
xiàn chǎnɡ kān chá
  • Site investigation;crime scene investigation, spot-checking
  1. 高灵敏度X射线荧光法现场勘查金矿

    A high sensitive X-ray fluorescence method for prospecting gold deposits in-situ

  2. 通过航片解译和现场勘查等工作建立的滑坡因素空间分布数据库是建立滑坡GIS分析模型的重要环节。

    The construction of landslide distribution database is a key step in GIS based landslide hazard analysis .

  3. 将X荧光测量原理与金矿地球化学理论相结合,本文建立了多参数X荧光测量现场勘查金矿技术。

    Combining the XRF analysis principle with the theory of geochemistry for prospecting gold , XRF in situ geochemical prospecting gold technique with multi parameters has been developed .

  4. 对改进现场勘查课教学的几点思考

    Several Thoughts on Improving the Teaching of Crime Scene Investigation Lessons

  5. 交通事故现场勘查中车轮图像的自动搜索

    Vehicle Tire Image Automatic Search in the Traffic Accident Scene Investigation

  6. 现场勘查,在刑事执法活动中具有较强的普遍性。

    Crime scene investigation is a common activity in criminal enforcement .

  7. 木材加工企业因摩擦热引起火灾的现场勘查

    On-the-spot Investigation of Fires Caused by Friction in Wood Processing Enterprise

  8. 浅谈空调机火灾现场勘查与鉴定

    Discussion on-the-spot investigation and technical determination of the air conditioner fire

  9. 论涉嫌犯罪现场勘查的法律性质

    On the legal quality of the on-the-spot survey into suspected crimes

  10. 按需投入精干、内行&谈凶杀案件现场勘查中技术人员的投入原则

    A Discussion about Devotion Principle of Technicians into Perambulating Murder Scene

  11. 道路交通事故现场勘查快速测绘系统的研究

    Research on Fast Surveying and Mapping System for Road Traffic Accident

  12. 论现场勘查主体的证据意识

    On Sense of Evidence for the Subject of On-the-spot Investigation

  13. 基于建构主义的犯罪现场勘查课程教学模式

    Exploring Teaching Pattern of Crime Scene Investigation Based on Constructivism

  14. 谈室外现场勘查中发现和确定足迹的重要性

    The Importance of Finding and Determing Footprints in Outdoor Crime Scene Investigation

  15. 浅谈犯罪现场勘查课的分段教学法

    Using Phase Teaching Method to Teach the Subject of Crime Scene Investigation

  16. 对攀爬式入室盗窃案件及现场勘查的分析

    Characteristics of Climbing-style Burglary Cases and the Focus on Crime Scene Investigation

  17. 论模拟现场勘查教学的规范化、系统化与现代化

    On Regularization , Systematization and Modernization of Simulated Teaching of scene investigation

  18. 现场勘查在犯罪案件侦查中的作用

    Function of Spot Investigation in the Process of Criminal Detection

  19. 唯物辩证法在现场勘查中的应用

    Application of Materialist Dialectics to Investigation at the Crime Scene

  20. 阐述了石油库事故调查的目的,提出了事故调查的程序及事故现场勘查的方法和步骤。

    The aim , methods and procedure of accident investigation are described .

  21. 文书在现场勘查工作中具有十分重要的作用。

    Documents play an important role in the investigation at the scene .

  22. 应用立体视觉的交通事故现场勘查系统

    The Traffic Accident Scene Investigation System by Applying Stereo Vision

  23. 根据这一认识,我们有选择地进行现场勘查。

    Based on this understanding , we have chosen to conduct on-site investigations .

  24. 现场勘查与现场心理分析

    Scene investigation and on - the - spot psychoanalysis

  25. 现场勘查中心理痕迹分析研究

    Studying Analysis of Mental Trace in Crime Scene Investigation

  26. 设计了基于双目系统的交通事故现场勘查系统。

    The traffic accident scene investigation system based on binocular stereovision is designed .

  27. 单层钢屋架建筑火灾倒塌后现场勘查技术研究

    Research on field investigation after collapse in fire of monolayer steel frame building

  28. 关于现场勘查定义的商榷和思考

    On Discussing and Thinking about Investigation of the Site

  29. 数字摄影测量在交通事故现场勘查中的应用

    Application of Digital Photogrammetry in Surveying and Mapping of the Traffic Accident Site

  30. 凸显犯罪现场勘查主体基本意识的重要性

    The Importance of Strengthening the Basic Corpus Consciousness of Investigation at Criminal Scene