
  • 网络antiochus;Antioch
  1. 他常年担任安条克主教格里高利的助手,并曾经被拜占廷皇帝授予过前任执政官等荣誉头衔。

    He was the private assistant of Gregory , the patriarch of Antioch and even won the honorary title of ex-consulate .

  2. 另一位犹太领袖Menelaus,他的名字也在讲义上,似乎贿赂了安条克更多的钱,以获得大祭司的职位,赶Jason下台,但他出不了这么多钱。

    Menelaus , another leading Jew , his name is on your handout , seems to have offered Antiochus more money for the priesthood trying to get it away from Jason , and he couldn 't afford it .

  3. 他被称为四世,因为他是第四个叫安条克的。

    He 's called the IV obviously because he 's the fourth Antiochus .

  4. 指的是堕落的犹太人,违法了摩西五经,会与安条克狼狈为奸。

    That is , the bad Jews who have violated the Torah will be in cahoots with Antiochus .

  5. 塞琉古或者安条克,北方的王指的一定是塞琉西帝国。

    Seleucus or Antiochus , so whenever you see the King of the North it refers to one of the Seleucids .

  6. 这可能是贝勒尼基,她是安条克或塞琉古的女儿,嫁给了某个托勒密王。

    This may be Berenice because we know that she was a daughter of Antiochus or Seleucus , she was married to one of the Ptolemies .

  7. 安条克控制朱迪亚期间,许多犹太人在思虑,如何应对希腊化进程?

    While Judea , though , was under Antiochus control a lot of Jews tried to figure out how do you deal with this whole process of Hellenization ?

  8. 你不可能独自打败罗马,打败希腊,打败神选者安条克四世,但是上帝能。

    You can 't defeat all of Rome , you can 't defeat all of Greece , you can 't defeat Antiochus IV Epiphanes by yourself , but God can .

  9. 在古代很多城市,都叫安提阿,以表示对安条克的敬意,于是耶路撒冷改名为耶路撒冷安提阿。

    There are lots of different cities named Antioch in the ancient world , and they were all done in honor of some Antiochus , so Jerusalem was renamed Antioch of Jerusalem .

  10. 他还建立了希腊城邦,一种希腊城市结构,他甚至贿赂安条克,承认耶路撒冷是希腊城市。

    This & he also founded a Greek polis , that is as Greek city structure and Jason apparently paid Antiochus for the privilege of having Jerusalem recognized as a Greek city .

  11. 所以这个自称但以理的作者,聪明人,与当时其他犹太智者产生共鸣,说他们将反抗安条克四世,有些人甚至会因此而牺牲。

    So this author writing under the name of Daniel , a wise man , identifies other wise Jews of his own day and he says they 're going to oppose Antiochus IV and some of them will die because of it .