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ān jìng
  • quiet;peaceful;noiseless;still;quiet down;stillness;keep calm;tranquilize;hush
安静 [ān jìng]
  • [noiseless;peaceful;quiet;still] 没有声音,没有吵闹和喧哗

  • 周围安静极了,没有城市汽车的噪音,没有购货人流的喧嚣

安静[ān jìng]
  1. 请略微安静一点儿,这个要求过分吗?

    Is it too much to ask for a little quiet ?

  2. “坐下,安静点!”她命令道。

    ' Sit down and be quiet , ' she ordered .

  3. 我希望你会安静一会儿。

    I wish you 'd be quiet for a minute .

  4. 安静点,别把全家人都吵醒!

    Be quiet or you 'll wake the whole house !

  5. 幕启时,观众安静下来。

    As the curtain rose , the audience fell silent .

  6. 全班安静下来她便开始上课了。

    The class settled down and she began the lesson .

  7. 四周若再安静一些,我会干得更好。

    I would work better if I had some peace and quiet .

  8. 观众安静得连针落地的声音也听得见。

    The audience was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop .

  9. 警察一到,示威者便安静了下来。

    The demonstrators quieted down when the police arrived .

  10. 我工作时需要绝对的安静。

    I need absolute silence when I 'm working .

  11. 安静!他还没有讲完。

    Be quiet ! He hasn 't finished speaking .

  12. 安静,我有话要说。

    Be quiet , I have something to say .

  13. 他手一挥,屋子里便安静了下来。

    At a single motion of his hand , the room fell silent .

  14. “安静点!”老师说道。

    ' Be quiet , ' said the teacher .

  15. 他很有办法让孩子们安静下来。

    He 's very good at quieting the kids .

  16. 楼上很安静。他们一定在搞什么恶作剧。

    It 's very quiet upstairs ; they must be up to some mischief !

  17. 孩子们,站好,保持安静,不要交头接耳。

    Stand quietly , children , and try not to talk to your neighbour .

  18. 他生气地低声要他们安静点。

    He hissed at them to be quiet .

  19. 客人们即时安静了下来,期待着将要发生的事。

    An expectant hush fell on the guests .

  20. 考试正在进行,请安静。

    Please be quiet ─ examination in progress .

  21. 婴儿安静不下来。

    The baby wouldn 't settle .

  22. 我不想无礼,但请您安静一点儿好吗?

    I don 't wish to be rude , but could you be a little quieter ?

  23. 安静点儿!

    Will you be quiet !

  24. 安静,你这个臭娘儿们!

    Be quiet , woman !

  25. 那个班一上课总得过一会儿才能安静下来。

    It always takes the class a while to settle down at the start of the lesson .

  26. 林恩“嘘”了一声,让孩子们安静下来。

    Lyn shushed the children .

  27. 请安静!

    Quiet please !

  28. 房间很安静,无人主动提供更多的信息。

    The room was quiet ; no one volunteered any further information

  29. 他很安静,略有点害羞。

    He 's quiet and a bit on the shy side .

  30. 我记得她是个安静、勤奋并且谈吐优雅的女孩子。

    I remember her as a quiet , hard-working and well-spoken girl .