
As the practitioner of such ideal , upper class encouraged the gentleman-scholar image to exerted influence on themselves and society as a whole .
The building was originally constructed as a hotel for upper crust springs society , but has long since been converted into offices for lawyers , accountants and such .
Efficient Route Algorithms for Constructing Higher-level Networks over WDM All-optical Networks
TN and TP contents in upper sediment were slightly higher than that in lower sediment , While the difference between the two layers was not significant ( p0.05 ) .
In the newspapers the elite simply argued with the elite .
Three : the upper building on the economic foundation .
According to Marxist hypostasis of art , art is a form of social consciousness , a superstructure based on economy .
Study on Intellectuals Different Decisions under High-handed Policy after Qin Unity ; In the newspapers the elite simply argued with the elite .
Base on these steps , the upper software is developed , afterward the testing of the basal function and the simulation about flying are accomplished .
The greater the vertical maximum gradient is , the more powerful its capability to block vertical heat diffusion from upper water layer to deep water layer .
Go to your boss and ask how they got to where they are today , and what advice they would have for how to advance your career .
There was an overpressure event in the upper-stage liquid oxygen tank , tweeted SpaceX CEO Elon Musk .
The TRAP system calling mechanism can ensure the system call could be preempted . The interface of kernel will meet the functional requirements of separation kernel and provide a foundation for the development of upper layer .
A controller of an automated storage and retrieval system ( ASRS ) under integrated manufacturing environment communicates not only with upper level controllers for receiving instructions or feeding back system status message , but also with the control unit of the stacker for transmitting control message .
Neurons in the upper layers of the superior colliculus have well-defined receptive fields .
This'box'is identical in shape and size to the one forming the higher level of the garden .
He was always an outsider & until he somehow slipped into the upper echelon of the Upper East Side .
The hardware system includes a industrial PC on the upper level and servo motors on the lower level connected by CAN bus .
Introducing talents is the emphasis of personnel administration in university and plays a great important role in accelerate the level of teaching and research .
In fact , significant vertical variations in the concentration of constituents including air bubbles are often observed in the surface ocean , especially in coastal waters .
But we need to clarify the relationship between the aristocrat class and the common people , which can also reflect the evolving process of the waist pits burial custom .
Based on the properties of the threshold movement of bottom mud due to progressive wave , a theoretical solution of bottom shear stress due to progressive wave action was derived , assuming the water as viscous fluid and the mud as visco-elastic medium .
The bottom is a layer called " silent majority " who lose the right to speak because of the low economic status , and the one whose spirit and survival are " suppressed "; simultaneity , the crowd the bottom refered to customarily move in different environments .
Our divisions are deep.Economic and geographic segregation has immunized those at the top from the problems of those down below .
This part of town is where the upper class live .
He also went equipped with all the standard upper-middle-class British prejudices about America and Americans , and the five days on the Atlantic did little to disabuse him .
Took controllers designed for subsystems as bottom controllers , upper coordinated controller was designed based on deeply analyzing the influences among suspension system , electric power steering system and braking system .
Is it not the purpose of meditation to dam up the energies on the higher levels , or to push them back and up , so as to enable the higher levels to prosper also ?
Experienced the primitive accumulation of wealth and resources of a large number of acquisition , the private economy was the rapid development of private entrepreneurs in the economic status not only gradually at the top of their group identity from the margins of society to be generally recognized .
The liquid drops on the tray is brought into the upper plate and the plate enrichment is decreased .