
  • 网络ascending infection
  1. 微生物可经多种途径入侵羊膜腔,其中最常见的是上行感染。

    The microbes invade into the amnion by many ways , the common way is ascending infection from the lower genital tract .

  2. 3例有上行性感染,但2例以抗菌素迅速治愈,另1例半年后因肾盂积水及无法控制的上行感染死亡。

    Ascending infection was occurred merely in 3 cases . Two of them were rapidly healed by antibiotic therapy , the other one died half year later due to hydronephrosis and uncontrolled ascending infection .

  3. 研究还显示放置宫内节育器可能为衣原体上行感染的易感因素之一。

    Intrauterine de-vice were found to be one of the risk factors in chlamydial infection .

  4. 方法将大肠杆菌注入小鼠膀胱后观察药物对细菌上行感染肾脏的抑制作用;

    Methods The kidneys were examined for the anti infectious action of BM on retrograde infection after injecting Escherichia coli into urocysts of mice .

  5. 沙眼衣原体生殖道感染与输卵管病理形态变化研究还显示放置宫内节育器可能为衣原体上行感染的易感因素之一。

    Relationship between chlamydial infection in female genital tract and pathology of fallopian tube Intrauterine de-vice were found to be one of the risk factors in chlamydial infection .

  6. 方法:将溶脲脲原体(UU)分别注入FasL转基因及野生型小鼠膀胱,模拟上行性感染的途径。

    METHODS : Ureaplasma urealyticum ( UU ) was directly injected into bladders of FasL transgenic mice and wild-type mice respectively , to mimick an ascending infection pathway .

  7. 采用小鼠膀胱上行性肾感染模型,研究积雪草甙抗菌作用的体内疗效。

    Mouse bladder ascending kidney infection model was used to evaluate in vivo antibacterial effect of asiaticoside .

  8. 哺乳期乳腺炎病因明确,多是由乳汁淤积和细菌侵入乳管并上行至腺小叶感染引起。

    The etiology of lactating mastitis is clear , it is often caused by the milk siltation and bacteria infection .