
ān quán chū kǒu
  • emergency opening;fire escape;Emergency exit;safety exit
  1. 安全出口,请保持通畅

    " Fire escape , asked to be cleared off obstruction . "

  2. 我看见有人在安全出口处。

    I saw some guy on the fire escape .

  3. 从“安全出口”标志下的那道门直穿过去。

    Go straight through that door under the EXIT sign

  4. 我们将多种人类行为引入基于Multi-Agent的疏散仿真系统(MASS)中来分析安全出口。

    Diverse human behavior has been incorporated into a Multi-Agent Simulation System ( MASS ) for Egress analysis .

  5. 该小组表示,如果把沈阳所有学校的安全出口LED指示灯都换成这种自发电门灯,一年就可节省约70万度电。

    If light-emitting diode ( LED ) lights were used with the invention at all entrances in Shenyang schools , about 700,000 kilowatt hours a year would be saved , the team said .

  6. 您已经了解如何在不能直接采用SSL或通道安全出口之类的强身份验证方法时锁定管理访问权限。

    You have seen how to lock down administrative access when strong authentication methods such as SSL or channel security exits are not immediately available .

  7. 安全出口标志灯距地高度不低于2m,且安装在疏散出口和楼梯口里侧的上方;

    Height of exit light is no less than2m and should be installed at escaping exit and upper parts of staircase .

  8. 疏散标志灯安装在安全出口的顶部,楼梯间、疏散走道及其转角处应安装在1m以下的墙面上。

    Escape legend should be installed on the top of safe exit and within1m on the wall of staircase , escaping corridor and corner .

  9. 正如上文所述,如果相应服务器连接通道上的安全出口发送了一个安全流,那么仅调用安全出口WebSphereMQ消息提供程序上安装的安全出口。

    As mentioned above , security exits installed on a WebSphere MQ messaging provider resource are only invoked if a security exit on the appropriate server connection channel sends a security flow .

  10. CHAD出口用来定制集群通道定义,为本地平台利用适当的语法指定安全出口。

    A CHAD exit is used to tailor the cluster channel definition to specify the security exit with the proper syntax for the local platform .

  11. 在选择它作为您的解决方案之前,要知道在WebSphereMQ集群通道上使用出口时,可能需要一个安全出口和一个通道自动定义(CHAD)出口。

    Before choosing this as your solution , be aware that when using exits on WebSphere MQ cluster channels , you will probably need both a security exit and a channel auto-definition ( CHAD ) exit .

  12. 老外觉得美国人使用的安全出口标志非常脑残&也就是说,远远比不上上世纪七十年代由日本设计师YukioOta设计的、广为人知的绿色跑步小人标志。

    Foreigners think the American exit sign is completely nuts & that is , inferior to the widely recognized , green-running-man symbol developed in the 1970s by Yukio Ota , a Japanese designer .

  13. 公共娱乐场所安全出口的设计

    The Designing of the Safety Exit in Public Place of Amusement

  14. 对拉工作面运输巷安全出口顶板管理实践

    Roof Management Practice on Transportation Lane Safety Exports in Opposite Pulling Faces

  15. 客人通过安全出口离开楼房。

    Guest used the fire escape to get out of the building .

  16. 留意安全出口和灭火器的位置。

    Note the location of fire exits and fire extinguishers .

  17. 详细讨论人员在安全出口的群集流动特性;

    The crowd-flowing specialty of people at safety exit was discussed particularly .

  18. 1988年,美国国会禁止了单方面的国家安全出口管制。

    In 1988 , the US Congress banned unilateral national security export controls .

  19. 安全出口必须明确、易认。

    Emergency Exit should be clearly identified and designated .

  20. 飞机上有几个安全出口。

    There are several emergency exits on the aircraft .

  21. 我想坐在机上安全出口处。

    I want to sit by the emergency exit .

  22. 长平台需设更多安全出口。

    Long platforms require more safety egress accesses .

  23. 安全出口能通过轮椅吗?

    Is the emergency exit suitable for wheelchairs ?

  24. 在最近的安全出口等待救火队的到达。

    Wait at the nearby safety exit for the fire fighting team to arrive .

  25. 一些安全出口标识无荧光或灯。

    Some exit signs are not illuminated .

  26. 商店里不设安全出口,使购物公众面临着巨大的潜在危险。

    The shop 's lack of fire exits exposed the general public to great potential danger .

  27. (三)不能保障疏散通道、安全出口畅通的。

    ( III ) Those who do not guarantee the evacuation passageway and safety exist unblocked .

  28. 在混合平台的集群中,需要通道自动定义出口在集群通道上实现安全出口。

    Channel auto-definition exits are required to implement security exits on cluster channels in a mixed-platform cluster .

  29. 荧光安全出口标志系统

    Photoluminescent exit marking system

  30. 当汽车开始进水的时候,你试图逃离的第一个安全出口就是车窗。

    As the vehicle begins to fill with water , the first exit to try is through a window .