
  • 网络Modern Christianity in Thought and Popular Culture
  1. 当然这些思想已成为现代基督教的基石。

    These ideas have of course become the bedrock of modern Christianity .

  2. 希望的末世论&现代基督教末世论述评

    The Eschatology of Hope ── The Remark on the Eschatology of Modern Christianity

  3. 现代基督教可以说是社会、政治与科学发展的附属物,因此马克库罗奇先生对描写这部分所遇到的困难,处理得非常到位。

    Mr MacCulloch copes better with the challenges of writing about modern Christianity , relegated to the margins of social , political and scientific developments .

  4. 自然神学是现代基督教神学研究的热门话题之一,本文试图从古典的语境发掘这个主题的现代性启示。

    In this paper , we try to find the modem significance of natural theology out in the classical context , which focus on Cicero and Augustine .

  5. 事实上,以为保罗与耶稣在世时认识他的门徒们处得很好,这一现代基督教的观念,根本不能从保罗自己的信中得到证实。

    Indeed , the modern Christian notion that Paul was on good terms with the disciples who had known Jesus in his lifetime is simply not borne out in Paul 's own letters .

  6. 这一事例对现代泛基督教主义运动是个启示。

    This example has been an inspiration to the modern Ecumenical Movement .

  7. 不可否认,现代的基督教为当今麻烦重重的世界做出了许多有益的事,但它有一段充满欺骗和暴力的历史。

    Nobody could deny the enormous good the modern Church did in today 's troubled world , and yet the Church had a deceitful and violent history .

  8. 现在如果你不同意这种解读,如果你是个虔诚的正统基督徒,你应该不同意那种解读,因为那不是现代的基督教正统学说。

    Now if you disagreed with that interpretation , and if you 're a good orthodox Christian you should disagree with that interpretation because that 's not now Christian orthodoxy .

  9. 笔者在这里论述基督教对于韩国传统社会向现代化社会转型过程中所发挥的重要作用,并分析现代韩国基督教本色化成功之后面临的新的问题和挑战。

    The author discusses that Christianity plays an important role in the Korean transition process from traditional society to a modern one , and modern South Korean Christianity has to face new problems and challenges after its successful indigenization .

  10. 后现代语境下基督教文化形态的基本特征

    The Basic Features of Christian Culture Patterns in Post-modern Context

  11. 中国现代作家与基督教文化

    Modern Chinese Writers and Christian Culture

  12. 对《圣经》语言、形象、结构等的借鉴,是中国现代文学受基督教影响的开端。

    The beginning of Christian influence on temporary Chinese Literature is the use of biblical language , image and structure , etc.

  13. 现代文学受基督教的影响,许多作家的作品中存在着强烈的忏悔意识。

    Under the influence of the Christian culture , a lot of modern writers expressed intense consciousness of repenting in their novels .

  14. 无论是五四文学启蒙中的基督教和二三十年代反殖民话语中的基督教,还是中国抗战时期的宗教救世和自救文学中的基督教,都是现代文学与基督教文化相联系的体现。

    The Christianity definitely indicated the link between modern literature and Christian culture , whether it was embodied in the May 4th literature enlighten and in the writing against colonialism between 1920s and 1930s .

  15. 中国现代文学与基督教文化关系研究是中国现代文学研究的重要组成部分,厘清它们之间的相互关系对于了解中国现代文学的发生、发展,以及价值深度都是有必要的。

    It is necessary to study the relationship between modern Chinese literature and Christian culture , and the study will promote the acknowledgement of the occurrence and development of modern Chinese literature , as well as its value .

  16. 以血缘关系为基础的少数民族传统宗教信仰以其浓厚的多神性、原始性、世俗性和民族性等特征,与一神性、普世性和现代性的基督教信仰形成了鲜明的对比。

    The minority ethnic religions have strong primitive character and polytheism because that base on the blood relationship . It formed significant differences with Christianity . Christianity has the characteristics about the faith of single divine and of universality and of modernity .

  17. 这包括在文学中对基督教会和教义的批判,还有在评论界批判否定西方文学中的基督教因素,在这一势态下,中国现代文学对基督教逐渐走向全面拒斥,相互影响关系中断。

    This part includes the criticism of Christian church and Christianity in literature works , and the negation of the literary reviewers to Christian factors . For the criticism , modern Chinese literature gradually rejects the Christian Culture completely , and the mutual influence relation between them is interrupted .

  18. 论近现代黔滇川基督教运动中的主体作用

    On the Effect of Main Part of Modern Christian Movement in Guizhou , Yunnan and Sichuan

  19. 现代汉语诗学与基督教

    Modern Chinese Poetics and Christianity

  20. 现代汉语诗学与基督教的研究,正是进行着这样一种开创性的尝试。

    The research in the relationship between modern Chinese poetics and Christianity is a pioneering attempt of that kind .

  21. 现代汉语诗学与基督教这一课题,具有重大的现实意义和学术意义。它是现当代中国思想史的一个重要子课题。

    The subject dealing with the relationship between modern Chinese poetics and Christianity is of great realistic and academic significance , which occupies a very important place in the modern and contemporary Chinese thought history .

  22. 希腊的异教世界不是现代的,而现代的基督教世界也不是希腊的。

    The Greek pagan world was not modern , and the modern Christian world is not Greek .