现如今的千禧一代事实上还会做此要求。

    My experience is that most employees appreciate this reality check , and today 's ' Millennials ' practically demand it .

  6. 该报告警告称:这些目标需要现实的检验。

    A reality check is needed , the report warns .

  7. 不过,现实的检验已经准备就绪。

    A reality check is , however , in order .

  8. 谢谢阅读《现实的检验》。我希望你们改变世界。

    Thank you for reading Reality Check . I hope you change the world .

  9. 本文旨在说明先买权是否当采法定制,其效力如何,并附带指出我国相关立法之不足。文中结论是在主要制度约束条件下得出的,其科学性尚需实证调查现实之检验。

    The conclusion is reached under the bonding conditions of the principal institutions and still needs to be tested in practice .

  10. 因此,如何圆满的解释封闭式基金之谜,成为了标准金融理论与行为金融理论哪个理论更符合现实的检验工具之一。

    Thus , how to explain close-end fund puzzles has been a tool that is used for test which theory is close to reality .

  11. 借助于煤矿企业知识活动的直接调查数据,验证性因子分析可以对理论模型提供现实性检验。

    The CFA may provide the reliable tool to check theory model based on the first-hand data from knowledge activities conducted in mine industry in China .

  12. 若你一直这么认为却又不动声色,突然间以现实来检验其真伪,后果会很危险(事实上是灾难性的)。

    If you have always suspected as much but kept quiet about it , it would be very dangerous - disastrous in fact - suddenly to put it to the test .

  13. 伴随着高等教育的改革与发展,高校校园内的突发性事件也偶有产生,这既是对高校的改革与发展,特别是学校管理工作的冲击,也是对高校思想政治教育的成效非常现实的检验。

    With the reformation and development of higher education , college campus emergencies also occasionally happens . It is the reformation and development of higher education institutions , especially the management of the school , but also the university ideological and political education effectiveness is very realistic test .

  14. 这些是教科书式的解决方案,无法通过现实世界的检验。

    They are textbook solutions that fail the real-world test .

  15. 好,让我们来做一个现实性的检验。

    All right , so let 's just do a reality check here .

  16. 另外,由于数据的缺失,本文得出的结论也难以通过现实数据进行检验。

    In addition , because data is missing , this conclusion is also difficult to pass the real test of the data .

  17. 好想法必须从白板上走下来,接受现实世界的检验,展示出可行性。

    The big idea has to be translated from the white board on to a real world test bed to demonstrate that the idea is feasible .

  18. 事实上,自从马克思主义诞生以来,唯物史观就一直在接受社会现实生活的检验,就一直在寻求理论上的发展和创新。

    In fact , since the birth of Marxism , Materialist conception of history has been confronted with the examination of social reality , has been seeking theoretical development and innovation .

  19. 前卫的现实地形图的检验

    Check of the Topographic Map On Reality

  20. 大学教育的价值继续在现实世界中得到检验。

    The value of a college education continues to be examined in the real world .

  21. 在加州大学洛杉矶分校,加布里埃尔正在通过现实案例帮助学生检验和理解各种理论。

    At UCLA , Prof. Gabriel is using real-world examples to help students test and understand theories .